We build NEW WORLDS as we learn REAL SCIENCE about the limits of the COSMOS. Join us in exploring the science of SPACE, cosmology, physics, life, the UNIVERSE and everything! How do we do it? By daring to ask the biggest question in the universe: WHAT THE IF?
79 - The Notorious BIG... BANG!
28/01/2019 Duration: 49minSpecial Guest ASTRONOMER Brian Keating returns, with an astounding IF! What The IF, Brian asks, there was MORE than one BIG BANG? WTiF another one is FLYING toward us NOW? OMG, bang bang bang, let's go...! Put on your space kevlar jackets and let's go surfing ALL the Big Bangs! Check out Brian Keating's best selling book, "LOSING THE NOBEL PRIZE" on Amazon:…ook/dp/B07889Q65W Don't miss an IF! Subscribe: Share your love of the IF! Drop us a review: THANKS and Keep On IFFin'!-- Philip & Matt
22/01/2019 Duration: 45minThe MYSTERY behind the EYES that watch over our cities. WATCH OUT, this IF will change the way you see pigeons, and yourself, trespassing human! Don't miss an IF! Subscribe: Share your love of the IF! Drop us a review: THANKS and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
77 - Let's Pretend We're WHALES! Dr. Vanessa Pirotta Turns Us Into Super Smart Cetaceans
15/01/2019 Duration: 55minThe amazing science educator and cetacean researcher, DR. VANESSA PIROTTA joins us from down under, in Sydney, Australia... But she guides us on a journey to the REAL down under... UNDER THE SEA! Come along with us as we SWAP OUR HUMAN BRAINS for the singing, smiling, super smart BRAINS OF WHALES and dolphins. HOW DOES IT FEEL to navigate all around the planet -- HOW do we do it? WHO are we SINGING to, and are we doing it well? WHY is there a little helicopter flying over our head... silly humans and their boats! DR. PIROTTA'S INSIGHTS never cease to astound, and we come to appreciate our swimming, splashing... and sneezing mammalian relatives in more ways than we even knew was possible. Plus PRO TIPS on how to BE A GOOD HUMAN neighbor! This is an IF worthy of the seven seas. LET'S SAIL! LEARN MORE about Dr. Pirotta's research, see magnificent PHOTOS, and enjoy her super engaging DEMONSTRATIONS -- all on her WEBSITE: Don't miss An IF! SUBSCRIBE:
76 - Now We Know How Many BRAINS It Takes To Fill The Albert Hall
07/01/2019 Duration: 39minA couple of weeks ago we explored PARALLEL UNIVERSES... and in *this* parallel universe we take up a similarly BRAIN BENDING a concept: the INFINITE probabilities that surround us in our INFINITE universe. Why should the guy with the goatee be the EVIL one? And what about PANTS... a necessary evil? In an INFINITE UNIVERSE surely there is one little place where people are less... judgmental. Also, did you see a brain lying (or FLYING) around here somewhere? LUDWIG BOLTZMANN says he lost his mind and can't remember where he put it... but he says it's GOTTA be somewhere in this darn big universe! Subscribe! Review!
75 - WTiF You Could See EARTH RISE... With Your Own Eyes?
01/01/2019 Duration: 45minHappy New Year, dear IFFers!!! A joyous episode greets you. Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Astronaut William Anders' society transforming photograph, "Earthrise," and basking in the glow of Richard Branson's Virgin Galactic breakthrough towards bringing passengers into space... Philip wonders WTF is wrong with all these people on the plane who close their windowshades??? Meanwhile, on the skin of the Earth, the view of the skies is disappearing drastically, night after night. WTiF we could ALL see the sky as clear as the ancient astronomers, philsophers, and peasant folk saw the thick sparkling tapestry of the night sky? WTiF we could really see the STARS? Join us on our journey into a hopeful future... or not. It's New Years around the Earth… but how long will we know that it's a PLANET? Let's fly and take a look before the sky blindfolds us forever! WTiF... Clear Skies Forever? Can we do it??? What happens if we don't???
74 - Bubbling Brew Of PARALLEL UNIVERSE Stew
25/12/2018 Duration: 53minOur listener & Super IFFer Jeff from Nashville asks What The IF there are parallel universes? Turns out... they might be exploding all around you! Should we fear the ones where we are wearing a beard? Good vs. Evil, Weird Science vs REAL SCIENCE. Strap on your parallel boots and let's go! SUBSCRIBE! REVIEWS are greatly appreciated:
73 - It's An ARTHUR C. CLARKE Christmas!
18/12/2018 Duration: 50minFor our Christmas Special, our devoted listener Mitchell Scherr was inspired by the ARTHUR C. CLARKE short story "The Star," in which an ASTRONOMER ponders the source of the STAR OF BETHLEHEM. Was it a super nova? A meteor? A COMET, sent to a solar system which badly needed a tune up? ISAAC NEWTON had some very strong opinions on the matter, and he also has some seriously badass SINS to CONFESS. For realz! Enjoy this wonderful gift from Santa iCloud, directly to your ears, because you were very good science boys & girls this year! With goodwill towards all who love science, Matt & Philip wish you the very best of FESTIVUS! SUBSCRIBE: REVIEWS are greatly appreciated:
72 - How To Tell People EARTH IS MELTING Without Killing The Party
11/12/2018 Duration: 50minListener, and Super IFFer, Amira Youseff wrote in to the hotline and asked: "How can I get MY FRIENDS to be interested in GLOBAL WARMING?" We discuss how IN THE WORLD you can talk about CLIMATE CHANGE at the party without causing everyone to yawn and abandon you. This week, how to SAVE THE PLANET while making friends and influencing people! This party is HEATING UP!
71 - Does A Watched PLANET Ever BOIL?
04/12/2018 Duration: 44minToday we take up another fabulous -- and dastardly -- suggestion from our audience! Super IFFER Mike Holland sent an email to our hungry mailbox and asked.... How did we come to know that CLIMATE CHANGE is really happening, and what it will do to our world? Scientists agree: our atmosphere is heating up and something wicked this way comes. But it wasn't always this way, predicting globally is a skill we've only recently developed... but how??? And WHO was the first scientist to notice? Wasn't there a fear a while back where we were all going to FREEZE? Who figured it out? Were they wearing a turtleneck? HOW did all the scientists of WORLD come to agree that THE END IS NIGH? And who can stop it? On this urgent, darkly humorous, hot box of an episode, we ask... WTiF HUMANS ARE DESTROYING THEIR OWN PLANET? Climate change, past and present, and the changing fashions of scientists' top wear. Subscribe! Review!
70 - Victory Over GRAVITY!
27/11/2018 Duration: 51min70 - Victory Over GRAVITY! by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
69 - Dummies VS Gravity!
20/11/2018 Duration: 42min69 - Dummies VS Gravity! by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
68 - Are We Entertaining The MARTIANS?
14/11/2018 Duration: 54minIF we were Martians, looking at the Earth with our telescopes… would we know there’s LIFE there? If so, how would we know? Could we have watched humanity evolve? Would we see the humans coming to US? Run for the mons! It’s another fast & fascinating episode of What The IF?!!!
67 - KEPLER'S Planets & EGOMANIACAL Mathematicians!
07/11/2018 Duration: 51minThis week, the ground-breaking, sky-breaking, star-breaking, NASA telescope, Kepler, got arthritis and, creeeeaaaaaakkkk.... slipped into a well earned and well deserved retirement, now free to lounge about forever doing the backstroke and sipping martinis among the galaxies. But if you think THAT sounds like a PARTY (!) wait until you hear all the classes clinking and whips cracking and bottles popping that went on in the REAL HISTORY of KEPLER's namesake... and his crowd of rowdy astronomers. A very, very, VERY colorful cast of characters in this time traveling episode through the mists of SCIENCE history!
66 - Danger, SLOW BRAIN Ahead! TIME DILATION From Head To Toe
31/10/2018 Duration: 28minWhen scientists discovered that our brain communicates with our body through electrical signals, they had a scientific and philosophical freak-out: if it took a not insignificant amount of TIME for our brain to process the world around us... then that information -- OUR SENSES -- were always TOO SLOW! What did this mean for our SENSE OF REALITY? And when we began exploring the solar system, our communication with our far flung human and robot astronauts was even more DELAYED. What The IF is going on??? An encore presentation of... the totally bizarre time when our BRAIN SIGNALS slowed down so much that they couldn't keep up with our dancin' feet!
65 - Can You Trust Your Family ROBOT?
26/10/2018 Duration: 33minAttack of the FRIENDLY Robots! Will Robots really CARE for us? Or will they be faking it? Do all our screens WANT to be TOUCHED? This wildly imaginative episode, one of our original fan favorites, will change the way you think about that screen you’re looking at RIGHT NOW. Click and enjoy!
64 - Physicist CLIFFORD JOHNSON Peers Deep Into A BLACK HOLE And Finds...?
18/10/2018 Duration: 01h15minSuperstar Theoretical Physicist CLIFFORD JOHNSON, author of the incredible graphic novel, “THE DIALOGUES: Conversations About The Nature Of The Universe” joins us for a very special show. He asks us to imagine… WTiF our entire solar system drifted TOO CLOSE (!!!) to a BLACK HOLE? What would it be like to be on Earth when it crosses the EVENT HORIZON? Would half the planet disappear? Would time stop? Would we find ourselves in a place where NOTHING IS AS WE KNOW IT? Better bring a flashlight on this one, it’s spooky, it’s dark, it’s amazing.
63 - Astronomy SMELLS - The Art & Science Of Data Visualization
08/10/2018 Duration: 30minOn Feb 22, 2017, astronomers announced four additional exoplanets around TRAPPIST-1, bringing it's total number of EXOPLANETS to seven. SIX of those (!) could possibly reside in the HABITABLE ZONE of that mysterious star.... so naturally we'd really like to SEE these planets! In this remastered broadcast of one of our most popular episodes -- Philip & Matt explore the magic and maybe-ness of NASA's "artistic impressions" and imagine what we'd REALLY see through the WINDOW of our space ships. And, inspired by the incredible BLIND ASTRONOMER, Kent Cullers, we ask... WTiF we could SMELL THE STARS?
62 - GHOSTS!
03/10/2018 Duration: 43minWhat the IF... We could get scientific evidence of GHOSTS? Trick or Treat, once again we dive into the crazy realm of the PARANORMAL... as we learn REAL science!
61 - FLAT EARTH YouTube LIVE Special! - Joining Forces With The NonSequitur Show
23/09/2018 Duration: 01h42minPhilip & Matt were honored to be invited onto the hilarious and super smart NonSequitur Show. The hosts of this popular YouTube channel invited us to play What This IF with one of their favorite topics, the wacked and weird ideas behind a FLAT EARTH. We say “YES, AND…” to this insane idea and grab it by the corners and take it for a spin, learning the REAL SCIENCE that flummoxes the crackpots. We bust up the Flat Earth club, and have a hoot doin’ it!
60 - See The RADIO WAVES All Around YOU! The Science & Wonder Of Electromagnetic Fields
17/09/2018 Duration: 47min60 - See The RADIO WAVES All Around YOU! The Science & Wonder Of Electromagnetic Fields by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia