Logical Evolution Podcast

#076: How Insulting!



Today, I want to remind you of this science-based rule of happy living: only do what you want to get more of. What we find in scientific studies is that life is organized around vibration, and for us vibration refers to the intention that we hold. By holding onto a state of intention (a state of being) – whether it’s peace, joy, or anger – we create around us similar patterns and we draw to us similar patterns. I want to remind you of this today because it’s key in getting to the goals that you want to achieve. I’ve noticed recently in all the ways people engage with each other – this reminder is needed! Specifically, one of the ways I propose that you start considering this in your choices is this – let’s avoid insulting each other! I’ve noticed an interesting thing in myself too as I scroll through Facebook occasionally (which I make sure only to do occasionally because it doesn’t help me maintain my preferred state of being). I’ve noticed that when I see things that I’m happy or excited about as I scro