Synergy Mindset Coaching

What is Missing with Doug Holt



Mindset Monday with Doug Holt   What do you do when others think you have it made but deep inside you still feel like something is missing. You long for more than the life you have right now, what do you do? Doug's Story Back in 2007, Doug was one of the youngest business owners on the main street in Santa Barbara, CA. Owning an elite private training gym, a fitness magazine, and doing consulting for several companies. By all accounts he had it made... but he wasn't fulfilled. That's when Doug made a dramatic shift and began to ask the question: If you put down the last few years of your life into a book would it be a book you'd even want to read? Better yet would it be a page turner? If not, it's time to make a change and a change is exactly what Doug set out to make... and he did. Meet Doug Today He has been traveling with his family for 4 months. His 17-month son is his life and his goal and mission is to be the best possible husband and father he can be. Doug wakes up in the morning and journals,