Big Seance Podcast

96 - Haunted America Conference 2017 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Patrick's coverage of the 2017 Haunted America Conference in Alton, Illinois. Appearances by April Slaughter, Adam Drendel, Robb Demarest, Traveling Museum of the Paranormal and the Occult, Sarah Soderlund, Rosemary Ellen Guiley, and the History Goes Bump Podcast! Visit for more info.   In this episode:  Episode Teaser :00 Intro :20 On our way to the 2017 Haunted America Conference! :55 I know not everyone can attend events like this, so that’s why I like to bring it to you! 2:09 The band, Sunspot, was playing before Troy Taylor kicked off the weekend and the Friday night speaker’s panel. Band members Mike and Wendy co-host the See You On the Other Side Podcast, which can be found at Enjoy this sneak peek of their song, Skeleton Key (Secret Lives of Ghosts). I’ll include the entire track at the very end of this episode. You can find more of their music on iTunes or Bandcamp. Also on Facebook and @SunspotMusic & @OtherSideTalk on Twitter. Thanks, Mike & Wen