Big Seance Podcast

122 - Australia's Anne and Renata on Ghost Tours, Seances, and Table Tipping - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Patrick travels one day into the future to talk to Australia's Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel about ghost tours, seances, table tipping, gadgets, and some of the hottest paranormal spots in Australia, including the Maitland Gaol and Q Station, Manly! Visit for more info.   In this episode:  Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Due to Patreon supporters, old episode of The Big Seance Podcast just got way easier to find and search for! 1:33 Introducing Renata and Anne! 3:13 Anne Rzechowicz is the investigator and owner of She’s a paranormal investigator and tour guide at Q Station, Manly. She’s also a professional actor, musician, and a Music and Humour Specialist at an Aged Care Facility. Renata is the owner of Newcastle Ghost Tours, she’s a psychic, a reiki practitioner, an Individual/Couples/Family Counselor, and an author. 6:50 The story of how Renata got her start in the business of ghost tours. 10:25 Renata and Anne have a very popular and fun video show on Facebook, called The