What The If?

88 - Sci - Fi Author, DAN MOREN - "What The IF ENCRYPTION Runs Amok?"



We're honored to be joined this week by the awesome Science Fiction writer, and esteemed technology journalist, DAN MOREN, who brings us an important, enigmatic, spooooooky IF... You are being watched, listened to, logged, sorted, faved, hashed and salted by TECHNOLOGY every moment of the day, including right now! Our devices are tattle-telling on us to their corporate bosses, gathering GIGABYTES of GOSSIP every second. What The IF we decided, enough with the convenience, we'd rather have TOTAL PRIVACY? Is it POSSIBLE? Would YOU really want to live in the society that erupts from such a change? Utopia? Dystopia? Holy Hackarama, it's a heck of an IF. DAN MOREN is an author, podcaster and tech journalist. Check out his latest rip-roarin' SF novel, THE BAYERN AGENDA: https://dmoren.com/the-bayern-agenda And you can HEAR Dan on these awesome PODCASTS: - SIX COLORS https://sixcolors.com - CLOCKWISE https://relay.fm/clockwise - THE REBOUND https://reboundcast.com Share your love of the show, REVIEW: itunes.appl