Logical Evolution Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:58:30
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Rocket science meets personal development to help you take your life into the next orbit.


  • #086: The Urgency of Alignment

    11/10/2020 Duration: 07min

    I want to give you a bit of hope today – and some guidance about that hope. I want you to know that creating those visions you have for how you want your life to be are not nearly as complicated as you make them. However, you do need to include one essential component – alignment. To succeed with less effort, we have to think more scientifically about our goals, and we must apply the universal laws that exist to reach those goals. Let’s use an example. Let's imagine that “Ann” has a broken arm. We all understand what needs to happen when a bone is broken! Ann needs to get that bone aligned, and she needs a cast on it to fix it in place for healing. That’s the natural intelligence of how the body works. It's only after that initial realignment has happened that she can move forward. When the cast comes off, that’s when she can work on range of motion and strength. What DON’T we do is when an arm gets broken? We don't immediately say, “Oh, your arm can't lift anything heavy, let's start getting you on a st

  • #085: The Power Of Pause

    27/09/2020 Duration: 07min

    Have you noticed that there are moments in your day when you're clearly not feeling engaged in your life? Have you noticed times that it feels like you're just going through the motions? What do you do in those times? If you struggle in those moments, today I’ll share with you an effective way to handle it. I think you’ll recognize it as something you’ve heard before, but maybe you dismissed as too simple or categorized as too “woo woo.” So, I’m going to explain it to you more scientifically in the hopes you’ll realize its value and start using it to your advantage. I want to remind you of the power of pause. When you see that you’re going down a path that you don't enjoy, pausing must be the first step to effectively transform that moment. If you were planning to go somewhere, and you realized that you were driving in the wrong direction, you wouldn't just keep going! You would stop and say, “I need to make a turn; I need to move in a different direction so I really get to the place that I want to go.” Ho

  • #084: Be a vector, not a scalar

    20/09/2020 Duration: 05min

    I want to remind you of an important distinction today – the difference between a VECTOR and a SCALAR. I remember learning about this back in my physics class in high school. This is the difference between having speed, and having speed with direction. You can think of the idea of spinning your wheels – that's got a lot of speed and activity, but you're not going anywhere. Or you can have speed and direction – by driving down the road. This is a trap that I have found myself in before. Maybe you can relate, and maybe you have an area in your life where this is happening now. Maybe you have an area where you're taking a lot of action, but you're not sure you're getting anywhere. We can easily get caught up in taking action and forget about noticing whether we have the right direction. Are we actually moving forward with this action? Or are we just spinning our wheels? Recently, there's been a big emphasis on your morning routine. I definitely believe in the importance of a good, solid morning routine, so I

  • #083: Don't suck it up, level up!

    13/09/2020 Duration: 06min

    I want to ask you today if you've ever been told that you need to “suck it up,” or if those are words you've ever told yourself. I, personally, can think of those days at work after a long day of meetings and projects where I'm feeling kind of drained…but there's that one meeting left, or there's that one thing I have to finish in order to be done for the day. My inner dialogue is to “just suck it up, just gotta finish.” It's about getting that last thing checked off, so I can just go do something else. It's like I'm wishing away that moment. If I'm going to be honest, I have those times at the end of my work day when I'm making that transition to go be a parent too. There's a lot of times I don't really feel like it, and it's a similar internal conversation, that I have to “just suck it up to get through until bedtime.” But that's not the kind of person I want to be, or the kind of experience that I want to have. It doesn't lead to a very fun time for me, let alone everybody else. The “suck it up” strate

  • #082: Popularity Or Integrity

    02/08/2020 Duration: 06min

    Popularity or integrity? We can’t have both. In fact, the more outspoken you become with your message, the more you’re going to receive negative feedback. Just those of you who are parents I know can relate to this! Whether you oversee a team at work or a team at home (or both), think about some of the decisions you’ve had to make. Think of the ones that you know weren’t going to be popular, among your kids or your team or your friends, and think about why you’ve made those decisions. It was likely because of something that you believed in deeply and that ultimately you believed would be of the biggest benefit to them. When something’s beneficial for you – truly beneficial – it’s beneficial for everyone. The more that we act in integrity, the more that these types of beneficial decisions are made. Sometimes there’s a transition though, a point where we feel like we’re rocking the boat if we make decisions like that. Sometimes there are turbulent times we have to go through to get to the other side if we’ve

  • #081: Validation or Evolution?

    26/07/2020 Duration: 04min

    If you’re a logical thinker like me, then I bet you’ve had this same experience I’m going to share with you today! When I first realized that there was a whole world of personal development and that maybe it could help me create change in my life, the first thing I dove into was books – lots of them. I was living in Houston at the time, working at NASA, and I used to spend my weekend at the Barnes and Noble down the street from my house. I would wander up and down the Personal Development aisles, finding books and bringing them home. I was a studier – I had my highlighter, and I was doing all the exercises diligently. I don’t know how many books in I was, but at some point I noticed that I was reading the books with an intention of trying to VALIDATE what I was already doing. What I realized within that is this – if I’m just looking for the ways I’m already doing it “right,” I’m not really going to find things I need to change to do better. I had to stop being afraid of seeing where I wanted to grow. I had

  • #080: 3 phrases to eliminate

    19/07/2020 Duration: 09min

    I’m covering three phrases you need to eliminate from your vocabulary if you want to see change. Using these phrases is a habit that short circuits a lot of us because they indicate that we really don’t believe we have the power to effect change. There’s no way we’ll create the changes we desire if we think on some level that we’re unable to do it. The first phrase to eliminate is: “I had no choice.” It may be an undesirable choice, but we do have a choice. It’s important to acknowledge the fact that the choice exists – in order to feel like we have any power in our lives. One context I have heard this in is with the statement, “I had no choice, I had to go to work.” You didn’t have to, but the other choice was so undesirable that you unconsciously eliminated it. What if you decided not to go to work? Well, maybe the results would range from mild annoyance to getting fired. Maybe these are very undesirable choices that you don’t want, but you do have a choice. To say “I had no choice” is not only reflective

  • #079: Wisdom Is A Verb

    12/07/2020 Duration: 06min

    Today, my message for you is this: wisdom is a verb. I’m wondering – Is there anything you want to have or achieve that hasn’t happened yet…but you feel like you know how to do it and it should’ve happened already?!? If that’s the case, it’s likely that some of the things you’ve learned haven’t really become wisdom just yet. Wisdom is a sign that we’ve incorporated what we’ve learned. So, until something’s happened, we can assume that we haven’t really, truly learned it. True learning leads to wisdom. We can take in information, but learning is being able to actually execute on that information. At times, we may be prevented from gaining wisdom, because that needed action is connected to a fear we all have. We may fear looking at the places where we don’t know the answer and, especially logical thinkers, where we feel little bit dumb. We have to be willing to feel dumb to become wise. When I think back to my own situations and occasions of learning new things, this certainly plays out for me. I can unde

  • #078: Control and Freedom

    05/07/2020 Duration: 07min

    Today I want to talk to you about two topics – control and freedom. They are two ideas, but part of one continuum. Control is one side – when we really want to be the one who makes things happen in a certain way or on a certain timetable. Freedom is on the other side – when we let go and allow. I think a lot of us logical thinkers tend toward the control side! My mission is to help logical thinkers achieve goals more efficiently – to help manifest those things in life that we think will give us the greatest experience and enjoyment. In order to move to those higher levels of achievement, we need to look at things like this. Where we tend toward control, we might need to adjust toward freedom, or maybe the other way around. First, control. I want to challenge you to think about something, or several things, that you can back off from your current level of control. Maybe it’s some decisions that your kids are making, maybe it’s coworkers or employees. What are things that really aren’t yours to decide and pos

  • #077: 3 reasons to go with the flow

    28/06/2020 Duration: 07min

    Today I am giving you three reasons to “go with the flow.” Those of us who consider ourselves logical thinkers can sometimes get a little too obsessed with the linear thinking of our to do list. However, going with the flow can actually help you reach your goals faster, and today I’ll explain how. It’s finding that sweet spot of the list and the flow that allows you to access the most efficient path to reaching goals. The first reason to go with the flow is: energy efficiency. Think of a river. You use less energy if you’re letting your boat use the current to your advantage. Rowing against the current takes the most from you and your energy. This idea of energy efficiency is being open to how the things you want to have happen can happen in the most efficient way – understanding that your idea of the order of events may not be the best. It’s not the list that helps us the most, but the vision that helps us the most. (This is supported by quantum physics and is a bigger conversation – opt into my website if

  • #076: How Insulting!

    21/06/2020 Duration: 07min

    Today, I want to remind you of this science-based rule of happy living: only do what you want to get more of. What we find in scientific studies is that life is organized around vibration, and for us vibration refers to the intention that we hold. By holding onto a state of intention (a state of being) – whether it’s peace, joy, or anger – we create around us similar patterns and we draw to us similar patterns. I want to remind you of this today because it’s key in getting to the goals that you want to achieve. I’ve noticed recently in all the ways people engage with each other – this reminder is needed! Specifically, one of the ways I propose that you start considering this in your choices is this – let’s avoid insulting each other! I’ve noticed an interesting thing in myself too as I scroll through Facebook occasionally (which I make sure only to do occasionally because it doesn’t help me maintain my preferred state of being). I’ve noticed that when I see things that I’m happy or excited about as I scro

  • #075: Find the drips

    14/06/2020 Duration: 06min

    Today I want to talk about this metaphor of the “little drips.” These little drips add up, and they deserve our attention – especially in light of our world today. I had a conversation recently with a friend that motivated me to make this a topic for today. We talked about how, as we see some of the major issues in the world, we feel this immediate desire to try to help – to drop everything and to make change happen. While actions will be part of the solution for sure, I think this type of situation also demands self-reflection. For some people, it’s their calling to drop everything and go. But for others of us, that feeling to drop everything is largely a desire to try to fix the discomfort that we’re feeling about seeing the problem. It’s like you moved into a new house and you pulled back one of the panels on the wall to find a giant mold issue. We feel this inner response as a need to fix it. What I want to call your attention to is that this mold problem started as a drip. Even those of us who are not

  • #074: Knowing Yourself

    07/06/2020 Duration: 08min

    How well do you know yourself? We’ve all had quite a bit of time away from our regular lives – more sequestered from others, maybe less dramatic on the outside than it was. Perhaps less busy, perhaps not, but certainly different. For me, in some ways life is a little bit more calm. This question, then, is a really good one to be asking yourself right now. It’s a great time to be asking this because we might have more capability to really spend time with it. How you answer this question will tell you everything you need to know about why – or why not – you’re achieving certain goals in your life. The more we know what goes on in our own minds, the better we’re going to be able to create the future that we want. Science supports this idea – quantum physics in particular. What’s going on inside our minds is literally the vision for our futures. So, if we are stuck in moving toward those places that we want to go, the answer is always going to come from self-reflection. So what is it that you need to know? I’

  • #073: Are you still dreaming?

    31/05/2020 Duration: 06min

    Welcome! Today, my question for you to ponder is: Are you still dreaming? My goal is to always help you move toward the life you envision and the goals you set using the principles of science. You have this mind that can organize information well and that can understand the workings of science – I take those same ideas and bring them into the realm of your regular day-to-day life. Science is working all the time; it doesn’t just apply to things we look at in microscopes or telescopes – science is actually helping create YOUR life as well. The concept I want to talk about today is dreaming, or imagination. Einstein has a quote that I had a lot of trouble understanding initially. But, over the last couple decades as I’ve been developing the Logical Evolution Framework, I’ve understood it clearly. His quote is: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.” In this case, I want you to ask yourself: Are you imagining your future? Are you in a creative space around what your future can be? Or, are you basing y

  • #072: Space exploration

    24/05/2020 Duration: 08min

    The topic today is SPACE, which I love for many reasons. The first reason I love it led me to my career path as an aerospace engineer – I’ve worked for the International Space Station program and the Space Shuttle Program, and now I work for the Dream Chaser Program. Obviously, the exploration of outer space is key to my life and is a passion of mine. However, today I’m talking about a different kind of space – not an outer space but an inner space. In particular, it’s space for our minds. I want to encourage you to look at how much time in your day you’re allowing yourself to have space – real space. I’m not talking about setting the to do list aside for 5 minutes, I’m talking about giving yourself time when there’s an emptiness of activity, when there’s a pause, when you actually can focus on just being where you are. This is something I had to learn the value of – I’m more of a check the box, move forward, get going kind of person. But eventually I realized that this approach wasn’t actually taking me t

  • #071: Quantum Strength

    17/05/2020 Duration: 09min

    I want to tell you about how to gain instant insight into how quantum physics works, and instant strength toward something you are working on achieving. If you’re like me, you set a lot of goals, and some are harder to stay on the path towards than others! One recurring goal I set is cleaning up my eating. It seems like I’m always resetting that goal because it’s hard for me. Since that’s one of my challenging areas, I definitely get into periods where my strength for maintaining progress on that is waning. I invite you to consider what area or goal in your life feels that way right now. Where do you feel strength, desire, or motivation for your goal waning? At those times, we need a jolt of strength, and it can happen in an instant. Instant strength comes from committing to our goal. I know that you’ve probably heard that before, but I want to share it with you in a new way – in the context of quantum physics. What you experience in that moment of commitment gives you a glimpse of what quantum physics does

  • Clarity plus Focus equals Results

    10/05/2020 Duration: 07min

    Being a logical thinker, I’m guessing you’re going to like the way I’m going to present this information to you today. Your success is important to me – I’m always looking for you to get greater results, specifically by using the logic that comes naturally to you. One of the ways I do that is to use equations and to think about things in terms of the variables involved that lead to a result. When it comes to getting results you want, your important variables are CLARITY and FOCUS. RESULTS = CLARITY + FOCUS Clarity means that you know what the goal is, you understand the steps, you understand why you want to reach that goal, and you have a clear vision of what it is you want to achieve. Clarity is seeing what you desire in detail, and being able to explain it in detail. The second piece, focus, is actually using your resources toward that. Focus is like the operation of a magnifying glass to the sun rays, it brings energy together in a way that amplifies its effectiveness. The important variables in getti

  • #069: Checking your "expansion" gauge

    03/05/2020 Duration: 07min

    Today I want to introduce you to an important gauge that you have available to you. This gauge needs to be one of your main references when you are moving through your day – in particular when you are making decisions. This gauge measures “expansion” versus “contraction.” These two states can be likened to that of our nervous system – we know about the fight or flight response versus the relaxation response. This is one aspect of this gauge that you may be already familiar with. Think about the state of fight or flight – it’s a stressful state. In this state, we have emotions like anxiety, fear, anger, and frustration – all these things that tighten our bodies up. This is contraction, and it’s a physical, emotional, and mental state. Not only does your body get tense, but your emotions become those tense types of emotions (fear, anger), and your mind gets tense as well. You feel there are only two options available to you – you can fight or you can flee. This is all indicative of being in a state of contra

  • #067: Guilt Does Not Equal Growth

    19/04/2020 Duration: 09min

    Hello! Today’s message starts with a question. At any point over the last week, have you made yourself feel guilty or experienced guilt over anything? If the answer is yes, and especially if that’s a recurring experience for you, then keep listening! Now, I wonder if you’ve been in either or both of these two scenarios before: Scenario 1 is that you’ve had a person in your life you felt really supported by – the kind of friend you could tell anything to and can be yourself completely with. Scenario 2 is that you’ve had a person in your life who offers the opposite experience – someone who’s critical of you – when you’re with them, you feel you’re never quite measuring up to their standards. I’m guessing that you can relate to both. So then, the question becomes: Which person are you to YOURSELF? Are you that accepting friend, or are you that critical person? This is a key question! You have the ability to choose which way to relate to yourself – and I bet it comes as no surprise that being the accepting

  • #064: Action In Unpredictability

    29/03/2020 Duration: 07min

    Welcome! Today we’re all experiencing a similar state of unpredictability. We often face small periods of unpredictability, but it’s been a long time since we’ve experienced such a collective unpredictability, and an unpredictability to such a degree. We’re in the middle of dealing with this pandemic, and it’s affecting everyone. It gives us an opportunity to really look at something together, to be able to use the same thing in our investigation. It’s really easy to talk about something when we have it in common. Usually we need to draw parallels, and that works, but when we have the same situation to look at together, that can make our conversations even more powerful. So, today, I want to bring your attention to the unpredictable nature of not just this time, but of life. We often use unpredictability as an excuse to put things off, to delay, to avoid, and to keep us from setting the kind of habits we need to get to the places we really want to be in life. It’s actually NOT essential that we GET to that

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