Big Seance Podcast

137 - John Oliver on Psychics - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



English comedian and political commentator John Oliver recently went on a skeptic rant about psychic mediums in his HBO series, Last Week Tonight. Are psychics offended? Were you offended? Should we be? Does he have valid points? I'd love to know your thoughts. Visit for more info.   Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link   In this episode: Intro :00 A recent rant by John Oliver offended your host, Patrick Keller. Was he right to be offended? After all, he’s not psychic. Are some of the points valid? :41 A clip from the HBO series, Last Week Tonight with John Oliver 1:55 Patrick discusses his conflicting thoughts on the clip 19:30 Feedback from members of the Big Seance Parlor on Facebook 23:08  Send Patrick your feedback! How did this segment make YOU feel? Are you a believer? Skeptic? In the middle? Were you offended? Should we be? 25:02 A special THANK YOU to Patreon supporters at the Super Paranerd and Parlor Guest level! 2