Logical Evolution Podcast

#078: Control and Freedom



Today I want to talk to you about two topics – control and freedom. They are two ideas, but part of one continuum. Control is one side – when we really want to be the one who makes things happen in a certain way or on a certain timetable. Freedom is on the other side – when we let go and allow. I think a lot of us logical thinkers tend toward the control side! My mission is to help logical thinkers achieve goals more efficiently – to help manifest those things in life that we think will give us the greatest experience and enjoyment. In order to move to those higher levels of achievement, we need to look at things like this. Where we tend toward control, we might need to adjust toward freedom, or maybe the other way around. First, control. I want to challenge you to think about something, or several things, that you can back off from your current level of control. Maybe it’s some decisions that your kids are making, maybe it’s coworkers or employees. What are things that really aren’t yours to decide and pos