Big Seance Podcast

111 - Tim Prasil Returns with More Ghost Reports - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



A familiar voice returns to the show! Tim Prasil shares more ghost reports from the project that is now the book, Spectral Edition: Ghost Reports from U.S. Newspapers, 1865-1917. For more info visit   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :42 Welcome back, Tim Prasil! 1:15 Tim’s first appearance on the podcast was Episode #22 in 2014.  More background on Tim and how the audio versions of his Spectral Edition reports became a regular segment here on The Big Seance Podcast for a few years. 1:50 The book! Spectral Edition: Ghost Reports from U.S. Newspapers, 1865-1917. 3:00 More background on how Tim’s work and how he and Patrick met. 4:29 The Stickney House. Can ghosts hide in rounded corners? 6:05 Ghost Stories 101! (Professor Prasil gets to teach a new class!) 10:43 The story of how the whole Spectral Edition project came about. 12:08 The straight forward way that ghost reports were often written in this time period. 16:45 The period around the Civil War opened a lot of minds about the pos