Big Seance Podcast

105 - Dominic Parker, the Creator of the Am I Psychic App - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Joining Patrick in the parlor this week is Dominic Parker, the creator of the Am I Psychic? mobile app that’s bringing parapsychology into the 21st Century! It’s a legitimate psychological study that users can participate in while playing! Plus random number generators, and parapsychology as a study! Visit for more info.    In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :27 Dominic Parker’s Bio 1:00 Dominic is the creator of the Am I Psychic? mobile app! 3:26 If you choose, you can have the data of your game play sent anonymously to Dominic. It’s a legitimate psychological experiment. How cool is that?! 5:39 A portion of the profits from the app are being donated to the Rhine Research Center. 7:55 There’s no way to cheat! 9:25 The art design for the app is by Melody Moore. 11:19 Random Number Generators 12:55 The app has two modes: Psychokinesis (PK) and Extra Sensory Perception (ESP). 19:30 The three different games in the app are Dice, Cards, and Spoon Bending! 21:20 A clarification on how PK mode