Logical Evolution Podcast

#079: Wisdom Is A Verb



Today, my message for you is this: wisdom is a verb. I’m wondering – Is there anything you want to have or achieve that hasn’t happened yet…but you feel like you know how to do it and it should’ve happened already?!? If that’s the case, it’s likely that some of the things you’ve learned haven’t really become wisdom just yet. Wisdom is a sign that we’ve incorporated what we’ve learned. So, until something’s happened, we can assume that we haven’t really, truly learned it. True learning leads to wisdom. We can take in information, but learning is being able to actually execute on that information. At times, we may be prevented from gaining wisdom, because that needed action is connected to a fear we all have. We may fear looking at the places where we don’t know the answer and, especially logical thinkers, where we feel little bit dumb. We have to be willing to feel dumb to become wise. When I think back to my own situations and occasions of learning new things, this certainly plays out for me. I can unde