Big Seance Podcast

87 - Nicholas Pearson on the Spiritual Powers and Teachings of Stones and Crystals - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Do you collect crystals? Do you really know about the power of each stone? Do you keep them under your pillow? Patrick has a nerdy conversation with Nicholas Pearson, author of The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings. Visit for more info. Pssst... Want to leave voice feedback? Use the SpeakPipe Link!   In this episode: Voice Feedback from Eden :00 Episode Teaser :33 Intro 2:05 Viola Davis’ Oscar Acceptance Speech 2:37 Welcome to the parlor, Nicholas Pearson! 4:58 The best crystals for a seance parlor! 7:05 Nicholas is the author of The Seven Archetypal Stones: Their Spiritual Powers and Teachings and Crystals for Karmic Healing: Transform Your Future by Releasing Your Past. 7:51 Keeping one foot in science and one in the spiritual world. 8:45 A love for the mineral kingdom: How it all began. 10:05 Writing to connect with all types of readers. 12:55 Using meditation with your stones. 14:28 A brief summary of the seven archetypal stones. 16:02 H