What The If?

100 - Paul McAULEY Shrinks The SUN!



The incredible Science Fiction author PAUL McAULEY joins us to celebrate episode 100! With a preview of the science behind his upcoming novel, WAR OF THE MAPS, Paul asks: What The IF we could save the Earth from the inevitable death of the Sun? It's gonna be a lotta work! First we've gotta MOVE the Earth outward when the Sun expands into a RED GIANT, then we need to HUDDLE UP close when the Sun shrinks into a WHITE DWARF. Yep, Paul treats us to some EPIC ENGINEERING and ultra vivid SOLAR SCIENCE. --- PAUL McAULEY'S first novel won the Philip K. Dick Award, and he has gone on to win almost all of the major awards in the field. For many years a research biologist, he now writes full-time. McAuley's novel THE QUIET WAR made several "best of the year" lists, including SF Site's Reader's Choice Top 10 SF and Fantasy Books of 2009. His latest novel is AUSTRAL: https://www.amazon.co.uk/Austral-Paul-McAuley/dp/1473217318 And his latest short story is featured in Wade Roush's exciting anthology TWELVE TOMORROW