Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
118 - Messages from the Divine with Sara Wiseman - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
30/04/2018 Duration: 01h08minSara Wiseman returns to the parlor to talk about her brand new book, Messages from the Divine: Wisdom for the Seeker's Soul. And you won't want to miss the sequel to Sara's bat story, "The Lady with the Green Purse." Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Thanks for the Listener Feedback! Want to be a part of a future Listener Feedback Episode? Learn how by going to 1:33 Please subscribe to the show! 2:32 Don’t forget to listen to the end for the #Paranerd Hashtag! 3:08 Sara Wiseman’s Bio! 3:25 Welcome, Sara! 5:08 Sara’s first interview (Ep. 15) on The Big Seance Podcast! Remembering the bat story! 7:15 Coming full circle from Writing the Divine to Messages from the Divine. 15:25 Martini in the parlor! 16:52 Where do the channeled messages come from? 18:28 From Merlin, the spirit guide, to a collective of beings. 21:20 Light vs. Dark. How do you know who you’re communicating with? 22:05 How to use the book and who is it for? 24:24 A new S
117 - Marty Rosenblatt on Consciousness, Precognition, and Remote Viewing - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
13/04/2018 Duration: 01h08minMarty Rosenblatt organizes Intuitive Investing and Applied Intuition Workshops teaching Associative Remote Viewing (ARV) for predicting future event-outcomes, and he’s the President and COO of the Applied Precognition Project (APP). Learn what souls, telepathy and precognition have in common, and why "Consciousness is Fundamental." Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:14 Remembering Guy Lyon Playfair (1935 - 2018) 1:49 Marty Rosenblatt’s Bio & pouring the tea (or scotch on the rocks) 7:02 Consciousness and what Souls, Telepathy, and Precognition have in common. 11:44 The Universe of Collective Consciousness (UCC) 14:58 More on Souls and “Now Moments” 16:53 Zero Point Energy 22:55 Remote Viewing, Joe McMoneagle, and the Feedback Session 28:10 Could we say that the Akashic Records and the Universe of Collective Consciousness are the same thing? 35:00 Space and Time, Energy, and Vibration 36:54 Extraterrestrials (ET) 40:10 Marty’s early work and getting to work
116 - The Haunted Orphanage at Belvoir Winery - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
26/03/2018 Duration: 01h20minCoverage of Patrick’s road trip and overnight stay at the haunted Odd Fellows Home Orphanage, now known as Belvoir Winery! Plus an in-person interview from the The 1900 Room of Belvoir, with owner Jesse Leimkuehler, who shares some of the history and hauntings, and isn’t afraid to dish about the behind the scenes secrets from the Ghost Hunters and Ghost Adventures investigations! For more info visit In this episode: Intro :00 Come along with me on a road trip to Belvoir Winery (aka The Odd Fellows Home) in Liberty, Missouri! :46 Tiptoeing around late at night. 2:01 Meet Jesse Leimkuehler, owner of Belvoir Winery! We recorded in The 1900 Room at Belvoir. It was my first in-person interview with real beverages! 5:52 Patrick’s previous experiences with Belvoir and what’s changed since then! It’s now a beautiful Inn as well! 6:53 Purchasing the Odd Fellows Home property and the long journey of renovation. 8:45 The style and design of Belvoir Winery and the Inn. 11:10 The orphanage and some of th
115 - Mitchell Coombes, Australia's Favorite Medium - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
08/03/2018 Duration: 01h18minPatrick sits down with Australia's favorite psychic medium, Mitchell Coombes, about his book Sensing Spirit, and what it's like to receive messages from the Other Side! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:35 What do you think about the sneak peek/teasers at the beginning of the episodes? We went old school today, just for Mitchell, who was a fan of the "old" sneak peek/teaser. 2:08 Mitchell gave me an unexpected reading when my late grandfather showed up! 3:36 Welcome to the parlor, Mitchell Coombes! The Bio! 5:10 Reading tea leaves (or coffee?) 6:35 Spiritualism in Australia, “Skeptics” regarding mediumship, and stories of passing on messages of love from the Other Side. 9:05 How does Mitchell’s mediumship work? 19:41 Seeing “green people” from the age of three 22:38 Soul Prints and Mitchell’s Near Death Experience 25:38 Red Feather, one of Mitchell’s guides 29:16 Mitchell does a lot of gallery style readings. How does he deal with all that pressure? 36:39 The Sp
114 - Phantasmagoria Photography with Corey Schjoth - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
26/02/2018 Duration: 01h05minCorey Schjoth of Phantasmagoria Photography shares his passion for historic and haunted landscapes, as well as his inspiration, infrared photography, and his favorite locations! Be sure to check the show notes at for photos that are discussed in this episode. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:16 Welcome Corey Schjoth to the parlor! His bio! 1:49 Pouring Corey some coffee 4:20 What does "phantasmagoria" mean, anyway? 5:30 Corey’s contemporary but genuine approach to photography 7:27 From an instamatic as a kid to photo journalism 9:38 Formal training vs. learn as you go 11:06 Before the shift to historic and haunted landscapes, Corey’s photography focused on photo journalism and documentary photography 13:45 Inspiration from British photographer, Simon Marsden 16:17 Infrared Photography 18:10 Some of the cool places Corey has visited (Castle Frankenstein, Henderson Castle, Bachelor Grove Cemetery) 23:50 McPike Mansion in Alton, Illinois 25:37 After the Final Curtain and the photograp
113 - The Ghost Studies with Brandon Massullo - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
01/02/2018 Duration: 01h03minWhat is a ghost? And what causes a haunting? Parapsychologist Brandon Massullo shares theories and perspectives from his new book, The Ghost Studies. Plus a discussion of Resonance, EMF, and Environmental Sensitivity! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :59 Please welcome Brandon Massullo to the parlor! 1:32 Pouring the tea (or scotch on the rocks) and an introduction of Brandon’s new book, The Ghost Studies: New Perspectives on the Origins of Paranormal Experiences. 2:28 The interesting childhood experience that got Brandon involved in the field of parapsychology 4:17 Brandon’s ideas on Bioenergetics and Human Electrical Fields 10:12 Resonance or synchronizing with matching frequencies 12:34 The theory that emotions and crisis events cause paranormal experiences 14:49 The accidental missile scare in Hawaii, Psi Hypothesis, and Random Number Generators. 15:53 The “God Helmet” and thoughts on the EMF (electromagnetic field/frequency) Meter. Is there a correlation be
112 - Astrology and What's Ahead for 2018 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
17/01/2018 Duration: 01h09minAstrologer Dena DeCastro returns to give us a forecast of what's ahead for 2018. Is synchronicity behind the sex scandals and other developing scandals and stories around the world? And two listeners receive their own readings! Visit for more info! Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :55 Astrologer Extraordinaire, Dena DeCastro stops by the parlor!! 1:30 Pouring the tea! 3:16 Reflecting back on 2016. Check out Episode 53, where Dena gave us our first forecast for the year 2016. Will things get better this year? 3:30 Our 2018 general forecast! Big shifts from Saturn and Uranus. 5:39 Thanks to Saturn, it’s a real “You reap what you sew” kind of year. 8:50 Uranus leaving Aries and moves into Taurus 12:45 “This would be the time, over the next eight years, for science to take it to the next step… the next level.” Plus changes in currency, Brexit, Bitcoin. 15:22 What do we need to do on
111 - Tim Prasil Returns with More Ghost Reports - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
30/12/2017 Duration: 01h17minA familiar voice returns to the show! Tim Prasil shares more ghost reports from the project that is now the book, Spectral Edition: Ghost Reports from U.S. Newspapers, 1865-1917. For more info visit In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :42 Welcome back, Tim Prasil! 1:15 Tim’s first appearance on the podcast was Episode #22 in 2014. More background on Tim and how the audio versions of his Spectral Edition reports became a regular segment here on The Big Seance Podcast for a few years. 1:50 The book! Spectral Edition: Ghost Reports from U.S. Newspapers, 1865-1917. 3:00 More background on how Tim’s work and how he and Patrick met. 4:29 The Stickney House. Can ghosts hide in rounded corners? 6:05 Ghost Stories 101! (Professor Prasil gets to teach a new class!) 10:43 The story of how the whole Spectral Edition project came about. 12:08 The straight forward way that ghost reports were often written in this time period. 16:45 The period around the Civil War opened a lot of minds about the pos
110 - Grief Dreams with Joshua Black - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
10/12/2017 Duration: 01h10minJoshua Black, one of the leading academic researchers of dreams and the deceased, talks to Patrick about grief dreams, including the categories of visitations and precognition. Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :38 You can now find the show in Spotify! How did YOU find us? Please let me know! 1:12 Welcome to our guest, Joshua Black! 2:20 Joshua had his first grief dream after his father’s death. He still has them regularly. 4:53 Researching Grief Dreams 8:00 Support for the bereaved, dogma, and being open to talking about grief dreams 11:13 Working with grieving children, dream recall, and more on dogma 14:55 Is it a Visitation Dream? The transformation that can take place after one of these dreams. Plus misinformation out there about interpreting dreams. 18:40 Our loved ones don’t always make an appearance in grief dreams. 26:55 Patrick shares his first visitation dream. Also, why do some people receive these dreams and some people never do? 28:55 Can a dream pre
109 - Annie Mattingley and the After Death Chronicles - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
22/11/2017 Duration: 58minAn interview with Annie Mattingley on her book, The After Death Chronicles: True Stories of Comfort, Guidance and Wisdom from Beyond the Veil. Even after the devastating loss of Annie's daughter, she continues to communicate with her from the Other Side. Visit for more info! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :26 Annie Mattingley’s bio 1:00 Pouring an iced peppermint tea with Annie! 2:16 Annie received praise from THE Dr. Raymond Moody for her book, The After Death Chronicles: True Stories of Comfort, Guidance and Wisdom from Beyond the Veil. 3:15 Annie’s story begins with the devastating loss of her daughter, Randi. Since then she has received regular communication from her. 4:40 The need for people to share stories of after death communication with others 9:25 Annie shares how she communicates with her daughter today. 10:44 How did this after death communication affect Annie’s grieving? Does heavy grief block communication? 12:24 Responding to people who believe after death communica
108 - Halloween Withdrawal and a LIVE Report from Trick-or-Treating - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
13/11/2017 Duration: 01h07minAre you suffering from Halloween Withdrawal? This episode, with a LIVE report from Trick-or-Treating and a special Faust family interview, will keep you engrossed in the holiday for just a bit longer before it's gone for another year! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :53 Do you ever experience Halloween Withdrawal? The season may be over, but we’re going to delay Halloween’s exit and enjoy it for just a bit longer! 1:26 LIVE Report from Trick-or-Treating on Halloween! 3:30 Dobby the House Elf 3:30 Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler 6:10 Halloween frost bite with Preston, the first Faust kid of the evening. 8:04 Family Traditions with a super cute and chatty family! 9:10 Payton, the oldest Faust family member doesn’t like spooky, but according to Faust family law, she is required to participate! And can you believe she’s never seen Hocus Pocus?! 12:50 Learning about Satan’s Tunnel in Truxton, Missouri! 15:12 Gomez Adams - Jon Faust (Dad) with Crosby Faust (Dog). J
107 - Answers from Heaven with Theresa Cheung and Claire Broad - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
25/10/2017 Duration: 01h06minTheresa Cheung and "the honest medium", Claire Broad, return to the parlor, this time to discuss the brand new book they've co-authored, titled Answers from Heaven: Incredible True Stories of Heavenly Encounters and the Afterlife. This episode will make you smile and giggle! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:13 Listener Feedback from Leslie 1:48 Looking for some Halloween content? Have you heard past episodes devoted to Halloween? Check out for the whole spooky collection. 3:14 Bios for Theresa and Claire! 5:34 Some backstory on how Patrick got connected with Theresa and Claire. 7:45 Theresa shares the story of how the collaboration for this new book happened. 10:10 This is Claire’s first book! But we already knew this book was going to happen over a year ago, didn’t we? 13:20 White Feather, Claire’s spirit guide. Plus, a testimonial from Theresa about Claire’s work. 15:52 How Claire works and some of what she believes. 19:12 Evidential M
106 - Physicians' Untold Stories with Dr. Scott J. Kolbaba - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
12/10/2017 Duration: 46minDr. Scott J. Kolbaba shares wisdom and stories from his book, Physicians' Untold Stories: Miraculous Experiences Doctors Are Hesitant to Share with Their Patients, or Anyone! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :46 Patrick has a BIG Announcement! 1:20 Meet Dr. Scott J. Kolbaba, MD! 3:18 The process Dr. Kolbaba went through to compile the stories for his book, Physicians’ Untold Stories: Miraculous Experiences Doctors Are Hesitant to Share with Their Patients, or Anyone! 6:17 Synchronicities began to line up five or six years ago for Dr. Kolbaba. 11:50 Inspiration from Steve Jobs 18:51 Criticism from peers and skeptics 21:27 Are the tides turning in the battle between skeptic and believer? 23:30 Patrick was touched by several international stories from the book involving powerful stories from communities in need. 24:29 Do more ghosts or spirits reside in hospitals? Have you seen them? 31:30 A puff of smoke as spirits leave the body. 34:39 Are we seeing spirits all th
105 - Dominic Parker, the Creator of the Am I Psychic App - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
05/10/2017 Duration: 58minJoining Patrick in the parlor this week is Dominic Parker, the creator of the Am I Psychic? mobile app that’s bringing parapsychology into the 21st Century! It’s a legitimate psychological study that users can participate in while playing! Plus random number generators, and parapsychology as a study! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :27 Dominic Parker’s Bio 1:00 Dominic is the creator of the Am I Psychic? mobile app! 3:26 If you choose, you can have the data of your game play sent anonymously to Dominic. It’s a legitimate psychological experiment. How cool is that?! 5:39 A portion of the profits from the app are being donated to the Rhine Research Center. 7:55 There’s no way to cheat! 9:25 The art design for the app is by Melody Moore. 11:19 Random Number Generators 12:55 The app has two modes: Psychokinesis (PK) and Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). 19:30 The three different games in the app are Dice, Cards, and Spoon Bending! 21:20 A clarification on how PK mode
104 - The Last Night in the Haunted Mansion - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
02/10/2017 Duration: 11minIn this BONUS episode, Patrick shares the deliciously spooky dream that he woke up to on October 1st. It involves a haunted mansion and a possessed, driverless car! Happy October! Additional music in this episode is from Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information. Please help The Big Séance Podcast by subscribing to the show on Apple Podcasts, TuneIn Radio, Stitcher, Google Play Music, and iHeart Radio.
103 - Vibrational Healing for an Empowered Life - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
23/09/2017 Duration: 01h12minWhat is an energy healer? And are chakras real? Psychic medium and author, Karen Frazier, shares wisdom from her brand new book, "Higher Vibes Toolbox: Vibrational Healing for an Empowered Life." Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :32 Welcome back, Karen Frazier! 1:06 Karen’s Bio 2:07 Karen has a new book called Higher Vibes Toolbox: Vibrational Healing for an Empowered Life. 4:01 What exactly is an Energy Healer? Empowering YOU! 7:33 Singing Bowls and Chakras 11:56 Everybody has a frequency 17:45 Patrick talks about author Karla McLaren and her complete turnaround on chakras. And just what IS a chakra? 18:19 Do we have proof that chakras physically exist and can be worked on by energy healers? 22:14 What in the world are solfeggios? 24:51 The book breaks down the chakras, what they do, and how they may relate to health and issues in your life. 26:01 What in the world is a meridian? 30:12 Auras 30:47 Sending good vibes to someone. 34:38 The 8 Steps for Healing 38:
102 - Travis Sanders on Psychic Kids, Spiritualism, and Support for Millennials - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
07/09/2017 Duration: 01h22sClairvoyant medium, Travis Sanders, sits down with Patrick for a conversation about psychic kids, Spiritualism, and support for today's young people. Plus his book, I Am Psychic, So Are You!: A Clairvoyant Handbook. Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:18 Welcome to the parlor, Travis Sanders! 3:09 Travis was featured on Psychic Kids with Chip Coffey when he was 19, but he was working as a medium even before that. 5:08 Growing up psychic and getting an early start working at psychic fairs 7:31 Travis has a passion for helping psychic kids. 12:35 Is there a spiritual purpose for people who are born on the autism spectrum? 14:25 Are all children born with a greater ability to communicate with the Other Side? And is there truth to the theory that children lose that ability as they grow up? 16:09 Travis does a lot of Facebook LIVE videos. He speaks often about Spiritualism, spirit communication tools, and Lily Dale. 17:47 Just like the famous Scole group, Trav
101 - Looking Back on 100 Episodes with a Special Cheesecake - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
25/08/2017 Duration: 01h47minJoin Patrick as we look back on over 3 years and 100 episodes of The Big Seance Podcast. Plus bloopers, funny moments, and the top 6 all-time most popular episodes. Visit for more info. In this episode: (more detailed show notes coming soon) Listener feedback from Susan :00 Intro :15 Have a cheesecake with Patrick, just like the Golden Girls! :50 How Patrick became a paranerd. 2:47 Marilyn Painter 7:55 ATransC, EVP, and Randall Keller 16:30 Jim Harold - Patrick Shifted his focus and energy into podcasting 20:18 Mary Homick 23:00 Annie Wilder 27:35 Sara Wiseman 32:00 Edwin F. Becker 34:39 Karen A. Dahlman’s first appearance on the show. 37:23 Tim Prasil 42:25 Karen Burton 45:57 Meeting Rick and Daniel 49:58 Cemetery Confessions 56:50 Trip to New Orleans. Natchez Cemetery and Myrtles Plantation. 58:37 Mediumship in the UK. Claire Broad and Marion Hover. 1:02:19 Kristy Robinett 1:07:43 Another road trip to the Milton Schoolhouse in Alton, Illinois. 1:09:17 Lana Carbon and John Lilies of Carbon
100 - Grant Wilson of Ghost Hunters - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
10/08/2017 Duration: 01h03minGrant Wilson of Syfy's Ghost Hunters joins Patrick to discuss the TAPS influence on the world and the paranormal community. Join us for a very special 100th episode! Visit for more info! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:15 Grant Wilson has been on Patrick's bucket list of guests for quite a while now! He is co-founder of The Atlantic Paranormal Society (TAPS), and an original cast member and Co-Producer of Syfy's Ghost Hunters. 1:49 Pour the tea and please welcome Grant Wilson to the parlor! 2:49 Of all the drinks Grant could have chosen here in the parlor. Water?! 3:55 The reason why Patrick was so excited to talk to Grant! 4:33 He’s still investigating the paranormal. Plus early paranormal experiences. 6:00 Creating, producing, and filming Syfy’s Ghost Hunters! 6:52 Different investigation styles and being in it to help people. The downside of a tech based investigation style. 8:45 Music, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and Board Games. Grant’s current nerdy pass
99 - Tim Shaw on Spiritualism, Paranormal Tech, and the C2D1 Haunting - The Big Seance Podcast
27/07/2017 Duration: 01h46minA candid conversation with author, paranormal investigator, and Spiritualist minister, Tim Shaw. Hear about everything from his fascinating childhood experiences at Lily Dale, to his research into the C2D1 Haunting! Visit for more info! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:45 Story Time! Can you believe it’s episode 99?! Is that possible? I’m excited to share episode 100, which will be with Grant Wilson from Syfy's Ghost Hunters! 2:20 Welcome Tim Shaw to the parlor! 4:17 Tim has such a fascinating background of growing up with spiritualism and hanging out at Lily Dale as a kid! He also says we should never throw religion out with the bathwater! 8:27 More about Lily Dale. Plus, staying grounded. “Just remember one thing. Everything you’re learning here is a great addition to your life, but it’s not to be your life.” 19:10 Precipitated spirit painting and bending spoons with Ron Nagy. Let go and let spirit direct you. 27:24 Reiki techniques, cleansing, and Tim’s guest appe