Synergy Mindset Coaching

Second Chance at Life and Marriage



Nick was given a second chance at life when he was hit head-on by a Buick as a teenager.  He was incredibly resilient and bounced back quickly. Life crept up on him and before he knew it he was successful in business but not as much at home. He was working over 60 hours a week......   He shares the journey he took to become a good husband and father. As a bonus, he shares important information about wills and guardians, to help you make sure you have everything in order and a good sense of security in your family. Nick Pavlidis I asked Nick about his faith before his accident. He grew up in a Greek Orthodox family and is a Greek Orthodox Christian.  He was relatively connected with his church before and still is today. He is a little more introverted with his church and prefers to take it all in. He feels connected, and his family lives a Greek Orthodox Christian life. Nick's accident and life events did not seem to have any influence on his faith. What Happened? When Nick was only 17 years old, he was inv