Big Seance Podcast

109 - Annie Mattingley and the After Death Chronicles - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



An interview with Annie Mattingley on her book, The After Death Chronicles: True Stories of Comfort, Guidance and Wisdom from Beyond the Veil. Even after the devastating loss of Annie's daughter, she continues to communicate with her from the Other Side. Visit for more info!   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :26 Annie Mattingley’s bio 1:00 Pouring an iced peppermint tea with Annie! 2:16 Annie received praise from THE Dr. Raymond Moody for her book, The After Death Chronicles: True Stories of Comfort, Guidance and Wisdom from Beyond the Veil. 3:15 Annie’s story begins with the devastating loss of her daughter, Randi. Since then she has received regular communication from her. 4:40 The need for people to share stories of after death communication with others 9:25 Annie shares how she communicates with her daughter today. 10:44 How did this after death communication affect Annie’s grieving? Does heavy grief block communication? 12:24 Responding to people who believe after death communica