Synergy Mindset Coaching

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 55:37:19
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Welcome to Synergy Mindset Coaching, we are working hard at creating a gym for your mindset. A place where you can have less doubt, negative thoughts and fear holding you back and experience more love and success in your life. On the podcast I interview experts, authors, and entrepreneurs sharing stories of transformation. You get to hear their failures, wisdom and takeaways to help you achieve your goals and dreams.


  • Burnout to Thriving Solopreneur with David Ralph

    10/12/2018 Duration: 30min

    Burnout to Thriving Entrepreneur with David Ralph David was determined to see his business thrive. When he was given a stern warning from his doctor that he may only have 6 months left if he didn't slow down, he increased his workload intending to accomplish his goal before his health runway ran out. His ended up burning out and in the hospital needing to scale back his 20 hour days. In today's interview, he shares his journey and the process he created to live a healthy life and run a successful business.   David Ralph is the host of the top-ranked online show, Join Up Dots where he  joins up the dots of his guest's lives, highlighting their failures and successes (with more than a few laughs in between) He is an ex-corporate trainer, with a wife, five kids, a grandson, a cat, and a snail (that might actually be dead already...who can tell?) The Beginning When David began Join Up Dots, he was working 20 hour days and wearing all the hats required to get the jobs done. He tells us that being an entreprene

  • Frustrated, Stressed & In Debt to The Abundance Mindset with Nate Ridgeway

    03/12/2018 Duration: 33min

    Welcome to the Synergy Mindset Podcast, Mindset Monday Edition.  Nate Ridgeway is here to share about the Scarcity Mindset vs. the Abundance Mindset.  We will find out what the Abundance Mindset is and how can we adopt an Abundance Mindset?     Nate is a Husband, Father, Entrepreneur, John Maxwell Certified Coach, Pastors’ Son, the Leader of Life Tribe and also has an amazing Second Chance Story. On his website, he says that he is grateful for his second chance at living life wisely and well. He grew up, The Son of a Preacher Man, that was also, The Son of a Preacher Man and he was also The Son of a Preacher Man. Being the 4th generation involved in church ministry and it taught him to love and value people and how to build things. Whether you are building things or peoples lives it is in Nate's DNA, in his blood. Not an Abundance Mindset Nate shares that he was not always living with an abundance mindset and started off his family in debt by putting the hospital bills on his credit card. They took vac

  • Back from Heaven's Front Porch with Danny Bader

    02/12/2018 Duration: 31min

    Life is a gift and at any moment can be taken from us. It is a miracle that our guest today is alive and here to share his amazing story. He brings hope in the darkest of places and wisdom he learned from a difficult journey. Danny Bader is a best-selling author, inspirational coach, a member of the Elite Catholic Speakers Organization,, and he has an inspiring Instagram page. He has worked with some of the biggest organizations in the nation and has delivered over 10,000 hours inspiring others to live their best life. His purpose of sharing his time with us today is to tell us about how a near-death experience transformed his life. Life Today Danny Bader lives outside of Philadelphia Pennsylvania with his wife and three children. He spends time with his family, travels, works, goes to the beach, runs and works out a little bit.  Second Chance Story Take us to the moment in time that you would consider the worst moment of your second chance story and tell us the STORY. We’ll shar

  • Scarcity Mindset With Jiaying Zhao

    26/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    Today on Mindset Monday I speak with Jiaying Zhao about the Scarcity mindset and how it impacts everyone. She brings her own story about growing up in China living in an area experiencing poverty and tells us that is has led her to dedicate her life to researching and helping some of the most vulnerable and poor people. She shares her lens on this topic as well as some research and statistics from her work. Meet Jiaying   Jiaying has her PhD in Cognitive Psychology and is an Assistant Professor for the Department of Psychology at UBC. She is a Canada Research Chair (t2) in Behavioral Sustainability. She belongs to the Institute for Resources, Environment and Sustainability. She loves her work of research, supervising students, research projects, teaching, and service. On The Synergy Mindset Podcast, she takes us back to the beginning of her story and shares about her life growing up in China. She tells us she grew up poor and had intimate experiences in her family and in society at that time. Her family

  • Post Traumatic Growth from Failed Relationships with Katrina Goff

    19/11/2018 Duration: 26min

    Have you felt the pain of losing someone that you love followed by the frustration of thinking about how difficult starting over would be? Post Traumatic Growth can show up from failed relationships. If you are hurting or keep repeating the same cycle of relationship- single- relationship tune in to this podcast interview with Katrina Goff.   Katrina Goff, CAPP, CRT, is a positive psychology practitioner, and a certified resilience trainer, licensed to facilitate the Bounce Back Better(R) system, a Flourishing Center Program. Katrina spent the majority of her career working in Health Care and with the Military. She came across the term, Post Traumatic Growth in a Psychology class she was taking and was able to share it with several service members in active duty over the years. It gave them some hope, and she could help them to see a different side of life other than just Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. She is passionate about helping people have happier and healthier relationships and helping people see

  • What is Missing with Doug Holt

    29/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    Mindset Monday with Doug Holt   What do you do when others think you have it made but deep inside you still feel like something is missing. You long for more than the life you have right now, what do you do? Doug's Story Back in 2007, Doug was one of the youngest business owners on the main street in Santa Barbara, CA. Owning an elite private training gym, a fitness magazine, and doing consulting for several companies. By all accounts he had it made... but he wasn't fulfilled. That's when Doug made a dramatic shift and began to ask the question: If you put down the last few years of your life into a book would it be a book you'd even want to read? Better yet would it be a page turner? If not, it's time to make a change and a change is exactly what Doug set out to make... and he did. Meet Doug Today He has been traveling with his family for 4 months. His 17-month son is his life and his goal and mission is to be the best possible husband and father he can be. Doug wakes up in the morning and journals,

  • Fixed and Growth Mindset with Ana Melikian

    22/10/2018 Duration: 27min

    Mindset Monday with Ana Melikian Ana shares her fascinating story of moving from Portugal to Phoenix Arizona in the United States. She had been traveling the world speaking in her academic life as a Psychotherapist and left is behind to be with her husband. She had recently finished her PhD and to practice in the United States, she would have had to jump back into more time in school so she decided to start her own coaching business. Ana tells us that jumping back into school felt as if she had completed running a marathon and was about to run the second one right away. She felt that life coaching pulled her skills and academic life together and she went on and became certified through the best coaching programs. She had found that her coaching business was much different than her practice in Psychotherapy. Using a Growth Mindset, she began to look to find a way to make success in coaching. Ana began to train with Michael Port, the NY Times Best Selling author and creator of Book Yourself Solid®.  She be

  • Healthy Mind and Hormones with Dr. Cobi

    15/10/2018 Duration: 15min

    Woman are like the thermostat of the home, there is a ripple into their families, jobs and everything they do if they are not well. This week on Mindset Monday is our first Practitioner interview with Dr. Cobi from Essential Health Natural Wellness Clinic. We all know it is important to have a healthy body but I ask her why is it important to have a healthy mind? Dr. Cobi tells us that it doesn't really matter how healthy your physical body is if your mind is not. If you are struggling with depression or anxiety you may not answer you are doing alright. If you have a really healthy mindset and are struggling with physical symptoms, you can sort of overlook them if your mindset is healthy. How do you help woman achieve optimal health? Dr. Cobi's specialty is Hormonal Health. She found that the underlying cause of many of the woman she would see was because of a hormone issue. Upon realizing this Dr. Cobi returned to school to earn her Ph.D. in Endocrine Function, (Basically Hormone Issues) She found hers

  • Achieving Health Naturally with Ashley James

    02/10/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    Ashley knows what it is like to feel like life is dark, hope is something for others, health is a dream and it is hard. At her worst point, she had Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), type two diabetes, chronic fatigue, brain fatigue and a list of health issues holding her back from living the life of her dreams. Today she is thriving, has overcome all of her health challenges and is helping others to create a life of thriving through her podcast, coaching and by sharing her personal journey. The Foundation of Health Sleep -We should be getting at least 8 hours of sleep you can listen to her full interview on sleep hygiene Moving your body -Get outside, hug a tree, breathe in the fresh air and move your body Eat Vegetables -Aim for two cups per meal or 6-8 cups per day Drink Water -Aim for 1/3 of your body weight plus extra for your vices such as sugar and sitting all day. Supplements   Mentioned on the show Dr. Molly Niedermeyer her interview on the Learn True Health Podcast http://

  • Massive Dreams with Valerie Groth

    01/10/2018 Duration: 11min

    The Ryan Banks Academy was a dream in Valerie's Mind for many years before it became a reality for the 2018/2019 school year. She shares the story and mindset behind the school opening. Valerie Groth was a Social Worker in the South side of Chicago and worked with awesome kids facing a lot of challenges. They had such tough environments that they self-harmed and tried to commit suicide. She had the dream to create a boarding school that would provide a safe place for kids to receive an education for 11 years.  She had thought she would do it once she retired, perhaps when she had piles of cash lying around. Haha, she jokes with us as that is unlikely to happen. A few events happened that caused her to begin now. She quit her job four years ago and began to make it a reality. What happened in your mindset to take this from someday to today? She lost a student to gun violence. It was not the first, it was one she was close with and enough was enough. Valerie attended the World Domination Summit in Por

  • Survivors Guilt with Ryan M. Esquivel

    24/09/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today on Mindset Monday, Ryan M. Esquivel shares his journey to overcome Survivors Guilt, PTSD and trauma to living a life that is full of love, joy and helping others on their own personal journey. His journey began in February of 2004 when his roommate and best friend was killed in action. He was with him a couple of hours before he died and that moment kept playing in his head long after he returned home. When he returned home he threw himself into work and his military relationship suffered, his personal relationships suffered, because he wanted his friend back. Ryan began to blame people and his world contracted as people began leaving him. It wasn't until about 2008 when he experienced a one in a million moments. A private ran into him in Southern California and asked him if he knew his roommate. It turned out that it was his best friend. They learned to value each other and became really good friends over the years. Ryan tells us that was the start of his faith, a belief in a God, energy, somethin

  • Business Mom’s Mind Dump

    10/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    Take control of your thoughts, reduce your stress and flourish in this season of life.   School is back and for us Professional Mom’s it can be a time of stress or joy. It’s a lot of jugging time; making lunches, putting on make up, getting kids off to school, arranging afterschool care, commuting to our work or business, answering emails and phone calls, fulfilling our duties, picking up our kids, organizing drop off and pick up for activities, helping with homework, eating dinner together, spending time with our family, reading and getting our kids to bed followed by balancing the last couple of hours between finding some self-care time, reading or going to bed early so we may rise early to start our morning with a workout or prayer time.   It’s all in this video, if you would prefer the fun song that was so famous a few years back.   Now, what if your mind is wandering all over the place while you are navigating through all these activities. Your putting on your makeup and thinking about what you n

  • Second Chance Story with Rachel Barber

    02/09/2018 Duration: 21min

    When Rachel first found out she had Mitochondrial Dysfunction and experienced her body shutting down she had nearly lost all hope. Severe fatigue and muscle pain had kept her unable to live the life she desired and she took a big risk to find the doctor that kicked off her healing journey.  She took her life into her own hands and went on a journey to achieve the life of her dreams. Second Chance Story Rachel's Second Chance Story began seven years ago when she began to experience pains and aches in her body.  She ended up being limited to only seven foods as they were causing her excruciating pain in her entire body. She was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia and Small Intestine Bacteria Overgrowth. Rachel saw several doctors without any success towards healing. She made the decision to take a big leap in faith and invested everything she had to go see a doctor in California.   Turn Around Point The doctor in California introduced her to a program that helps retrain your brain. Rachel committed to it was so inves

  • Cerebral Palsy Warrior with Heather Hancock

    28/08/2018 Duration: 27min

    Heather was born premature and with Cerebral palsy. She was the first handicapped child mainstreamed into Calgary, Alberta’s public school system and subjected to many years of bullying and abuse. At the age of two, her parents were told that she was to be put into an institution because she would never amount to anything. She is on this show sharing her story because they were very wrong. She had to overcome the damage that was done and when Heather was only 14 years old she was suicidal and had made a plan. She tells us God had a plan that was greater for her and that she experienced his love and realized this at an event she attended. Her dream of becoming a nurse couldn't be due to the physical pain and limitations that CP caused her and she shares a story that includes multiple mindset shifts coupled with the will to go on despite challenges. In this inspiring interview, she shares her journey to becoming a Christian Inner Healing Coach. She helps Woman overcome deep, deep wounds by shifting their

  • 4-Day Work Week with Wade Galt

    20/08/2018 Duration: 28min

    Mindset Monday Wade hosts the 4-Day Work Week Entrepreneur podcast and is committed to helping 4,444,444 people create their own 4-day work week lifestyle. Wade has a Bachelor's Degree in Marketing, a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling Psychology, and has been a Certified Integrative (Life) Coach with the (Debbie) Ford Institute. When he’s not working, he enjoys spending time with family and friends, traveling the world, coaching youth sports and playing beach volleyball on Fridays. He lives happily with his wife, children, and dog in Naples, Florida. In this episode, he shares his journey to living the life of the 4-day work week as well as the mindset shift that is needed to start working towards this.  It is a process he tells us that should usually take time and starts with the first step. Links https://www.instagram

  • The Mindset to Perform with Katrina Froese

    13/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    When I went to the Place Maillardville Community Centre for a community event I was drawn to the Princess table and shortly after her performance began. My son and granddaughter were very excited and it didn't take long for a huge crowd of people to come over. Many were filming and taking pictures as she performed. What really captivated me was how she sang as if no one was in the room. Her eyes were on the kids and the performance was spectacular. I reached out and asked Katrina Froese to share her story on the show so we could all learn the strategies she learned to be a successful Professional Princess. In this podcast interview, we explore the journey she went on before she opened her business. her mindset while she is performing and more. You can find out more information about the work she does or book a party for your own children or class by clicking on the links below. Links facebook website Music credit: --- Send in a voice message: ht

  • Arthritis Under 30 with Jacob McCrae

    02/08/2018 Duration: 26min

    Every Day Is A Second Chance Real Life Story Edition. Sharing real-life stories of those that have overcome illness, accidents and trauma. Welcome to our community! Show notes available at --- Send in a voice message:

  • Orphans from Gun Violence and Healing with Angela True

    25/04/2018 Duration: 25min

    Sharing inspiring stories of healing at Find out the skills and mindset our guests have used to heal from illness, accidents and trauma. Our guest today is Angela True sharing her courageous story of healing from the trauma of losing her Father to gun violence at a young age followed by her mother from illness. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Overcoming Leukaemia During Pregnancy with Jan Pratico

    25/03/2018 Duration: 30min

    Jan’s  Second Chance Story Imagine finding out you have Leukaemia when you are still under 30, not only with a three-year-old but while pregnant. The fear, the worry, the what iffs’ yet Jan shares a story that is positive, uplifting and offers hope and inspiration to realize that Cancer is the beginning and not the end.   Her Second Chance Story Jan found out she had Leukaemia while she was pregnant and was more concerned about her son than her own health. She went to the doctors' office for a test for Rubella and the doctor called her the next day and told her they needed to see her right away. She went to the doctor worried that he would tell her she had a miscarriage because she had one eight months prior. He came in looking like he had lost his best friend, and with tears in his eyes told her they thought she had Leukaemia. Jan didn't know what it was and had thought that they were telling her that her baby had Leukaemia. As she began to realize what it meant, she asked him if he was telling her she

  • 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge with James Swanwick

    26/02/2018 Duration: 20min

    Today I have the privilege of speaking with James Swanwick, the author of the 30 Day No Alcohol Challenge, helping people reduce or quit using alcohol. He will be sharing his own personal Second Chance Story with you after I tell you a bit about his professional life. He is an Australian - American entrepreneur, a speaker, The CEO of Swanwick Sleep and creator of blue light blocking glasses helping people sleep better. He has interviewed celebrities including Brad Pitt, Angelina Jolie, George Clooney and Arnold Schwarzenegger. He has been interviewed on podcasts such as Art of Charm and Entrepreneur on Fire and places such as Huffington Post and Psychology Today. Wow, His time is in high demand, James, thank you for taking the time out of your day to share your story, please take a minute to tell us a bit about yourself so everyone can get to know you. His Second Chance Story James decided to try giving up alcohol for 30 days and never started drinking it again. He tells us that he never felt he was an a

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