Synergy Mindset Coaching

Estate Planning with Nicole Wipp



Hi everyone, I am so grateful that you're here and excited to bring our guest, appearing as an expert in estate planning. She will not be giving legal advice, and you should consult a lawyer in your area for specific advice. She will share a lot of information I hope you will find helpful today. Today our podcast shares some advice that I am really passionate about. Could you imagine if your life was to end today.........   Are you prepared? I put off these decisions and was suddenly faced with the fact I had not planned, and It was really scary. If you do not plan legally, your children could end up living a very different life than you may want This interview will help you take control and plan for your loved ones and your own piece of mind.   Nicole is an attorney in the state of Michigan and is also licensed in Hawaii. She is here today not as an attorney, but to give general advice on this topic. She suggests you seek an attorney for specific information to your situation.   Her law practice is