Synergy Mindset Coaching

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:37:19
  • More information



Welcome to Synergy Mindset Coaching, we are working hard at creating a gym for your mindset. A place where you can have less doubt, negative thoughts and fear holding you back and experience more love and success in your life. On the podcast I interview experts, authors, and entrepreneurs sharing stories of transformation. You get to hear their failures, wisdom and takeaways to help you achieve your goals and dreams.


  • Thriving Despite a Rare Lung Disease with Nicole Wipp

    26/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    Nicole spent over 30 days in the hospital and was diagnosed with a rare lung disease. She was told she would have a lifespan of up to 8 years and she never allowed that belief to enter her mind. Many others living with this have not survived and Nicole had some survivor guilt to work through. She faced post-traumatic stress and was able to find a mindset of gratitude and thanksgiving. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Life Happens, Live It! With Jake French

    24/12/2017 Duration: 32min

    In the blink of an eye, Jake's life changed course and he ended up being paralyzed from the chin down. In just a few short days, he made the decision to choose to adopt the motto Life Happens, Live it! It took some time for him to live that motto to its fullest and he shares his journey with us here.   I want to thank Joel from Relaunch for introducing me to Jake.  What really inspired me to share Jake's story was listening to the podcast Mere Mortals Unite, with Julie Ann Sullivan. Jake tells us that people can see his wheelchair so they know exactly what he is dealing with, but other people have some kind of wheelchair that we just can't see. He is a University of Idaho graduate and a huge fan of anything outdoors. Despite the difficulties he has encountered in his life, he is able to make others smile and turn things away from a victim mindset into a being the leader and speaker that he is today. His Second Chance Story Jake was on top of the world and, celebrating receiving his degree, to work in his

  • After Cancer What's Next? with Louise Ennis

    25/11/2017 Duration: 28min

    Louise had just completed 4 years of university and began her dream job as a Dental Hygienist when she was given a cancer diagnosis and only 4 years to live without life changing surgery. In this interview she courageously shares her story for the first time. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Finding Inner Peace with Chris Shea

    25/10/2017 Duration: 19min

    Chris Shea tells us about a low point in his life and then shares what he learned from it and how he found inner peace. Sharing a few coaching tips, he tells us how we to can begin the journey to find inner peace. Join our private woman's Facebook group --- Send in a voice message:

  • Devastating Tornado to Resilient Communities with Dr. CJ Huff

    27/09/2017 Duration: 23min

    C.J. Huff is a Husband, Father, Inspirational Speaker and Professional Consultant living in Joplin USA.  For 7 years he was Superintendent of Joplin Schools. He led his district of 1,100 employees and 7,700 students through the recovery effort of one of the most devastating tornadoes in U.S. history. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Winning The Battle of the Mind with Connie Strasheim

    26/08/2017 Duration: 36min

    Connie Strasheim is a health care reaseacher and writer sharing natural and holisic methods of healing. She focuses on helping others with Cancer and Lyme disease and in some cases helps shorten their treatment. She shares her story of how she lived with Lyme Disease for many years. Never, did it stand in her way of writing, helping others and loving God. She shares her story as inspiration to others overcoming difficulty as well as hope. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Overcoming The Odds from a Car Accident with Miklós Szigeti

    25/12/2016 Duration: 46min

    Miklós Szigeti's Mother was told her son would not attend law school or function in any normal capacity by the doctors helping him after he was involved in a horrible car accident in Hungary. Despite the doctor's opinions, his mother refused to believe this about her son. She couldn't be convinced that her son was would not recover and told others that God didn't bring him through it if he didn't have a plan for her son. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Miracle Of Mindset On The Hudson With Dave Sanderson

    16/10/2016 Duration: 27min

    No one survives a plane crash.... this is what Dave thought as the plane went down and he watched out the window to see when his last seconds would be. Dave heard his mom say, "If you do the right thing God will take care of you". His mom had passed away in 1997 but he heard her say this and that's why he waited in the back of the plane to make sure everyone else got out. Once he knew everyone was off the plane he got off himself. Why do some people get PTSD and others experience Post-Traumatic Growth? Dave was asked this question and he has been really looking into this. He will be giving a TED talk called Jolt and sharing how you can use your own personal experience to go up. The movie shows quite vividly what PTSD looks like as the Capitan of the plane would see troubling images over and over again. Dave's website: Dave's facebook page Da

  • Finding God at Rock Bottom with Angus Nelson

    11/09/2016 Duration: 34min

    Are you in search of real happiness, joy fulfillment and perhaps satisfaction? Could you imagine what life would be like if you had good jobs, relationships and friends all around you? Perhaps you like many others think that this is not possible and that is is not for you............ What if it was, what if it is? Today we learn about how Angus went from lying under his Christmas tree, all alone, wishing he would die ............ To a family man, helping fortune 500 companies, writing books and traveling. --- Send in a voice message:

  • No You Cantc’er with Melissa Marshall

    10/07/2016 Duration: 35min

    Melissa Marshall, of the, No You Cant'cer Foundation, was diagnosed with stage III colorectal cancer and ended up receiving a colostomy bag in 2013. This meant that, for the rest of her life, she would be living with an ostomy bag. Today she is here to share her journey through this difficult time and the beautiful story of how she defeated Cancer created the No You Cant'cer Foundation. She was able to overcome the odds and return to her singing career. Facebook Website Twitter @NoYouCantcer Instagram noyoucantcerfoundation --- Send in a voice message:

  • Career Burnout with Claire Yeung

    16/04/2016 Duration: 35min

    Claire Yeung contracted a mysterious virus that took her out of life for over 6 months. Looking back she tells us she believes it was caused by career burnout. She quit her job as a lawyer with no plan, thankfully with the support of her partner. Today she is certified as a Whole person coach, speaker and teacher at the Justice Institute in Canada. Hear the story of how she made it through the tough time and healed, turned her life around and now, is using her experience to help others as the author of, The Eighty-Year Rule. Links Website facebook page twitter --- Send in a voice message:

  • Naval Fire Fighting Training Accident with David Rachford

    10/03/2016 Duration: 35min

    David Rachford wanted to get off the farm and joined the military. He had a dream of going to explosive ordnance disposal school. First, he had to do some time as a Naval Fire Fighter, stationed on the USS Abraham Lincoln, which was an aircraft carrier, on the Persian Golf. An unfortunate accident happened while training and took away his chances leaving him crippled and devastated at only 23 years old. David slipped into depression and ended up facing a narcotic addiction. Today he is a successful web developer, host of two podcasts and a blog. He has succeeded in healing and has come today to share the story of his difficult journey. He tells us how he overcomes his injury and addiction, weight loss of over 70 lbs, and how he created a healthy lifestyle. There seems to be a definite link to mental and physical health. By listening to others, my hope is that you may be able to avoid going down some of these dark allies by finding positive people to surround yourselves with and finding ways to keep your he

  • Miscarriages and Healing with John John Genovese

    11/02/2016 Duration: 24min

    This Family Shares Their Pain And Miracles So You Never Have To Feel Alone John John Genovese shared his story of how he healed from Degenerative Disc Disease and Gastric Bypass in the last episode. After months of hard work he lost a lot of weight and was able to strengthen his back and live a healthy life. John John and his wife decided it was time to fulfill their dream to start a family. They went on a trip to Europe as they knew it would be a long time before they would get away alone again. Once they arrived his wife became very ill. Their first baby girl was conceived but before she was born, they found out she had suffered two massive strokes in utero. She lost 70% or the right half or her brain and 90% of the left half of her brain. That was devastating news and the family they had imagined would never happen the way they imagined it. They were told that she would be deaf and blind and would only live to be 5 months old. After she was born they miscarried twice before having a healthy and beautif

  • Degenerative Disc Disease And Gastric Bypass With John John Genovese

    10/02/2016 Duration: 22min

    John John Genovese dreamed of living the good life of being a newlywed and starting a family. Having an early start to his working career, his life should have taken off and he should have excelled! However, at only 27 years young, John John was walking on crutches and canes and using a wheelchair to get to the store due to Degenerate Discs Disease. He was told back surgery was his only solution to be able to walk again. Since he was only a year into his marriage it left him struggling with wanting to provide for his wife and navigating months of medical decisions and healing. Over time, he watched his weight creep up higher and higher making the pursuit of health even more difficult. He decided to have a gastric bypass surgery and with time, dedication and hard work, overcame his disc pain to enjoy his marriage and start a family. Links John John on facebook email website our facebook community https

  • Healing After Divorce with Stacy Curtis

    10/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    Could you imagine finding out that the charming man you married was really a sociopath that was cheating on you? Now imagine that the difficult part was only beginning and divorcing a sociopath was really the hard part. Our guest today has lived through all of this and she shares the true, raw story with us here. She found writing and was able to share her story while healing herself. Please welcome the brave and beautiful Stacy Curtis! Favorite Scripture: Romans 12:12 New International Version (NIV) 12 Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Contacts and Links Stacy Curtis Chief Storyteller, Email: Website: Become a patron: --- Send in a voice message:

  • Healing From Physical Abuse with Lori Jean Finnila

    10/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    Healing From Physical Abuse by Creating Music with Lori Finnila Imagine having seizures as a child from abuse at a young age, then being abused by the father of your child and suffering very physical injuries. The wonderful women we interview today opens up and shares the hard truth of the abuse in her life. Passionately driven by an intense love for her child, she turns to other women's horrifying stories of survival that end with great strength and inspiration! She finds music and falls in love with creating it and singing, bringing herself closer to healing. This interview is an incredible story of healing, single parenting and the courageous decision to go back to school. She learns screen write, becomes a singer and songwriter and all while healing her brain injury and the scars of abuse that can only fade over time, becoming a memory far less than the joy that now fills its place. Links: Lori's facebook page website http://lori

  • The Big House to The Chess House with Eugene Brown

    22/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    He was raised in two parent home with good morals and values yet slipped into the street culture and made some poor choices in his early years. Eugene ended up in prison and found his passion, chess. The "Chess Man", in prison told him he would always be a loser if he didn't accept responsibility for his own actions. He told him, "you are the king, you're responsible for every rule that is made on your side of the board, stop blaming people. Until you accept your kingship you are always going to be in and out of prison." These were the seeds that were planted and a paradigm shift happened. Today Eugene is the father of an inner-city chess club that helps children stay off the streets and make wise decisions. His story was made into a movie, Life of a King, starring Cuba Gooding Jr. Hear the story and all the details here! Links Eugine's website Email Phone: 202.396.1780 S

  • Healing from PTSD with Michele Rosenthal

    11/11/2015 Duration: 48min

    Imagine taking medicine that your doctor prescribed and then suddenly finding yourself in the hospital suffering an adverse reaction, that burns two layers of your skin from your body. Then surviving to end up having sleepless nights full of nightmares, a fear of taking medication or worse a fear dying from a reaction to anything you put in your body. Michele had only a 30% chance of survival and after surviving she lived with PTSD for decades. She went on a healing rampage and was able to completely heal her PTSD, being symptom-free for over 10 years. If you are living with PTSD or supporting someone who is, it may be hard to believe this is possible. Michele dedicated years of her life learning about PTSD and now helps others overcome it. By listening to this interview, or reading this blog post, my hope is it brings you a light of hope in the darkness you may be living in now. Website = Facebook = LinkedIn = Twitter =

  • Cancer, Kids and Victorious Healing with Holly Boyce

    10/10/2015 Duration: 45min

    Holly was living the life she had dreamed of. She was living in her happy home, in a nice neighborhood with her happy family and then while preparing for Thanksgiving dinner, she discovered a lump the size of a ping-pong ball in her breast. She was 30 years old and had really thought she was quite invincible in a way that most young people do. The doctor confirmed she had something in there, and in a week she had a mammogram and ultrasound. They determined it was a mass, not a cyst, and she met with a surgeon to have it removed. They decided to biopsy it and take it out at the same time. It was Dec 23 2009 when she went in for surgery and everybody had predicted it was not cancer. She went in with humor and asked to wake up with a DD Breast and size 0 waist!! She didn't wake up with any of these things, but she was given a cancer diagnosis. Hear Holly's inspiring story here, about how she overcame cancer while raising two young children. How To Survive Cancer With Children Holly told me that attitude it th

  • Concussion Survivor to Healing Others with Terri Lawton

    30/09/2015 Duration: 25min

    Terri was given a second chance at life after she was hit by a truck while riding her bicycle. She had a backpack full of flowers that she had picked for her, then boyfriend, now husband, that just may have saved her life. Unfortunately, she was not wearing a helmet and ended up with a serious concussion that left her having to learn life all over again. The neurologist told her it would take 14 years to recover. Amazingly she completed her schooling and recovered within only 11 months. As she created a life changing program to help others, she ended up healing her own brain. If you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, concussion, PTSD or have ADHD, Autism, Dyslexia, a reading problem, Scitsofrenia or Alzheimer's, then this interview explains how the program she created may be able to make a big difference in your life. ***** An amazing bonus to this interview was that I was able to see the joy this work brings to her. Teri is a scientist and whenever she was explaining the brain to me, she looked aliv

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