Logical Evolution Podcast

#075: Find the drips



Today I want to talk about this metaphor of the “little drips.” These little drips add up, and they deserve our attention – especially in light of our world today. I had a conversation recently with a friend that motivated me to make this a topic for today. We talked about how, as we see some of the major issues in the world, we feel this immediate desire to try to help – to drop everything and to make change happen. While actions will be part of the solution for sure, I think this type of situation also demands self-reflection. For some people, it’s their calling to drop everything and go. But for others of us, that feeling to drop everything is largely a desire to try to fix the discomfort that we’re feeling about seeing the problem. It’s like you moved into a new house and you pulled back one of the panels on the wall to find a giant mold issue. We feel this inner response as a need to fix it. What I want to call your attention to is that this mold problem started as a drip. Even those of us who are not