Big Seance Podcast

128 - Venus Retrograde and Astrologer Dena DeCastro - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Venus Retrograde is coming! Astrologer Dena DeCastro says it's time to turn inward for answers, and to reflect on things like the relationships, values, finances, and pleasures in your life. Find out what this means for you and the planet collectively. Visit for more info.  Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link   In this episode:  Episode Teaser :00 Intro :55 Dr. Julia Mossbridge and Theresa Cheung, our guests from the last episode, have just announced that their Positive Precog Training link is LIVE! 1:30 Our favorite astrologer, Dena DeCastro returns! 2:34 Every time Patrick talks to Dena she is learning a new musical instrument. It turns out that now she is taking singing lessons! 4:29 Venus Retrograde (October 5 - November 16, 2018) is a time to turn inward for answers rather than outward. It’s a time to reflect on our relationships, values and finances, and comfort or pleasure in our lives. 5:50 Venus rules the signs of