Big Seance Podcast

113 - The Ghost Studies with Brandon Massullo - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



What is a ghost? And what causes a haunting? Parapsychologist Brandon Massullo shares theories and perspectives from his new book, The Ghost Studies. Plus a discussion of Resonance, EMF, and Environmental Sensitivity! Visit for more info.   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :59 Please welcome Brandon Massullo to the parlor! 1:32 Pouring the tea (or scotch on the rocks) and an introduction of Brandon’s new book, The Ghost Studies: New Perspectives on the Origins of Paranormal Experiences.  2:28 The interesting childhood experience that got Brandon involved in the field of parapsychology 4:17 Brandon’s ideas on Bioenergetics and Human Electrical Fields 10:12 Resonance or synchronizing with matching frequencies 12:34 The theory that emotions and crisis events cause paranormal experiences 14:49 The accidental missile scare in Hawaii, Psi Hypothesis, and Random Number Generators. 15:53 The “God Helmet” and thoughts on the EMF (electromagnetic field/frequency) Meter. Is there a correlation be