Patrick Keller, of, invites you to an open discussion on all things paranormal, but specifically topics like ghosts and hauntings, paranormal research, spirit communication, psychics and mediums, and life after death. The candles are already lit, so come on in and join the séance!
138 - International Spiritual Medium Barrie John - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
24/03/2019 Duration: 52minA conversation with International Spiritual Medium, Barrie John, on topics such as the Ouija board, his supportive upbringing, the loss of beloved pets, the use of cards in mediumship, his work with trance and physical mediumship, health of the mind body and spirit, contacting deceased loved ones, and dealing with attachments, among other topics. Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Teaser :00 Intro :52 Barrie John’s Bio 1:26 Welcome, Barrie! 3:00 Barrie recently got to hang out with our friend and popular Big Seance guest, Karen A. Dahlman! They were sharing and teaching others about the Ouija board. 4:10 Why does the Ouija board sometimes give people the silent treatment? 6:06 Barrie’s first Ouija experience. Also, comical ouija communication! 7:44 Barrie was brought up in a supportive family that was very open to mediumship and spirit communication. 11:03 Losing our beloved pets and
137 - John Oliver on Psychics - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
08/03/2019 Duration: 29minEnglish comedian and political commentator John Oliver recently went on a skeptic rant about psychic mediums in his HBO series, Last Week Tonight. Are psychics offended? Were you offended? Should we be? Does he have valid points? I'd love to know your thoughts. Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 A recent rant by John Oliver offended your host, Patrick Keller. Was he right to be offended? After all, he’s not psychic. Are some of the points valid? :41 A clip from the HBO series, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1:55 Patrick discusses his conflicting thoughts on the clip 19:30 Feedback from members of the Big Seance Parlor on Facebook 23:08 Send Patrick your feedback! How did this segment make YOU feel? Are you a believer? Skeptic? In the middle? Were you offended? Should we be? 25:02 A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 2
136 - Dead of Winter Festival and American Hauntings LIVE - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
18/02/2019 Duration: 01h05minPatrick takes you on a road trip to Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter Festival for 2019. Interviews of Sarah Hyatt, Corey Schjoth, and Jason Haxton, author of The Dibbuk Box which inspired the 2012 film, The Possession. Also, the LIVE recording of an episode of the American Hauntings Podcast! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 I attended Troy Taylor’s Dead of Winter Festival last week! If I met you and you’re a new listener, let me know if you found us! :41 A brief interview of Sarah Hyatt from the Granger House Victorian Museum in Marion, Iowa. Visit 2:25 A brief interview of previous guest, Corey Schjoth of Phantasmagoria Photography. Check out a full interview with Corey in episode 114. For more on Corey, visit 5:20 A brief interview with Jason Haxton, author of The Dibbuk Box which inspired the 2012 film, The Possession. Jason’s
135 - Haunted Healthcare with Richard Estep - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
01/02/2019 Duration: 51minA fascinating discussion with Richard Estep on paranormal experiences and hauntings from hospital hallways, operating rooms, and ambulance rides. You'll hear some great bonus discussions on haunted schools, the fear of death, and why staircases fascinate us! Visit for more info! Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :50 Can you help a friend subscribe to the show? Or maybe share an episode with a friend? Here’s how! 1:23 Welcome back, Richard Estep! His bio and his latest book, Haunted Healthcare: Medical Professionals and Patients Share their Encounters with the Paranormal 2:26 More on Richard’s background, how he became that “medical/paranormal guy”, and how he captured the stories for the book. 8:23 TANGENT ALERT! Haunted schools and finding a book title for a future book on the subject! 11:51 The haunted Farrar School and a fascination with staircases 14:35 Richard sends Patrick
134 - Listener Feedback, Past Lives and Reincarnation, PLUS Dena DeCastro - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
15/01/2019 Duration: 01h11minIn this special listener feedback episode, Patrick digs into listener emails, Apple Podcast reviews, PLUS discussion on past lives and reincarnation with Simon Bown and Claire Broad, and your 2019 astrological forecast with Dena DeCastro! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 A voicemail and a question from Meredith. “If death is an illusion, how do you explain reincarnation?” :45 Hypnotherapist and host of the Past Lives Podcast, Simon Bown shares his take on Meredith’s question. 1:55 Psychic medium and former guest Claire Broad responds to the same question as well. 3:15 An interesting email from “Girl from Minnesota”, a great storyteller. She has a question about reincarnation/past lives and spirit guides. 9:47 A message from Veronica 18:48 Sharon asks about the Patreon for Big Seance Podcast! Check out 20:29 Lorna from Australia on astral travel 21:2
133 - Metaphysical and Spiritual Counseling with Amber Choisella - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
29/12/2018 Duration: 43minA fun conversation with Amber Choisella, who is a psychic medium, therapist, and a spiritual development mentor. Hear the childhood experiences that led to her understanding the benefits of counseling. Get ready to "Blossom and Rise." Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:01 Psychic medium Amber Choisella can be found at and 1:35 Amber’s bio and choosing our beverages 2:29 The childhood experiences that caused Amber to struggle with fear and anxiety 5:36 Communicating the message of life after death with the wave of a finger 8:48 The events surrounding her Grandfather’s death and how that led to her developing her mediumship skills 11:15 The benefits of counseling 14:47 Metaphysical/spiritual counseling and the fear of being open about paranormal experiences 17:02 The beginnings of Blossom and Rise and combinin
132 - Straight Dudes! Get Thyself to a Spirit Triangle! - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
12/12/2018 Duration: 01h09minWhere are the straight men in the metaphysical and spiritual communities? Previous guests, Ash Riley of and Slade Roberson of the Shift Your Spirits Podcast, join Patrick in a roundtable (ahem - triangle table) discussion of a rarely approached topic! Visit for more info! Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Some improvements, thanks to Patreon Support! 1:33 Some background on how this episode and conversation came about. 2:16 How are Patrick and both of our return guests connected? Ash is a connector. Slade is a matchmaker. 3:43 Patrick met Ash online during the “information gathering phase” of his “spiritual shift.” Ash then introduced Patrick to Slade and his work. 8:31 Ash brought the team together for this “triangle table.” The topic started out as a joke in a planning discussion, but ended up being something everyone decided to roll with. What’s up wi
131 - A Medical Intuitive Reading by Terry Andersen - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
26/11/2018 Duration: 34minHave you ever wondered what it’s like to get a medical intuitive reading? If so, this episode is for you! Patrick shares the audio of his mother's reading by previous guest and medical intuitive, Terry Andersen. Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Terry Andersen is a psychic medium and medical intuitive who I sat down with in episode 129. After that interview, Terry offered to give my mom Linda a reading, and both her and my mom were open to recording the reading for your listening pleasure! For my full interview with Terry, visit :42 Pouring the tea 2:10 The reading 2:24 A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 30:55 Stay tuned for an upcoming episode with friends and previous guests, Ash Riley and Slade Roberson! 32:38 Outro 33:05 For more on Terry Andersen: Terry Andersen’s Facebook Gro
130 - True Crime and Paranormal with the Living Dead Girls - Big Seance Podcast
13/11/2018 Duration: 59minTrue crime and the paranormal are our topics in this episode, as Patrick sits down with Leslie and Kat, co-hosts of the brand new Living Dead Girls Podcast! We also discuss how spooky and creeptastic Buffalo, New York is, the murderino community and its role in unsolved murders, the haunting in Connecticut, and more! Visit for more! Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:01 Introducing Leslie and Kat! Their podcast covers true crime, unsolved mysteries, the paranormal, and generally spooky and bizarre topics. They’re just two #murderino #paranerds bringing creepy goodness to your ears. 1:35 Patrick was recently a guest on episode #7 of The Living Dead Girls Podcast! Tea talk! 3:59 All about Leslie, the Murderino 6:42 Dealing with the heavy and not-so-good energy that sometimes accompanies time spent following or researching true crime. 13:22 Kat is way too spooky for life! 15:29
129 - Medical Intuitive and Psychic Medium Terry Andersen - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
22/10/2018 Duration: 01h03minA traumatic experience in 1986 changed psychic medium and medical intuitive Terry Andersen's life forever! She shares wisdom on medical intuition, positive precognition, remote viewing, time travel, and her passion for training and education! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :55 A sudden violent near death event caused Terry Andersen to have an out-of-body experience with beings who showed her a past and future life review, detailing people she’d meet, personal and world events, future technologies and more. When she returned she felt like a completely different person, with the ability to see into people's lives and bodies, sense illness, past and future accidents, injuries, time of death, business dynamics, babies health before birth, and communicate with departed souls regardless of time or location. 2:01 The terrifying experience in 1986 that changed Te
128 - Venus Retrograde and Astrologer Dena DeCastro - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
03/10/2018 Duration: 01h45sVenus Retrograde is coming! Astrologer Dena DeCastro says it's time to turn inward for answers, and to reflect on things like the relationships, values, finances, and pleasures in your life. Find out what this means for you and the planet collectively. Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :55 Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung, our guests from the last episode, have just announced that their Positive Precog Training link is LIVE! 1:30 Our favorite astrologer, Dena DeCastro returns! 2:34 Every time Patrick talks to Dena she is learning a new musical instrument. It turns out that now she is taking singing lessons! 4:29 Venus Retrograde (October 5 - November 16, 2018) is a time to turn inward for answers rather than outward. It’s a time to reflect on our relationships, values and finances, and comfort or pleasure in our lives. 5:50 Venus rules the signs of
127 - The Premonition Code and the Science of Precognition with Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
16/09/2018 Duration: 49minCan you learn the skill of precognition? Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung say the answer is yes, and being a "positive precog" can benefit your daily life. Plus what does the afterlife have to do with vegetable soup? Listen to find out! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:11 Introducing the book, The Premonition Code: The Science of Precognition; How Sensing the Future Can Change Your Life and it’s co-authors, Theresa Cheung and Dr. Julia Mossbridge! 1:45 A testimonial from Deepak Chopra! 3:38 How did this collaboration between Theresa and Julia happen? 5:15 Communicating the idea of science and precognition to a larger audience 7:00 Looking back at Patrick's interview with Marty Rosenblatt and the idea that collective consciousness is simply a collection of “now moments” 8:42 Training to be a “Positive Precog” 10:12 Does James Randi’s challenge matt
126 - The 20 Paranormal and Metaphysical Books You Must Read - Big Seance Podcast
01/09/2018 Duration: 56minIn this episode, Patrick takes you on a field trip through his paranormal and metaphysical library, plus he leaves you with a whopping list of the 20 Paranormal and Metaphysical Books that are fit for any paranerd! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 Welcome to my library! :40 Tales of the City by Armistead Maupin, the fiction series that started my journey into books and reading! 1:40 The organization of my library. 5:12 My 20 paranormal and metaphysical book recommendations fit for any paranerd! 10:43 Ghosts Among Us: Uncovering the Truth About the Other Side by James Van Praagh 11:57 Life on the Other Side: A Psychic's Tour of the Afterlife by Sylvia Browne 12:40 The Ghost Hunter’s Survival Guide: Protection Techniques for Encounters with the Paranormal by Michelle Belanger 13:35 True Haunting by Edwin F. Becker 15:13 Part 1 and Part 2 of Patrick's interview with Ed Be
125 - Slade Roberson of Shift Your Spirits - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
01/08/2018 Duration: 01h05minSlade Roberson is a professional intuitive counselor, author, and producer & host of the Shift Your Spirits Podcast. He joins Patrick in the parlor to discuss his origin story, reconnecting with spirituality, the fantastic titles from his archives, his thoughts on spirit guides, and the 2-part Stranger Angels podcast episodes that you MUST check out! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :55 Please welcome Slade Roberson to the parlor! 1:29 Pouring the green tea. 3:39 An explanation of Slade’s tagline, “83% fewer hearts and flowers than most New Age blather.” 4:15 Curating the imagery for Shift Your Spirits. 10:07 Reconnecting with his spirituality, and Slade’s origin story, which he calls “the switch.” 12:22 Were some of the details in Slade’s “switch” written in the stars for him? 19:15 Looking back at the 12 years of archives from Shift Your Spirits. Humm
124 - Psychic Medium Kristy Robinett and Journey to the Afterlife - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
19/07/2018 Duration: 01h13minPsychic Medium Kristy Robinett returns to the parlor to share experiences and stories from her new book, Journey to the Afterlife: Comforting Messages & Lessons from Loved Ones in Spirit. We talk about Heaven, Hell, and everything in between! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :58 Remember previous guest, Danielle M. Holdman from episodes 90 and 91 of the podcast? Patrick was just recently interviewed on Danielle’s The Coaching Parlour Podcast! Check it out! 1:33 Are you an Android user? The Big Seance Podcast can now be found in Google Podcasts! 2:21 Kristy Robinett’s Bio 2:51 Welcome, Kristy! 4:02 Kristy always seems to send special visitors to the parlor every time she visits! 4:33 Remembering "Banana Girl" from the last episode with Kristy. 6:45 Kristy’s new book that will be released very soon is Journey to the Afterlife: Comforting Messages & Less
123 - Haunted America Conference 2018 - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
04/07/2018 Duration: 01h50sPatrick's coverage of the 2018 Haunted America Conference! Appearances by the band Sunspot and the See You On the Other Side Podcast, Troy Taylor, Lisa Taylor-Horton, Cody Beck and the American Hauntings Podcast, Jennifer Jones and The Dead History, Missouri State Penitentiary, Sarah Soderlund, Luke Naliborski, Rob Garcia and the 1858 Garnett House Hotel, Sherri Brake and Haunted Heartland Tours, Darla Moore of Darla Tours, April Slaughter, Haunted Atchison Kansas, Kari Bergen and Ephemera Obscura, Albert Kelchner and Haunted Willow Creek Farm, and Rosemary Ellen Guiley! Visit for more info. Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link In this episode: Intro :00 I had so much fun at Haunted America Conference this year! :43 Pouring the tea. 1:58 Mike and Wendy, members of the band Sunspot and co-hosts of the See You On the Other Side Podcast, which can be found at You can find more of their music at Su
122 - Australia's Anne and Renata on Ghost Tours, Seances, and Table Tipping - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
22/06/2018 Duration: 01h09minPatrick travels one day into the future to talk to Australia's Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel about ghost tours, seances, table tipping, gadgets, and some of the hottest paranormal spots in Australia, including the Maitland Gaol and Q Station, Manly! Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Due to Patreon supporters, old episode of The Big Seance Podcast just got way easier to find and search for! 1:33 Introducing Renata and Anne! 3:13 Anne Rzechowicz is the investigator and owner of She’s a paranormal investigator and tour guide at Q Station, Manly. She’s also a professional actor, musician, and a Music and Humour Specialist at an Aged Care Facility. Renata is the owner of Newcastle Ghost Tours, she’s a psychic, a reiki practitioner, an Individual/Couples/Family Counselor, and an author. 6:50 The story of how Renata got her start in the business of ghost tours. 10:25 Renata and Anne have a very popular and fun video show on Facebook, called The
121 - Medium Marion Hover Returns - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
07/06/2018 Duration: 52minUK platform medium, Marion Hover, returns to the parlor to give us an update on some exciting changes in her paranormal world since we last talked. Hear of visiting spirit children, being pushed to the floor by unseen hands, and learn why being a medium is both a blessing and a curse. Visit for more info. In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :54 The Big Seance Podcast is now on Patreon, which is a way to join your favorite creator's community and help them to make content you love. Learn about the benefits of being a patron a little bit later in the show. 1:28 Some background about Patrick’s friend Marion Hover and her last last appearance on the show in 2015. 2:27 The Bio! Welcome, Marion Hover! 4:27 In a leap of faith, and by necessity, Marion left her traditional job and turned her passion and gifts into a a full time career. 5:54 Being a platform medium is both a blessing and a curse. Sometimes the spirit you want to come through isn’t the one who is supposed to come through. 11:40
120 - Joni Mayhan, EVP, and Haunted New Harmony - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
31/05/2018 Duration: 01h29sAuthor and Paranormal Investigator, Joni Mayhan, shares what it's like to grow up as a sensitive, and her favorite stories from her Haunted New Harmony Ghost Walk and Investigations! Plus hear four great EVP samples from Joni's collection! For more info, visit In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :54 The Bio. Welcome to the parlor, Joni Mayhan! 1:28 Joni refers to herself as a “sensitive”. What’s a sensitive and what is it like? And why not the term, “medium?” 3:50 Reading and writing about the paranormal. 6:00 Joni’s newest book, Haunted New Harmony. Get the book and learn about the small and historic community in Indiana. 10:48 Developing a relationship with the spirit of Mary Emily Fauntleroy from Joni’s Haunted New Harmony Ghost Walks and Investigations. 15:52 Spirit Communication, EVP, and treating spirit like human beings. 20:52 Experiences from the Evansville Civic Theatre 22:24 How does Joni combine her sensitivity with using traditional paranormal investigation tools? 26:39 Th
119 - A Special Listener Feedback Episode PLUS Karen A. Dahlman - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World
24/05/2018 Duration: 37minIn this special listener feedback episode, Patrick shares and discusses Apple Podcast reviews, listener emails, Big Seance Parlor happenings, PLUS we get to catch up with Ouija expert Karen A. Dahlman! Visit for more info. In this episode: Intro :00 Some updates and a look at what’s ahead in this special Listener Feedback Episode! :38 Apple Podcasts/iTunes reviews! 2:19 Catching up on listener emails! 6:03 Jamie-Leigh sent me an email that inspired a fun conversation with one of our favorite paranerds - Ouija expert and friend, Karen A. Dahlman! 15:05 An update on Karen’s work with the ouija, plus big news from the Talking Board Historical Society! 26:54 What’s going on in the Big Seance Parlor on Facebook? 31:15 Outro 35:45 Record your voice feedback directly from your device on my SpeakPipe page! Call the show at (775) 583-5563 (or 7755-TELL-ME). I would love to include your voice feedback in a future show. Visit BigSé for more information. Please help The Big Séance Podcast by s