Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
98 - The Story Behind The Conjuring with Andrea Perron - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
20/07/2017 Duration: 01h45minAndrea Perron, author and eldest daughter from the family depicted in the 2013 film, The Conjuring, shares her terrifying yet beautiful true story. Plus her beautiful trilogy, the truth about Bathsheba, responding to critics, and future films in the works! Visit for more info! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 2:14 Some background on The Conjuring, Andrea Perron’s trilogy - House of Darkness House of Light, and how it all influenced Patrick and 2:49 The Story and the Trilogy Welcome, Andrea Perron! 4:53 “I put everything on the line to tell this story.” Turning a decade of experiences into a manuscript. 6:05 "I’m working on screenplays right now for each one of the books, and in the next year or two the films will start to be released, one at a time." 7:48 The truth behind the Conjuring story. And Andrea has no resentment at all toward the 2013 film, The Conjuring. 8:09 The collective memoirs of an entire family’s haunting, yet spiritual journey. 10:30
97 - History Goes Bump Returns to Tempt the Spirits - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
13/07/2017 Duration: 01h08minDiane and Denise of the History Goes Bump Podcast returns! Have they grown in their openness to tempt the spirits since their last visit? Are they having paranormal experiences? What have they been up to? And where are they going next? Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:42 Some quick listener feedback! 2:15 Welcome back, Diane Student and Denise Moormeier, of the History Goes Bump Podcast! 3:05 The Spooktacular Crew and Meetups! A wonderful community and family for History Goes Bump! 5:45 208 episodes of great content to guide you through haunted sites all over the world! 11:38 The History Goes Bump Ambassador Program 18:31 Diane tries her best to keep up with a massive list of recommendations and suggestions for haunted locations! 19:29 Listeners love the chemistry between Diane and Denise. 21:28 A flashback to a clip of when Diane and Denise were on the Big Seance Podcast two years ago, in episode 40. 23:00 Have these ladies grown in their
96 - Haunted America Conference 2017 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
29/06/2017 Duration: 59minPatrick's coverage of the 2017 Haunted America Conference in Alton, Illinois. Appearances by April Slaughter, Adam Drendel, Robb Demarest, Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult, Sarah Soderlund, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, and the History Goes Bump Podcast! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :20 On our way to the 2017 Haunted America Conference! :55 I know not everyone can attend events like this, so that’s why I like to bring it to you! 2:09 The band, Sunspot, was playing before Troy Taylor kicked off the weekend and the Friday night speaker’s panel. Band members Mike and Wendy co-host the See You On the Other Side Podcast, which can be found at Enjoy this sneak peek of their song, Skeleton Key (Secret Lives of Ghosts). I’ll include the entire track at the very end of this episode. You can find more of their music on iTunes or Bandcamp. Also on Facebook and @SunspotMusic & @OtherSideTalk on Twitter. Thanks, Mike & Wen
95 - How to Live with a Psychic with Crystal Hope Reed - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
15/06/2017 Duration: 01h06minAuthor Crystal Hope Reed discusses the many challenges that one might deal with when learning to live with a developing psychic, plus her book, How to Live with a Psychic: Your Guide for Maintaining a Happy Relationship when Someone You Love Gets Weird, which may be one of the only books written from this perspective. Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:40 Voice Feedback from Amber 2:14 Welcome, Crystal Hope Reed! 2:53 Crystal’s Bio 4:00 Patrick’s confession, Plus Crystal’s book, How to Live with a Psychic: Your Guide for Maintaining a Happy Relationship when Someone You Love Gets Weird, which may just be the first from this perspective. 6:05 Crystal and her husband are both psychic (HOW FUN!), but she refers to him as the “major psychic”. 9:20 Common Challenges, such as illnesses 13:37 “Until it becomes integrated into their life, your partner might seem obsessed with the idea of the paranormal.” --Crystal Hope Reed. The challenge of redirection
94 - Dreams and Dream Interpretation with Ashley Riley - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
01/06/2017 Duration: 01h12minPatrick sits down for a chat with old friend and Intuitive Personal Development Mentor, Ashley Riley, on Dreams, Dream Interpretation, and her other work at Plus, she interprets a fascinating dream for a listener! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:31 Welcome, Ashley Riley! 2:05 Ashley’s Bio 3:10 Ashley’s an old friend going back to the beginning of my blogging days. 4:17 Ashley’s blog and site, 6:29 Some background on Ashley, her journey, and her intuitive abilities 8:13 So much content for the spiritually minded! 14:06 She uses dream interpretation, tarot, and numerology to help you grow spiritually. 15:42 Working with dreams and developing the skills to remember them 18:54 How do we know when our dream is just processing our daily events, and when we’re having a much more significant or paranormal dream? 23:10 Superconscious and Subconscious Dreaming 25:32 Experiences of reading in your dreams
93 - Jenniffer Weigel on Psychics, Healers, and Mediums - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
25/05/2017 Duration: 01h13minAward winning journalist and author, Jenniffer Weigel, shares stories from her book, Psychics, Healers, and Mediums: A Journalist, a Road Trip, and Voices from the Other Side. Plus, was Patrick contacted by Whitney Houston? Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:35 Did Whitney Houston get in contact with Patrick? An experience after watching an episode of Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry. 2:09 Jenniffer Weigel joins us in the parlor! She’s an Award winning journalist and author, and she shares stories from her book, Psychics, Healers, and Mediums: A Journalist, a Road Trip, and Voices from the Other Side. 5:10 Patrick brags of giving up sweeteners and soda after being inspired by a recent episode of Jenniffer’s podcast, I'm Spiritual, Dammit!, where she interviewed Dr. Ian Smith. 8:00 The "Angie’s List" of psychics and mediums. 9:33 “The Other Bodines” - A whole family of psychic mediums! 11:37 What sparked Jenniffer’s interest? 14:05 Meeting James
92 - Troy Taylor on the Rise of the Spirit World and the Birth of the Modern Ghost Hunter - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
11/05/2017 Duration: 01h15minJoin Patrick as author Troy Taylor takes us back to the rise of Spiritualism, and a discussion on what influenced our current paranormal and ghost hunting culture. Plus, what can we look forward to seeing at the 2017 Haunted America Conference? Visit for more info. Pssst… Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:45 Troy Taylor returns! He's a researcher of history, crime, and the supernatural and the author of at least 120 books on ghosts, hauntings, history, crime and the unexplained in America. He is the founder and owner of American Hauntings Tours and Events. He’s also a public speaker. In 1993 he founded his own publishing company for books about the supernatural. And you’ve probably visited his website, His most recent book is American Hauntings: The Rise of the Spirit World and the Birth of the Modern Ghost Hunter. 2:20 A little about the beautiful and historic town of Jacksonville, Illinois 6:37 Tro
91 - Tips for Connecting with Your Spirit Guides with Danielle M. Holdman Part 2 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
04/05/2017 Duration: 01h19minPart TWO of a conversation with self-proclaimed personal, business, and spiritual alchemist, Danielle M. Holdman. She’s also the host of The Coaching Parlour Podcast. Hear tips on connecting with spirit guides, and a message from Danielle's own guides, with assistance from oracle and tarot cards. Visit for more info! Pssst… Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:51 Make sure you’ve listened to Part 1/Episode 90 before you listen to this episode! How and when Danielle M. Holdman calls on her spirit guides, the experiences that introduced her to the spiritual world, PLUS tips for calling on your guides. 3:28 Additional tips for contacting your guides 22:49 What Danielle’s work looks like, and the kind of person who may benefit from working with her. 28:37 Details on Danielle’s podcast, The Coaching Parlour, and her brand new YouTube show, The Parlour Sessions 38:25 Danielle shares messages from her guides and pulls
90 - Spirit Guides, Ancestors, and Being an Alchemist with Danielle M Holdman Part 1 - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
28/04/2017 Duration: 01h08minPart ONE of a conversation with self-proclaimed personal, business, and spiritual alchemist, Danielle M. Holdman. She's also the host of The Coaching Parlour Podcast. We talk spirit guides, ancestors, and bridging the gap between the practical and the spiritual. Visit for more! Pssst… Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:45 Welcome, Danielle M. Holdman! 2:20 Danielle’s BIO 3:35 Coffee Talk 5:00 The traditional “Life Coach” and how Danielle’s style is different and very unique 6:45 More on her unique work and the experiences and background that led her there. 11:45 Discovering tarot and oracle decks 13:25 Bridging the gap between the practical and mundane with the spiritual 18:10 Spiritual Guides and Ancestors 21:30 With tools such as tarot, ouija, and pendulums, it’s your intent! 29:35 We’re all alchemists. What is alchemy? 34:12 When we cross over, what are we going to find on the Other Side? 40:50 N
89 - Capturing Spiritualism Through Photography with Shannon Taggart - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
30/03/2017 Duration: 01h02minResearcher and photojournalist, Shannon Taggart, shares stories from her 16 years of photographing Spiritualism for a project called SÉANCE: Spiritualist Ritual and the Search for Ectoplasm. For more info visit Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! Check out Shannon's work as you listen - SÉANCE: Spiritualist Ritual and the Search for Ectoplasm In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:40 Welcome, Shannon Taggart! 2:12 Shannon’s Bio 3:53 Her first introduction to Spiritualism 6:22 Spending time in the analog town known as Lily Dale 9:02 Shannon describes her photography in this project 13:13 Playing with photographic accidents and anomaly 15:08 The séance lighting 17:40 The journalistic aspect of the project, plus “paradrama” 19:37 The Trickster and the Paranormal by George P. Hansen The Arthur Findlay College, the Hogwarts of adult Spiritualists 23:47 Kai Muegge and the search for ectoplasm 25:42 Skepticism and just letting go 28:2
88 - Katie and Ty from the Haunt ME Paranormal Web Series - The Big Seance Podcast
16/03/2017 Duration: 01h26minPatrick chats in the parlor with Katie Webb and Ty Gowen from Haunt ME, the paranormal web series. Get a sneak peek at Season 4, which drops on May 1st! Plus, hear about the use of tarot and altars in paranormal investigations, and some of the haunts from the great state of Maine! Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:45 Welcome, NEW Paranerds! Don’t forget to check out and join our group, The Big Seance Parlor on Facebook! 2:19 A brief introduction to Haunt ME. Season 4 will be released on May 1, 2017. 3:03 Pouring tea AND coffee for Katie Webb and Ty Gowen. 5:03 The web series genre and how the production of Haunt ME is so amazing without a big fancy network or production company. 6:33 The growth and honesty of the Haunt ME team! 10:54 The rest of the Haunt ME team and the story of how they were pulled together. 15:57 Ty is the team’s "tech analyst", Katie is the “occultist”. And mor
87 - Nicholas Pearson on the Spiritual Powers and Teachings of Stones and Crystals - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
03/03/2017 Duration: 59minDo you collect crystals? Do you really know about the power of each stone? Do you keep them under your pillow? Patrick has a nerdy conversation with Nicholas Pearson, author of The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings. Visit for more info. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Voice Feedback from Eden :00 Episode Teaser :33 Intro 2:05 Viola Davis’ Oscar Acceptance Speech 2:37 Welcome to the parlor, Nicholas Pearson! 4:58 The best crystals for a seance parlor! 7:05 Nicholas is the author of The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings and Crystals for Karmic Healing: Transform Your Future by Releasing Your Past. 7:51 Keeping one foot in science and one in the spiritual world. 8:45 A love for the mineral kingdom: How it all began. 10:05 Writing to connect with all types of readers. 12:55 Using meditation with your stones. 14:28 A brief summary of the seven archetypal stones. 16:02 H
86 - The Amazing Karl Pfeiffer - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
17/02/2017 Duration: 01h26minAn interview with Karl Pfeiffer, the multitalented photographer, novelist, and ghost hunter. We cover his time on Syfy's Ghost Hunters Academy, as well as his thoughts on paranormal TV. We bravely tackle the polarizing topic of orbs! Plus his experiences from leading ghost tours at the Stanley Hotel, and the inspiration for his photography! Visit for more info. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:52 Pouring some coffee for our guest, Karl Pfeiffer! 2:27 Karl Pfeiffer was introduced to the world in 2009 as a cast member, and later winner, of Ghost Hunters Academy on Syfy. 4:21 Can being skeptic cause a block to achieving spirit communication or catching glimpse of a ghost? 9:25 Using paranormal TV as training 10:47 Criticism of paranormal TV, staging, integrity, and some behind the scenes. 13:13 The reality of paranormal investigation 17:55 Karl has some truly awesome vlogs with ghost hunting basics. 20:3
85 - Chip Coffey tells it like it is - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
02/02/2017 Duration: 01h22minPsychic Medium Chip Coffey tells it like it is! Plus, waiting 9 years for a sign from his mother from the Afterlife, Psychic Kids, Paranormal State, disbelievers, communicating with celebrities, and why he is NOT Saint Chip of Georgia! Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:51 I finally cracked Chip Coffey! Thanks to those paranerds who contributed questions for this episode! 2:25 Chip’s Bio 4:39 Welcome, Chip Coffey! (He prefers Coke to tea or coffee.) Also, the funny story of Patrick meeting Chip for the second time. 6:50 When did Chip first know about his gift? What were those early experiences? 12:35 Do you ever stop developing your psychic or mediumistic abilities? 16:37 Becoming a professional psychic medium, and Chip’s time with Paranormal State! 17:21 Chip Coffey’s Psychic Kids! 19:01 How does Chip keep grounded and focused? 20:32 When a medium needs a medium, who do you go t
84 - Uri Geller on the Declassified CIA Stargate Project Documents - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
22/01/2017 Duration: 01h30sUri Geller, one of the world's most investigated and celebrated mystifiers, in his first interview since the release of secret CIA "Stargate Project" documents which detail and report on the experiments involving his supernatural abilities. Plus being a spy, and his friendship with Michael Jackson. Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:58 Some background on Uri Geller, and how this episode came together 2:32 Welcome Uri Geller! 5:40 Being the great Spoon Bender 6:54 As a young boy, Uri had an amazing supernatural experience. 9:51 We had already scheduled this interview, when suddenly news broke that the CIA just released 13 million pages of declassified documents, including records covering the testing that Uri was involved in in 1973. It was known as the “Stargate Project”. Researchers wrote that Uri "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner".
83 - Roberta Grimes, Author and Afterlife Expert - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
13/01/2017 Duration: 01h08sWhat happens when we die? What does Christianity get wrong, and what happens when we only look at the words of Jesus? Patrick sits down in the Big Seance parlor with author and afterlife expert, Roberta Grimes. Visit for more info. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:30 Three Quick Things 2:02 Spectral Edition with Tim Prasil (Unsettling Settlers) 3:35 Bio for Roberta Grimes 7:03 Welcome, Roberta! 8:12 Roberta has read a LOT of interesting books in her research. Check out the appendix in the back of most of her own books for recommendations. 10:50 A powerful experience and hearing a voice in 1955. 14:02 Writing books with the help of Roberta’s primary guide, Thomas Jefferson 16:21 Reincarnation, growing up Christian, and simply listening to the words of Jesus. 20:46 Where does the dogma and false information in Christianity come from? 23:44 Jesus and the genuine God 27:15 The importance of learni
82 - What Brought You to The Big Seance in 2016 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
03/01/2017 Duration: 37minThe interesting and funny search terms that brought people to The Big Seance in 2016, how to keep the paranormal alive in the middle of winter, PLUS a haunting in Room 144! Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Intro :00 Happy New Year! Getting back to the old routine! :43 The interesting and funny search terms that brought people to The Big Seance in the year 2016 2:09 Spectral Edition with Tim Prasil (Room 144) 24:54 9 Tips to Keep the Paranormal Alive Throughout the Winter! 30:54 Outro 35:42 Some of the links referenced in this episode: Being Able to Read In Your Dream Reading In Your Dreams - Big Seance Podcast #66 Seance Trumpets Spirit Bilocation: Is it possible? The Hand That Rocks Your Dreams Flies and Hauntings Paranormal Burnout Why I pushed pause on EVP and Ouija, and why it's time to get going again! Danvers State Insane Asylum and Session 9 Carthage Opera House Figure Skating Dinosaurs and Hearing Musi
81 - Greg and Dana from the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult - The Big Seance Podcast
15/12/2016 Duration: 01h03minA fun conversation with Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews, the weirdos behind Planet Weird, Week in Weird, and the Traveling Museum of the Paranormal & the Occult. Lots of talk about haunted objects and even Bigfoot! Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:35 Meet Greg Newkirk and Dana Matthews! 2:09 Patrick met Greg and Dana at the Haunted America Conference this last summer! They were there with their Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult! 4:10 Paranormal Power Couple or Professional Weirdos? 4:54 The comparison to Ed and Lorraine Warren 4:46 The cutest and most fascinating story of how Greg and Dana met. 7:20 While traveling across the country with their museum, a haunted object may have saved them from being murdered! 12:18 More about the museum and how it got started. 21:42 A haunted Victorian wedding dress 24:12 Due to some intense paranormal activity, Greg and Dana
80 - Parapsychology with Loyd Auerbach - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
02/12/2016 Duration: 01h53sParapsychologist, Loyd Auerbach, discusses the study of parapsychology, evaluating mediums using science, paranormal literature, and the Forever Family Association. Visit for more. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Intro 1:31 Some Thank Yous! 2:05 Mr. Loyd Auerbach’s bio! 5:57 What is parapsychology and what are the misconceptions? 8:11 ESP, PK, hauntings, and poltergeists. 11:40 What does a typical day in parapsychology look like? 12:38 The Forever Family Foundation, evaluation and certification for mediums. 14:35 Science and Mediumship 19:10 Afterlife Discussion Groups - Help for those experiencing grief. 20:55 Rhine Research Center - Classes in parapsychology, and bio-photon research. 22:58 Why are producers of paranormal tv shows not a fan of parapsychology? 27:50 A wealth of paranormal literature going back to the 1800s. 31:02 With the paranormal being so popular right now, why is there not more
79 - Wisdom from Theresa Cheung: Science Meets Spirit - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
15/11/2016 Duration: 01h06minExperience the beautiful energy and wisdom of Theresa Cheung as she shares evidence that we are all spiritual beings having a spiritual experience, plus science, religion, and doubt! Visit for more info! Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link! In this episode: Episode Preview :00 Intro 1:58 Cool connections and what’s coming up later in the episode 2:31 Meet Theresa Cheung! 4:45 Inspiring video from Watkins Books 6:45 Teaming up with previous Big Seance guest, Medium Claire Broad, Science and the paranormal, and Spiritualism in the UK 8:56 Religion and a search for meaning 13:37 It turns out Patrick has had a misconception of Spiritualism in the UK, plus cynicism in the UK 14:51 Grab your light saber! A collaboration with the leader of the Jedi Church 23:12 Reaching young people and “Millennials” 27:18 "Doubt is the path to Heaven" 31:48 What does Heaven look like? 34:15 Depression 38:14 "Be utterly unique!" More of Theresa’s message and wh