Logical Evolution Podcast

#086: The Urgency of Alignment



I want to give you a bit of hope today – and some guidance about that hope. I want you to know that creating those visions you have for how you want your life to be are not nearly as complicated as you make them. However, you do need to include one essential component – alignment. To succeed with less effort, we have to think more scientifically about our goals, and we must apply the universal laws that exist to reach those goals. Let’s use an example. Let's imagine that “Ann” has a broken arm. We all understand what needs to happen when a bone is broken! Ann needs to get that bone aligned, and she needs a cast on it to fix it in place for healing. That’s the natural intelligence of how the body works. It's only after that initial realignment has happened that she can move forward. When the cast comes off, that’s when she can work on range of motion and strength. What DON’T we do is when an arm gets broken? We don't immediately say, “Oh, your arm can't lift anything heavy, let's start getting you on a st