Synergy Mindset Coaching

Canada's First Death Coach with Stephen Garrett



What Can We Learn From A Death Coach? Could you imagine finding out that someone you love died suddenly and unexpectedly? Stephen lost his sister and realized that everything he was striving for “wasn't really worth it”. He gave up his six-figure income, BMW’s and suits to become a social worker. His first year as a social worker he made $12,000 and he had made that each month as a Stock Broker. He almost went back when times were difficult, but he paid more attention to his heart and stuck with it. Through the years he found his calling and became a Death Coach or The Death Shaman. He helps people plan for death, have conversations about it, heal and find life.    Questions I ask Stephen and Important Points What is a Death Coach? Why are people afraid of fear? Why will a coach and surrounding yourself with support make it easier to start over with a new lifestyle? Why did you become a coach? What separates us from Vancouver's Downtown East Side sex trade workers, drug attics and homeless?