Synergy Mindset Coaching

Train Trestle Fall to Inspiring Speaker with Dale Spencer



At the young age of 20, Dale slipped and fell from a railroad trestle, and in that moment, his life was dramatically changed. He spent two and a half months in the hospital and had to learn how to live life in a wheelchair.  Dale shares his journey and how his positive thinking led him to become a speaker and deliver the important message to Think First .   Dale Spencer Dale lives in the western suburbs of Chicago. He is a mortgage broker and a key-note speaker in many topics. I asked him about his religious beliefs prior to the interview, to get an idea of how they may have changed. He was brought up Catholic and went to church every Sunday. As a kid, you don't realize the full understanding of spirituality and faith. When it came to his injury it really put his faith to the test, as well as his family. Near-Death Experience It was December or 1988. Dale was with his friends from Northern Illinois University and it was the end of his first semester, junior year. He had to take a break from studying and