Synergy Mindset Coaching

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:37:19
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Welcome to Synergy Mindset Coaching, we are working hard at creating a gym for your mindset. A place where you can have less doubt, negative thoughts and fear holding you back and experience more love and success in your life. On the podcast I interview experts, authors, and entrepreneurs sharing stories of transformation. You get to hear their failures, wisdom and takeaways to help you achieve your goals and dreams.


  • Overcoming Sexual Abuse with Bobbi Parish

    10/08/2015 Duration: 47min

    Join us as Bobbi Parish, A Trauma Recovery Coach, shares her own personal story of overcoming sexual abuse. She struggled with shame, depression, feeling unloved and went through a period of homelessness. Bobbi found the strength and courage to walk down the path of healing, stand up and say, no more, no more shame! She united forces with two other ladies and has created many different methods of supporting others, healing from sexual abuse. Today she shares her personal story and tells us why we heal best with support and love from others. Links --- Send in a voice message:

  • Finding Your Identity with Jamie Gilbert

    10/07/2015 Duration: 29min

    Do you know what it is like to put everything you have into something and then have it come to an end? You put so much into it that it became your identity and now without it, you don’t know what to do? Jamie Gilbert shares his personal story with us. He has been through that time where he lost his identity and he takes us on his journey to success. We talk about how he found his passion, overcame fear and worked really hard to become successful. Today Jamie, Joshua Medcalf and their team at Train 2 Be CLUTCH, speak, coach and give workshops. They have self-published a book called: Burn Your Goals, The Counter Cultural Approach to Achieving Your Greatest Potential If you are looking to find your own identity, get ahead in life and be successful, you can start today, start now by listening to this interview. --- Send in a voice message: ht

  • Overcoming Cancer to Running Boston Marathon with Bruce Van Horn

    10/06/2015 Duration: 51min

    Have you ever felt as if life has handed you too many problems and felt like you would never be able to break away from the darkness? Perhaps you have lost a child, and understand what it is like to live with heart wrenching grief, end up with bills that are more than you can deal with, and then have your marriage come to an end. Perhaps you have had cancer and been through the battle, with children depending on you to raise them. Today we interview a man who has been through all of this in just one lifetime. What came as a surprise to me, is that I requested to interview him about meditation........ Ok, I am a little embarrassed to admit..... from first impressions on the outside he looked to me like someone who had a great, perfect life that surely let to his success today. Well, I WAS WRONG, and I AM GRATEFUL that he was so honest, and so transparent, because his story INSPIRES me, MOVES me to try harder, LIFTS me up, makes me feel HOPE and I hope after listening that you feel ready to tackle whatever it

  • Deciding to Thrive from a Jail Cell with Fidel Rodriguez

    21/05/2015 Duration: 40min

    Fidel shares a story about how his life hit rock bottom, and he wanted to disappear into the shadows. It is hard to find hope when you're in that place, but he did, and today he tells us how. Fidel's website twitter Instagram Book mentions: The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People Inspired Human Revolution Podcast A Second Chance fb page Our google + Community ---

  • Why Do My Relationships Fail with Paul Colaianni

    24/04/2015 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever been in a relationship that failed and been left with feelings of hurt, anger, frustration or wondered Why? I know I sure have, and so has Paul Colaianni. We talk about subconscious behaviors that can sabotage our relationships. Find out how you can improve the quality of your relationships with Personal Development Coach Paul Colaianni. In this episode, he shares his own personal failures and how he used them to his advantage by asking this question; "If I was the problem in this relationship? What could it be?" Find Paul at --- Send in a voice message:

  • Our Scars are Places of Healing with Matt Ham

    10/04/2015 Duration: 29min

    What does Rich mean to you and why should you take the time to think about it? "For so long, I felt like I was failing in life because I never had a lot of money. Rich to me was how many dollars you had, what you owned and what you gave your kids." Redefine Rich shares with us that there are many ways to feel rich. I began to see the gifts in having children to love, guide through life  and play with. The richness in having a husband that supports my own personal growth and journey, a mom that loves me and supports me as well as true friends makes me feel full of richness. What is being rich for you? I hope you get as much out of this interview as I did. I sure hope you find richness in your life today, and believe that you can achieve your dreams. Meet Matt Ham, author of Redefine Rich.   Matt is a family man passionate about his wife and three children. Secondly, he is an insurance agent and had experienced great success in his day job. Then he felt a calling to write a book. He tells us a story abo

  • The Fort Leavenworth Story with David Mike

    26/03/2015 Duration: 31min

    The Fort Leavenworth Story Mike served his country, was a responsible and respectable member of society until one night he made a choice that changed his life forever.  He was offered a pill; that happened to be ecstasy. He took it and his whole life changed as he knew it. David Mike shares his story about his life before and after his visit at Fort Leavenworth.   He served his country, fell into drugs and became a drug dealer. At one point, he could see his own car on the street, outside of his prison window. Since prison, he has become a Husband, Father, Cosmetology instructor and blogger. His story inspires forgiveness, self-love and sends a message that everyone deserves a second chance.   He heard a broadcast while being transferred prisons,  that helped him embrace faith and was able to let go of everything and forgive himself.   “If you don’t forgive your self it will be hard to accept the forgiveness of others.”   We talk about how he got into cosmetology and then started a family. He shares

  • Canada's First Death Coach with Stephen Garrett

    08/01/2015 Duration: 28min

    What Can We Learn From A Death Coach? Could you imagine finding out that someone you love died suddenly and unexpectedly? Stephen lost his sister and realized that everything he was striving for “wasn't really worth it”. He gave up his six-figure income, BMW’s and suits to become a social worker. His first year as a social worker he made $12,000 and he had made that each month as a Stock Broker. He almost went back when times were difficult, but he paid more attention to his heart and stuck with it. Through the years he found his calling and became a Death Coach or The Death Shaman. He helps people plan for death, have conversations about it, heal and find life.    Questions I ask Stephen and Important Points What is a Death Coach? Why are people afraid of fear? Why will a coach and surrounding yourself with support make it easier to start over with a new lifestyle? Why did you become a coach? What separates us from Vancouver's Downtown East Side sex trade workers, drug attics and homeless?

  • Faith and Stroke Recovery with Reverend Ray Rose

    11/12/2014 Duration: 29min

    How can a small measure of faith help some overcome the challenges that come with having a stroke? What happens when you know the odds are not with you, to be independent again? Today we talk with Reverend Ray. Even when he wanted to die, give up and call it quits, he kept going. He believes that there is so much in you that you have to give to somebody else. There is somebody else that needs you. This is the part of the emotional battle that he fought within. This is his first time telling his story, and he shares a message that,  What We Talk About In This Interview:   Ray shares his experience of having a stroke He shares a message from God We talk about his time in the hospital and recovery What it was like when he first came home He shares his journey along his recovery and finding what he is passionate about We talk about the impact on his family The power of prayer We talk about suicide, both having the will to go on and helping others see the good within themselves.   Conta

  • Healing after War in Iraq with Chaplain Moreno

    04/12/2014 Duration: 33min

    Honor is very important to Marines.  You always do the right thing. What happens when someone does something that is against their own moral framework? What happens if it is so bad to them, that it affects their marriage and relationship with their kids? What happens if they view themselves as horrible people and end up caring a tremendous amount of guilt around with them? It is critical to get rid of the guilt. We learn ways to cleanse,  remove guilt and lessen guilt on today’s show. What happens when we want to help someone through these tough situations and it is hard for us to listen to the events that have taken place? How can we listen and how do the experts cope with these traumatic events? It starts with finding someone to listen to you after you have listened. In this interview, we hear about how a community can help people through really difficult memories.   We are talking with Mike Moreno on the show and he talks about spirituality, the war in Iraq, and shares some topics that may be diffi

  • Escaping Death with Christopher Hostetler

    20/11/2014 Duration: 35min

    Could you imagine if your child was playing in the backyard, and the next thing you know, his friend has come to get you, to let you know he has been shot? Imagine you are in the hospital wondering if he is going to be alright. How would this affect your family and how would this affect your child? Chris shares his experience for the first time on radio, a story of hard times, strong family, healing and then a journey to help others. I found Chris on Google, his website was ranking near the top when I was searching for something. His story took my attention from the second I saw it. Since the interview, I feel like we instantly connected; he is a strong, inspiring and deeply caring family man. I hope you enjoy his story and are inspired by it as much as I am. Chris was playing in his backyard when he was only 5 years old.  His life memories pretty much start the day of the accident. He was swinging on the swing set and playing with a friend. His neighbor was a Vietnam Vet, perhaps having an episode

  • Estate Planning with Nicole Wipp Part 2

    13/11/2014 Duration: 33min

    NICOLE WIPP, ESTATE PLANNING IS AN ACT OF LOVE PART 2 Hi everyone, I am so grateful that you're here and listening to the information Nicole is going to share about estate planning, elder law and share some great reasons that may help you decide if you would like to have a will.     Today our podcast is the second part of estate planning. I would like to thank Nicole for all her time and for sharing her knowledge. You can find her at or   Nicole is an attorney in the state of Michigan and is also licensed in Hawaii. She is here today not as an attorney, but to give general advice on this topic. She suggests you seek an attorney for specific information to your situation.   Her law practice is called, The Family and Aging Law Center. They help families manage crisis and prepare for a crisis.     “Estate planning is an act of love,  When you fail to plan, it causes a burden.” Nicole Wipp   We start off the second half of the interview

  • Estate Planning with Nicole Wipp

    06/11/2014 Duration: 25min

    Hi everyone, I am so grateful that you're here and excited to bring our guest, appearing as an expert in estate planning. She will not be giving legal advice, and you should consult a lawyer in your area for specific advice. She will share a lot of information I hope you will find helpful today. Today our podcast shares some advice that I am really passionate about. Could you imagine if your life was to end today.........   Are you prepared? I put off these decisions and was suddenly faced with the fact I had not planned, and It was really scary. If you do not plan legally, your children could end up living a very different life than you may want This interview will help you take control and plan for your loved ones and your own piece of mind.   Nicole is an attorney in the state of Michigan and is also licensed in Hawaii. She is here today not as an attorney, but to give general advice on this topic. She suggests you seek an attorney for specific information to your situation.   Her law practice is

  • Overcoming Cancer As a Teen with Timothy Lawson

    29/10/2014 Duration: 36min

    Timothy lives in The District of Columbia. He has lived in about a dozen different places over the last 10 years but came from the Greater North West.  He spent about 5 ½ years in the Marine Corps, serving as a marine security guard.   He is just finishing his degree in broadcast journalism. He started a business with Lawson Entertainment that revolves around a podcast network.   Timothy had a blog and a friend suggested he turned it into a podcast. He then became involved with Veteran Empire and started doing a podcast with them. He then started Lawson Entertainment and a few podcasts.   He often talks about Veterans on interviews but rarely about his own near-death experience. He is pretty transparent about his life, and he likes to share the experiences he has, and share them with people.  Near-Death Experience  His father was in the military and kept being stationed where he grew up. He never really experienced a true military life or moved. One morning, he woke up, he was a  senior in high school;1

  • After Effect from War in Iraq with Chaplain Moreno

    22/10/2014 Duration: 23min

    John served 13 months in Iraq, with the USA military. He had numerous near-death experiences. Today he shares the most prominent one with us, and the effects it had on him. After his time in the army, he was able to find his passion and created EntrepreneurOnFire, a 7 day a week podcast. He interviews top and successful entrepreneurs and has was awarded Best Of iTunes in 2013. From there, John and Kate created an amazing forum of podcasters from around the world, called Podcasers' Paradise,  and were featured in Forbes magazine. How To Podcast For Profit ($2M Sales In Year 2) With Entrepreneur On Fire John Dumas   I listened to an interview he did with Ryan Holiday about Stoicism. I have been touched by learning about it, and although I could go on and on about all the good that John is doing in the world, I will let you hear in this interview for yourself. What a truly inspiring and amazing person John is, but most importantly to me, he was my first mentor in the business world, and I wouldn't have create

  • Train Trestle Fall to Inspiring Speaker with Dale Spencer

    02/10/2014 Duration: 31min

    At the young age of 20, Dale slipped and fell from a railroad trestle, and in that moment, his life was dramatically changed. He spent two and a half months in the hospital and had to learn how to live life in a wheelchair.  Dale shares his journey and how his positive thinking led him to become a speaker and deliver the important message to Think First .   Dale Spencer Dale lives in the western suburbs of Chicago. He is a mortgage broker and a key-note speaker in many topics. I asked him about his religious beliefs prior to the interview, to get an idea of how they may have changed. He was brought up Catholic and went to church every Sunday. As a kid, you don't realize the full understanding of spirituality and faith. When it came to his injury it really put his faith to the test, as well as his family. Near-Death Experience It was December or 1988. Dale was with his friends from Northern Illinois University and it was the end of his first semester, junior year. He had to take a break from studying and

  • Devastating Horse Accident to Thriving Business Coach

    24/09/2014 Duration: 40min

    John Ramstead   I am blessed to share an inspiring story that touched my soul and filled my heart. John overcame tremendous injury in an accident that he miraculously survived. This is a story not only about becoming Christian but also really connecting and feeling our creators love. Today he is the co-host of The Eternal Leadership podcast, as well as a successful business coach.   As a kid, he had a dream to be a fighter pilot and never thought he could achieve it. John went to college on a ROTC scholarship, then Navy Flight school and through a lot of hard work became a F14 pilot. He flew in desert storm, flew combat sorties. Then he had been given dream orders to go back and instruct at Top Gun, but he had a softball accident and suffered nerve damage to his eye. No longer able to fly, John was completely unsure about the path of his life. His dreams were taken away and that was the only thing he wanted to do since being a child. He needed help, direction, and purpose as his life didn't have any meani

  • Surviving a Brain Tumour with Optimism

    03/09/2014 Duration: 53min

    Martin Bailey shares his extraordinary story of recovering from a brain tumor, optimism and achieving your dreams.   Near-Death Experience Martin was in Antarctica on a boat when he felt a popping sensation in his head. It happened several times, and the ship doctor asked him if he had hit his head. The fits had stopped on the journey home but began two months after. His wife and his brother were very supportive. The neurosurgeon, Dr. Joki, means always happy in English. He thought it was a brilliant name! They went in through his nose, but he had a plate in his nose cartilage from when he broke it as a child. They couldn't get the apparatus in, so they had to take it out, straighten the bone, make a passage, and punch a hole in his skull. One afternoon Dr. Joki was in his room, his brother joked that Martin was the clever one in the family, and for 20 minutes they joked back and forth about who was the clever one.  Then they laughed because this conversation was in front of a brain surgeon!! Then he p

  • Second Chance at Life and Marriage

    27/08/2014 Duration: 52min

    Nick was given a second chance at life when he was hit head-on by a Buick as a teenager.  He was incredibly resilient and bounced back quickly. Life crept up on him and before he knew it he was successful in business but not as much at home. He was working over 60 hours a week......   He shares the journey he took to become a good husband and father. As a bonus, he shares important information about wills and guardians, to help you make sure you have everything in order and a good sense of security in your family. Nick Pavlidis I asked Nick about his faith before his accident. He grew up in a Greek Orthodox family and is a Greek Orthodox Christian.  He was relatively connected with his church before and still is today. He is a little more introverted with his church and prefers to take it all in. He feels connected, and his family lives a Greek Orthodox Christian life. Nick's accident and life events did not seem to have any influence on his faith. What Happened? When Nick was only 17 years old, he was inv

  • Miracle Boy Falls From Train Trestle and Survives

    20/08/2014 Duration: 32min

    Joel shares such an impactful and moving story, that I found myself tearing up during the interview a few times. Tissue alert, he was only 5 years old when he slipped from a train trestle and somehow escaped death. Joel was truly given a second chance at life and how grateful am I. Today he helps thousands of people Relaunch their life with confidence. Joel's Life Today  Joel and his wife co-host together Relaunch. They do daily shows throughout the week. They bring in the hottest and in-demand authors. They share inspiring ideas and practical steps to help people set themselves up and get ready for their own relaunch.  Near-Death Experience   Joel's parents separated when he was 3 years old. He lived with his mom and spent weekends and holidays with his dad. When he was 5, his dad took him hiking in the Texas hill country. He wandered off with the other kids and started their own hike. They climbed to the top of a cliff and found a bridge. At 5, the bridge represented a jungle gym. He walked to the

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