We build NEW WORLDS as we learn REAL SCIENCE about the limits of the COSMOS. Join us in exploring the science of SPACE, cosmology, physics, life, the UNIVERSE and everything! How do we do it? By daring to ask the biggest question in the universe: WHAT THE IF?
99 - Living INSIDE The Big BANG
24/06/2019 Duration: 50minListener Bob from Virginia asks what it would be like if you found yourself INSIDE the BIG BANG? Does time flow differently? Can you Netflix and BANG? Why is your best friend who's right next to you suddenly... TRILLIONS of miles awaaaaaayyyyy!!! Put on your helmet and join us inside the freakish inflating spacetime bubble that began it ALL! REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ Matt Stanley's engrossing new book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. In bookstores now. Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
98 - OWN Your Own BRAIN
17/06/2019 Duration: 47minListener Jon from Sweden ascends to the rank of Super IFFer by submitting a winning IF! Jon asks, "What The IF... we knew EXACTLY how the BRAIN worked?" Would we be stuck as mere observers of the working brain, or could we fiddle with it, improve it, HACK it? How would it feel if you were changing the code of your own brain? Does the BRAIN have an ESC KEY? Let's hope so, because we're pluggin' yours in and messing with your MEATWARE. What the IF you dare! REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ Matt Stanley's engrossing new book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
97 - Spacetime GOGGLES
10/06/2019 Duration: 48min100 years ago, the British Astronomer Arthur Eddington confirmed that, as Albert Einstein had said, Spacetime exists, and YOU FEEL Gravity because it's CURVED all around your body... in the 4TH DIMENSION. Wouldn't you like to SEE all this stuff that's tossing you around? Could we ever even HANDLE seeing the 4th dimension? Well, we monkeys are a clever bunch! What the IF we could invent a pair of GOGGLES that allow us to SEE SPACETIME? If they were fashionable... they'd be awesome, so let's try 'em on! REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ Matt Stanley's engrossing new book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
96 - How To Cook With A Star Trek REPLICATOR
07/06/2019 Duration: 45minA brand new, super fun and mostly delicious episode, based on a fabulous question from listener and Super IFFer, Guy Rader! Beam up with us and let's get cookin'! REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ Matt Stanley's engrossing new book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
95 - ASTROLOGY??? Heaven Help Us!
29/05/2019 Duration: 44minAstrology is super complicated and totally crazy. But! What The IF... Astrology were REAL? Would there be "personality rays" shooting out of the planets? So many, many questions. Our crack Crazy Elaborate Systems Construction Department is working overtime to make this Astrology thing work in a genuinely SCIENTIFIC way. Amazingly, our WIZARD OF SCIENCE AND SCIENCE HISTORY AND CRAZY OLD BELIEF SYSTEMS, Professor Matt, is an unstoppable font of REAL knowledge about everyone from Ptolemy to Newton to Nancy Reagan. Join us for a journey of nearly 2,000 YEARS of people looking up and asking WHAT THE IF? (PS: Read your horoscope before listening, because after this episode you won't read it ever again.) This is one of our funnest, most skepticalist, wackiest, mythbustingest episode yet. Ok click that button and let's fly to the ZENITH. An encore presentation of one of our most popular episodes. REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GI
94 - MEAT Vs. The WORLD
20/05/2019 Duration: 57minWhat the IF everyone in the world STOPPED eating MEAT? Delicious, delicious meat... be gone! REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ Matt Stanley's engrossing new book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
93 - EINSTEIN'S WAR - Part Two - With Author MATT STANLEY
14/05/2019 Duration: 39minMatt has an amazing new book! Here in part two of our journey with Einstein, we dive even deeper (!) into Professor Stanley's incredible story about how, while living through hunger, freezing and fear, the unknown and unheard of Professor Albert Einstein became... EINSTEIN. What The IF, we ask: World War I never, ever happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL? REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ the book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
92 - EINSTEIN'S WAR - Part One - With Author MATT STANLEY
07/05/2019 Duration: 44minMatt has an amazing new book! We dive into Professor Stanley's incredible story about how, while living through hunger, freezing and fear, the unknown and unheard of Professor Albert Einstein became... EINSTEIN. What The IF, we ask: World War I never, ever happened? Would Einstein have solved his Theory of Relativity sooner -- or, perhaps, NEVER AT ALL? REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: BUY, GIFT, READ the book! EINSTEIN'S WAR: How Relativity Triumphed Amid the Vicious Nationalism of World War I. Choose your favorite store here: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
91 - Standing TALL On A Dwarf PLANET - Visit PLUTO With Kirby Runyon!
30/04/2019 Duration: 47minKIRBY RUNYON, science team affiliate on the NEW HORIZONS mission to Pluto, Charon, and the Kuiper Belt and a science team collaborator on the HiRISE camera currently in orbit around Mars, takes us to the gateway to the Kuiper Belt! Where on PLUTO would you LAND? What would it be like to WALK there? Could you JUMP to it's moon Charon? How much SCIENCE could you do, and how much FUN could you have? Kirby knows it all! Follow Kirby on TWITTER: And visit his WEBSITE: REVIEW the show: SUBSCRIBE for free: Thanks & Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
90 - VOLCANOES Like To Party - With Volcanologist Karen Holmberg!
23/04/2019 Duration: 43minArchaeologist and self-described Volcano Fetishist Dr. Karen Holmberg LOVES Volcanos… so we make her dream come true: What The IF you could invite ALL THE VOLCANOES in the world to a COCKTAIL PARTY! Dr. Holmberg takes us around to meet all her favorite exploding mountains, and the people who live at their feet, and we learn how each giant has it’s own personality. As the night progresses, and the CRYOVOLCANO bartenders pour ever more deliciously dangerous drinks… we dive deeper and learn the SECRETS OF VOLCANOES. Put on your lampshades and let’s join the life of this RUN FOR YOUR LIFE kinda party! See Dr. Holmbergs amazing PHOTOGRAPHY and learn more about her ADVENTURES in life… At her website: And on twitter: Share your love of the show, REVIEW: SUBSCRIBE to our show so you don't miss an IF: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'!-- Philip & Matt
89 - Fraser Cain - WTiF Apollo Never Stopped!
16/04/2019 Duration: 45minWe're super honored to be joined this week by an incredible special guest: FRASER CAIN, veteran space journalist and publisher of UNIVERSE TODAY! In celebration of the upcoming 50th Anniversary (!!!) of APOLLO 11's historic landing on the Moon, we ask... WTiF we NEVER STOPPED going to the MOON? Imagine! By now we would have already spent FIFTY YEARS traveling to, and building on The Moon. What incredible things would we have achieved by now? What does this alternative today look like? Where can we fly? What can we see? Let's IF all the way TO THE MOON, and beyond! Fraser Cain is the publisher of Universe Today and the co-host of Astronomy Cast. He's been writing about space and astronomy since he founded Universe Today in 1999. He lives on Vancouver Island, Canada with his wife, children and dog. Visit to read the latest space and astronomy news from Fraser and his team! And check out their latest book, the Ultimate Guide to Viewing THE COSMOS, available at bookstores everywhere and on
88 - Sci - Fi Author, DAN MOREN - "What The IF ENCRYPTION Runs Amok?"
09/04/2019 Duration: 01h08minWe're honored to be joined this week by the awesome Science Fiction writer, and esteemed technology journalist, DAN MOREN, who brings us an important, enigmatic, spooooooky IF... You are being watched, listened to, logged, sorted, faved, hashed and salted by TECHNOLOGY every moment of the day, including right now! Our devices are tattle-telling on us to their corporate bosses, gathering GIGABYTES of GOSSIP every second. What The IF we decided, enough with the convenience, we'd rather have TOTAL PRIVACY? Is it POSSIBLE? Would YOU really want to live in the society that erupts from such a change? Utopia? Dystopia? Holy Hackarama, it's a heck of an IF. DAN MOREN is an author, podcaster and tech journalist. Check out his latest rip-roarin' SF novel, THE BAYERN AGENDA: And you can HEAR Dan on these awesome PODCASTS: - SIX COLORS - CLOCKWISE - THE REBOUND Share your love of the show, REVIEW: itunes.appl
87 - Galactic MAILBAG!
03/04/2019 Duration: 52minOur cup of listener mail overfloweth! This week: our fans, aka our #SuperIFFers discuss our most mind-blowing shows and the latest science news stories. What the IF... you could hang out with the smartest, funniest, science-y-ist audience in the galaxy? You can! Listen now and FEEL THE IF! Share your love of the show REVIEW: Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
86 - The Science Of NOTHING - Ness!
26/03/2019 Duration: 43minOur listener, the awesome Super IFFer Bill Prokopchak wrote in and asked “What the IF there was a place in the Universe where there was absolutely NOTHING?” It turns out there’s a mysterious force that prevents space from ever, ever, EVER being truly, absolutely, totally, EMPTY. But… this force only acts when YOU’RE NOT LOOKING. The very strange and exceptionally vivacious life of VIRTUAL PARTICLES… and YOU… this week on What The IF! Share your love of the show REVIEW: Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
85 - WTiF NASA Asked YOU For Help? - #NASAsocial At KSC & The Planetary Society's DAY OF ACTION
19/03/2019 Duration: 46minWhat the IF... Big ol' NASA asked little ol' YOU for HELP? Could you do it? What would you do? This week: a special report from Philip after his two adventures volunteering on behalf of the famous American space agency. First, at the Kennedy Space Center where he was invited to participate in the #NASAsocial program, providing social media outreach by sharing his incredible experiences BEHIND THE SCENES of the SpaceX #CrewDragon Demo-1 mission. #NasaSocial #CrewDragon Then, in Washington, DC, participating behind the scenes at the US CAPITOL with The Planetary Society's DAY OF ACTION, where more than 100 society members came from all over the country to meet with Congress to push for increased NASA funding. #FundNASA! It's a JAM PACKED, rocket blasting, democracy crashing episode of a pretty awesome IF that really came true! Share your love of the show REVIEW: Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
84 - Planet Of The Identical TWINS!
11/03/2019 Duration: 57minMaya and Zoe are TWINS, and that's only the beginning of what makes them exceptionally qualified to take us to a planet where EVERYONE shares the same... FACE. Would this world be your personal Heaven... or Hell? It depends on how you look, and how everyone looks at you! From the vivid imagination of two very eloquent and insightful sisters... It just might just be the best planet ever created. Join us for a super duper, totally amazing IF, times TWO! Share your love of the show REVIEW: Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
83 - COLD Blooded People
26/02/2019 Duration: 48minLIZARDS are cold blooded creatures. What the IF... YOU were too? Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Share your love of the show REVIEW: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
82 - CETACEAN INVASION! WTiF Whales Take Back The Land?
19/02/2019 Duration: 52minThe amazing science educator and cetacean researcher, DR. VANESSA PIROTTA joins us again from Sydney, Australia and takes on the BIGGEST IF yet: What if WHALES decided to RETURN TO LAND? How would their bodies need to adapt? How would they communicate? What would they eat? Would they eat us? Could we ride them? And we also ponder the MYSTERY OF DOLPHIN HAPPINESS. Why so happy, dolphins? What's the secret? Or is it all a facade...? Let's follow Dr. Pirotta as she leads our expedition to the CETACEAN INVASION. What The IF!!!!! LEARN MORE about Dr. Pirotta's research, see magnificent PHOTOS, and enjoy her super engaging DEMONSTRATIONS -- all on her WEBSITE: Don't miss An IF SUBSCRIBE: Share your love of the show REVIEW: Thanks and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt
81 - Love Thy MOON
12/02/2019 Duration: 43minWe celebrate the LUNAR NEW YEAR and VALENTINE'S DAY by learning all the ways Earth would be a real loser without it's heavenly partner... the MOON! Don't miss an IF! Subscribe: Share your love of the IF! Drop us a review:
80 - HAGFISH - Champion Of The SLIMER BOWL!
02/02/2019 Duration: 51minThe HAGFISH, little known, little respected... greatly feared... by sharks! Is the hagfish the Spiderman of the Sea? This little slimy fish can spit out a slimy blob that BLOWS UP REAL BIG. What the if... WE could defend ourselves like that? Imagine the sport! In celebration of the SUPER BOWL, we present a special episode: The SLIMER BOWL. Let the games begin! Don't miss an IF! Subscribe: Share your love of the IF! Drop us a review: THANKS and Keep On IFFin'! -- Philip & Matt