We build NEW WORLDS as we learn REAL SCIENCE about the limits of the COSMOS. Join us in exploring the science of SPACE, cosmology, physics, life, the UNIVERSE and everything! How do we do it? By daring to ask the biggest question in the universe: WHAT THE IF?
59 - DEEPER Into THE SUN We Go - Flying And Frying... For Science!
09/09/2018 Duration: 46minOur journey continues... to the CENTER of the SUN!
58 - How To THINK Like A BIRD! The Science of Animal Consciousness With DR. KIKI
05/09/2018 Duration: 52minDR. KIKI SANFORD, host of the incredible, long-running science podcast, THIS WEEK IN SCIENCE (, joins us for our most amazing, astounding, iff-iest episode yet! What The IF... WE WERE BIRDS? We learn all about bird behavior, in particular, Dr. Kiki's favorite birds, the tiny, adorable, musical, KILLER BIRDS, the shrikes. Yikes! What's it like to THINK like a bird, and to BE a bird? Tons of fun, and loads of knowledge dropped (onto spikes!) in this episode. Flap your wings and join us for the adventure of... SCIENCE.
57 - Our SUBMARINE Dives... Into The SUN!
28/08/2018 Duration: 39minNASA just launched the Parker Solar Probe, flying toward the Sun to get closer than anything we've EVER sent before. WTiF we could have James Cameron build us our very own super duper solar submarine! Shower yourself with suntan lotion and let's go!
56 - CRUSHED Or BROILED - Choose Your Fate At The Global Warming BBQ!
20/08/2018 Duration: 51minWTiF we survive EXTREME GLOBAL WARMING by living inside nice, chilly AIR CONDITIONED DOMES? But the heating up of our planet won't stop! The BBQ is just getting started, join us!
55 - Standing On A SIZZLING Earth - Ultra Fast Greenhouse Effect!
13/08/2018 Duration: 37minWHY WAIT decades and decades for us to get HOT? What The IF we sped up CLIMATE CHANGE so we could see it happening before our eyes, and under our feet? This week, we put more EFFECT into the GREENHOUSE EFFECT! Oh, lordy, it's gettin' hot in here! Be cool... click and listen to this SIZZLING hot episode.
06/08/2018 Duration: 49minScientists have discovered a snail that NEVER NEEDS TO EAT because it grows a humongous, self sustaining BACTERIAL FOOD FACTORY in it's gut. What the IF you could do that, too? The MANY FACES and USES of BACTERIA, this week on What The IF! Oh, and yeah... that's sooooo icky!!!! But also kinda cool. ICKY COOL!
53 - Honey, I Shrunk The UNIVERSE!
31/07/2018 Duration: 43minWe shrunk the universe down to the size of a football field. We also shrunk your dorm room. And it's Friday night. Things are about to get downright WTiF! Put on your lampshade and let's party!
52 - Is Earth A BOSS LEVEL, Or Just A LOOT BOX?
24/07/2018 Duration: 47minAre you enjoying your life in this SIMULATION we call... Earth? Is it a simulation? How would we know? Last week we began to ponder the mystery... and this week we set out... using REAL SCIENCE... to HACK it! Join us as we try to figure out how to FIND THE SEAMS and contact our DIGITAL OVERLORDS. We'll try anyway!
17/07/2018 Duration: 50minElon Musk asked something many of us have wondered (while in various states of sobriety)... "Do we live in a SIMULATION?" Well, we figured if we dooooooo live in a simulation, maybe it's a REALITY TV SHOW or, much more fun, maybe it's a VIDEO GAME? How, how, how, might SCIENCE try to answer this question? Insert your quarter, hit play, and READY IFFER ONE!
14/07/2018 Duration: 40minWTiF the Earth was STUCK with ONE side always facing the Sun? Is there a battle between the DARK SIDE and the LIGHT? Are you a NIGHT person or a MORNING person? Join us and find just the right spot for you as we explore the SCIENCE behind a tidally locked planet.
49 - OUMUAMAUA Has It's Eyes On YOU
03/07/2018 Duration: 52min49 - OUMUAMAUA Has It's Eyes On YOU by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
48 - The Girl Scouts Make A STARGATE
27/06/2018 Duration: 45min48 - The Girl Scouts Make A STARGATE by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
47 - The Early Bird Gets The WORMHOLE
20/06/2018 Duration: 30min47 - The Early Bird Gets The WORMHOLE by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
46 - WTiF There's ANIMALS On MARS? Cute Ones!
11/06/2018 Duration: 01h02min46 - WTiF There's ANIMALS On MARS? Cute Ones! by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
45 - The Plato Has Landed
07/06/2018 Duration: 50min(Apologies if you heard this episode earlier, it was accidentally uploaded last week for a brief time. Still... it's a fun one! Enjoy.)
44b - Bonus! - LOSING THE NOBEL PRIZE - Astronomer Brian KEATING On His Bestselling Book
29/05/2018 Duration: 12minProfessor Brian Keating is an astrophysicist with UC San Diego’s Department of Physics. He and his team develop telescopes to study the Big Bang. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and holds two U.S.Patents. He received the 2007 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers at the White House from President Bush for a telescope he invented and deployed at the U.S. South Pole Research Station called “BICEP". Professor Keating became a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2016 and is the author of Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest Honor, selected as one of’s Ten Best Nonfiction Books of the Month and one of Nature Magazine’s Six Best Books of the Season. Website: Twitter: @DrBrianKeating
44a - Journey To The CENTER OF THE GALAXY - With Astronomer Brian KEATING
29/05/2018 Duration: 30minProfessor Brian Keating is an astrophysicist with UC San Diego’s Department of Physics. He and his team develop telescopes to study the Big Bang. He is the author of over 100 scientific publications and holds two U.S.Patents. He received the 2007 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers at the White House from President Bush for a telescope he invented and deployed at the U.S. South Pole Research Station called “BICEP". Professor Keating became a Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2016 and is the author of Losing the Nobel Prize: A Story of Cosmology, Ambition, and the Perils of Science's Highest Honor, selected as one of’s Ten Best Nonfiction Books of the Month and one of Nature Magazine’s Six Best Books of the Season. Website: Twitter: @DrBrianKeating
43 - The World According To Greek Weirdos
23/05/2018 Duration: 39min43 - The World According To Greek Weirdos by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
42 - SuperMegaUltraHyperConnectedWORLD!
16/05/2018 Duration: 43min42 - SuperMegaUltraHyperConnectedWORLD! by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia
41 - M.I.T., The Mysterious Inter-Terrestrial
08/05/2018 Duration: 50min41 - M.I.T., The Mysterious Inter-Terrestrial by Philip Shane, Matt Stanley, Gabrielle Paniccia