What The If?

77 - Let's Pretend We're WHALES! Dr. Vanessa Pirotta Turns Us Into Super Smart Cetaceans



The amazing science educator and cetacean researcher, DR. VANESSA PIROTTA joins us from down under, in Sydney, Australia... But she guides us on a journey to the REAL down under... UNDER THE SEA! Come along with us as we SWAP OUR HUMAN BRAINS for the singing, smiling, super smart BRAINS OF WHALES and dolphins. HOW DOES IT FEEL to navigate all around the planet -- HOW do we do it? WHO are we SINGING to, and are we doing it well? WHY is there a little helicopter flying over our head... silly humans and their boats! DR. PIROTTA'S INSIGHTS never cease to astound, and we come to appreciate our swimming, splashing... and sneezing mammalian relatives in more ways than we even knew was possible. Plus PRO TIPS on how to BE A GOOD HUMAN neighbor! This is an IF worthy of the seven seas. LET'S SAIL! LEARN MORE about Dr. Pirotta's research, see magnificent PHOTOS, and enjoy her super engaging DEMONSTRATIONS -- all on her WEBSITE: http://VanessaPirotta.com Don't miss An IF! SUBSCRIBE: http://linktr.ee/whattheifshow