Big Seance Podcast

132 - Straight Dudes! Get Thyself to a Spirit Triangle! - Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Where are the straight men in the metaphysical and spiritual communities? Previous guests, Ash Riley of and Slade Roberson of the Shift Your Spirits Podcast, join Patrick in a roundtable (ahem - triangle table) discussion of a rarely approached topic! Visit for more info! Other Android OptionsListen in Spotify Listen in Stitcher Listen in iHeart Radio Direct Download Link   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro 1:00 Some improvements, thanks to Patreon Support! 1:33 Some background on how this episode and conversation came about. 2:16 How are Patrick and both of our return guests connected? Ash is a connector. Slade is a matchmaker. 3:43 Patrick met Ash online during the “information gathering phase” of his “spiritual shift.” Ash then introduced Patrick to Slade and his work. 8:31 Ash brought the team together for this “triangle table.” The topic started out as a joke in a planning discussion, but ended up being something everyone decided to roll with. What’s up wi