Big Seance Podcast

108 - Halloween Withdrawal and a LIVE Report from Trick-or-Treating - The Big Seance Podcast: My Paranormal World



Are you suffering from Halloween Withdrawal? This episode, with a LIVE report from Trick-or-Treating and a special Faust family interview, will keep you engrossed in the holiday for just a bit longer before it's gone for another year! Visit for more info.   In this episode: Episode Teaser :00 Intro :53 Do you ever experience Halloween Withdrawal? The season may be over, but we’re going to delay Halloween’s exit and enjoy it for just a bit longer! 1:26 LIVE Report from Trick-or-Treating on Halloween! 3:30 Dobby the House Elf 3:30 Ciel Phantomhive from Black Butler 6:10 Halloween frost bite with Preston, the first Faust kid of the evening. 8:04 Family Traditions with a super cute and chatty family! 9:10 Payton, the oldest Faust family member doesn’t like spooky, but according to Faust family law, she is required to participate! And can you believe she’s never seen Hocus Pocus?! 12:50 Learning about Satan’s Tunnel in Truxton, Missouri! 15:12 Gomez Adams - Jon Faust (Dad) with Crosby Faust (Dog). J