Synergy Mindset Coaching

Overcoming Cancer to Running Boston Marathon with Bruce Van Horn



Have you ever felt as if life has handed you too many problems and felt like you would never be able to break away from the darkness? Perhaps you have lost a child, and understand what it is like to live with heart wrenching grief, end up with bills that are more than you can deal with, and then have your marriage come to an end. Perhaps you have had cancer and been through the battle, with children depending on you to raise them. Today we interview a man who has been through all of this in just one lifetime. What came as a surprise to me, is that I requested to interview him about meditation........ Ok, I am a little embarrassed to admit..... from first impressions on the outside he looked to me like someone who had a great, perfect life that surely let to his success today. Well, I WAS WRONG, and I AM GRATEFUL that he was so honest, and so transparent, because his story INSPIRES me, MOVES me to try harder, LIFTS me up, makes me feel HOPE and I hope after listening that you feel ready to tackle whatever it