Synergy Mindset Coaching

Massive Dreams with Valerie Groth



The Ryan Banks Academy was a dream in Valerie's Mind for many years before it became a reality for the 2018/2019 school year. She shares the story and mindset behind the school opening. Valerie Groth was a Social Worker in the South side of Chicago and worked with awesome kids facing a lot of challenges. They had such tough environments that they self-harmed and tried to commit suicide. She had the dream to create a boarding school that would provide a safe place for kids to receive an education for 11 years.  She had thought she would do it once she retired, perhaps when she had piles of cash lying around. Haha, she jokes with us as that is unlikely to happen. A few events happened that caused her to begin now. She quit her job four years ago and began to make it a reality. What happened in your mindset to take this from someday to today? She lost a student to gun violence. It was not the first, it was one she was close with and enough was enough. Valerie attended the World Domination Summit in Por