What The If?

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 319:37:02
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We build NEW WORLDS as we learn REAL SCIENCE about the limits of the COSMOS. Join us in exploring the science of SPACE, cosmology, physics, life, the UNIVERSE and everything! How do we do it? By daring to ask the biggest question in the universe: WHAT THE IF?


  • FACE Blindness: Beyond The IF!

    21/10/2024 Duration: 25min

    We're excited to share a special treat with all our listeners - a "Beyond the IF" segment usually available only to our Patreon supporters! This bonus episode extends our fascinating conversation with Sharrona Pearl, author of "Do I Know You: From Face Blindness to Super Recognition." In this deeper exploration, we shift our focus to the opposite end of the face recognition spectrum - super recognizers. These individuals possess an extraordinary ability to remember and identify faces. But is this superpower all it's cracked up to be? We explore the daily challenges faced by super recognizers, from accidentally creeping people out to the art of pretending not to recognize everyone. Learn about the practical applications of this ability, including Scotland Yard's "super recognizer squad," and ponder the potential downsides that researchers have yet to explore. This glimpse into our "Beyond the IF" content showcases the kind of in-depth, mind-bending discussions our Patreon supporters enjoy regularly. If you'v

  • FACE Blindness with Sharrona Pearl!

    21/10/2024 Duration: 51min

    Join us as we welcome special guest Sharrona Pearl, author of "Do I Know You: From Face Blindness to Super Recognition" from Johns Hopkins Press. What if everyone suddenly woke up face blind? Together with Sharrona, we explore the fascinating world of face recognition and its absence, delving into the challenges and unexpected benefits of living in a society where no one can recognize faces. From diverse friend groups to biometric surveillance, discover how our world might adapt. Explore the coping mechanisms developed by those with face blindness and ponder how these strategies might become universal in a face-blind world. Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the implications of losing facial recognition abilities and their impact on our daily lives and society at large. Buy Sharrona's book: Via Independent Bookstores: https://bookshop.org/p/books/do-i-know-you-from-face-blindness-to-super-recognition-sharrona-pearl/19780511?ean=9781421447537 Via Hopkins Press: https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/tit

  • EUROPA'S Icy Enigma!

    14/10/2024 Duration: 53min

    Strap in for a frosty adventure as we dive into the Europa Clipper mission, set to blast off towards Jupiter's enigmatic ice moon. Imagine an alien world with an ocean containing twice the water of all Earth's seas, hidden beneath a 12-mile thick ice cube! We'll crack open the mysteries of Europa's crimson streaks, ponder the possibility of glow-in-the-dark sea monsters, and unravel how scientists use fancy metal detectors to peek inside planets. Join us as we speculate about potential alien sushi bars and wonder if Europa's ocean creatures might hold the key to intergalactic medicine. Get ready for a chilly space odyssey that'll have you seeing Jupiter's moons in a whole new light! --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-que

  • MINI-MOON Madness!

    07/10/2024 Duration: 51min

    Inspired by the recent news of Earth's temporary mini-moon 2024 PT5, this episode explores a universe where such celestial visitors become commonplace. What if Earth regularly captured bus-sized asteroids as mini-moons? From space hippie lifestyles to asteroid time-shares, discover how these cosmic dance partners could impact astronomy, space travel, and human evolution. Dive into the potential of mini-moons as conveyor belts through the solar system, the challenges of asteroid mining, orbital dynamics, and the birth of nomadic space cultures. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention

  • ALCOHOL Clouds Beyond The Stars!

    27/09/2024 Duration: 49min

    Buckle up for one of our silliest episodes yet! We've really gone off the rails this time as we blast off into the world of space alcohol. What started as a question from our listener Nigel about phosphine on Venus somehow morphed into a cosmic happy hour adventure. Join us as we explore vast clouds of ethanol and methanol floating in the cosmos, brainstorm outrageous ideas for harvesting these interstellar spirits with giant moon-sized fans, and ponder the complexities of operating space-age distilleries. We'll discuss the unique challenges of aging whiskey over light-years and speculate on the bizarre flavors imparted by space dust. This episode is a wild ride through the galaxy's biggest cocktail party, guaranteed to leave you dizzy with laughter and wonder. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can

  • Alien PETS!

    21/09/2024 Duration: 51min

    What if humans were the latest must-have pet for trendy aliens? This episode explores the hilarious and bizarre scenario of extraterrestrial beings snatching us up like puppies from a shelter. From alien vets poking and prodding us for space parasites to the culinary delights of human kibble, we dive into the wacky world of human domestication. Discover the joys of alien fashion shows featuring humans in adorable hats, and the headaches caused by mischievous humans forming underground resistance movements at the local alien graveyard. We even ponder the age-old alien question: "Do you think my human understands me when I talk to it in Zorblaxian?" This thought-provoking "what if" scenario was suggested by listener Dan Floyd. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonheml

  • Fungus Bots Unite!

    14/09/2024 Duration: 41min

    Fungal-powered robots are no longer science fiction! Scientists have created robots controlled by fungal mycelia that respond to light stimulation. These fungus-bots could revolutionize how we think about artificial intelligence and robotics. But what if our entire society became dependent on fungal-controlled machines? Explore a future where mushrooms pilot mechs, mycelia networks control city infrastructure, and humans must feed their fungal overlords to keep society running. Will this lead to eco-friendly harmony or a mycelial machine uprising? --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention


    30/08/2024 Duration: 48min

    Imagine a world where giant, bus-sized nematodes roam the streets, carrying diseases from city to city! In this mind-bending episode, we explore the consequences of scaling up microscopic worms to Dune-like proportions. How would humanity adapt to these massive, translucent creatures? We dive into the science of nematodes, discuss potential worm-washing stations, and even contemplate the philosophy of these 302-neuron behemoths. From worm cowboys to hamster-ball daredevils, this episode will change how you think about the hidden world beneath our feet. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention


    23/08/2024 Duration: 49min

    A speedy little star is racing through the Milky Way at a million miles per hour, fast enough to potentially escape our galaxy. This hypervelocity object, discovered by an amateur astronomer, could be a low-mass star or a brown dwarf. We explore the consequences of such a stellar speedster entering our solar system, from gravitational disruptions to the possibility of Earth being captured and taken along for the ride. Join us as we calculate travel times across the galaxy, ponder life on a planet orbiting a rogue star, and imagine astronomy in a nearly starless sky! --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention

  • GRAVITY Flux!

    15/08/2024 Duration: 50min

    Imagine a world where gravity fluctuates like the weather, causing chaos in daily life. This episode explores the wild consequences of variable gravity, from spaghettification dangers to the need for gravity forecasts. Discover how changing G-forces would affect everything from air travel to Olympic sports, and ponder the evolutionary adaptations needed to survive in such a world. This mind-bending concept, suggested by listener Joe, pushes the boundaries of physics and imagination. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention


    09/08/2024 Duration: 42min

    What if the Earth started expanding? This episode explores the wild consequences of a constantly growing planet. From elastic roads and stretchy buildings to low-orbit volleyball games and manipults for transportation, discover how life would adapt to an ever-expanding Earth. Learn about the effects on gravity, atmosphere, and infrastructure as the planet grows. Dive into the physics of orbital mechanics at ground level and ponder the fate of our expanding world billions of years into the future. From weekly city regatherings to the challenges of maintaining fiber optic cables, uncover the bizarre realities of life on a planet that won't stop growing. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention

  • SHORT MEMORY Mayhem!

    03/08/2024 Duration: 42min

    Buckle up for a mind-bending journey into a world where memories vanish faster than you can say "What did I just...?" What if our brains could only hold onto thoughts for a measly 30 seconds? Would cavemen become the ultimate goldfish, forgetting they're running from saber-toothed tigers mid-sprint? Could humanity evolve into a society of Post-it note addicts, desperately scribbling reminders to breathe? Explore the hilarious and horrifying implications of life with short-term memory, from accidental daily spouse-swapping to the potential rise of a Mario Kart-based civilization. Discover how video games might become our cognitive saviors, and ponder whether we'd all turn into walking, talking hard drives just to remember our own names. It's a forgetful fiesta that'll leave you questioning reality - if you can remember it long enough! --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/lu

  • OLYMPICS Of The Solar System!

    26/07/2024 Duration: 48min

    We welcome our newest Patreon supporter, Martin from Frankfurt, Germany! Inspired by the Paris Olympics which open today, we imagine Olympic events spread across the solar system in the year 3024! High jumps on the Moon, luge races on asteroids, and synchronized swimming in Titan's methane lakes. Athletes train in centrifuges to prepare for different gravities, while spectators watch solar sail races near the Sun. The episode explores the physics of sports in various planetary conditions, from the dense atmosphere of Jupiter to the microgravity of space stations. Learn about the challenges of organizing interplanetary competitions and the potential for new sports unique to each celestial body. --- Check out our membership rewards! Visit us at Patreon.com/Whattheif Got an IF of your own? Want to have us consider your idea for a show topic? Send YOUR IF to us! Email us at feedback@whattheif.com and let us know what's in your imagination. No idea is too small, or too big! Don’t miss an episode! Subscribe a

  • MICROBIAL Architects Of Alien Worlds!

    05/07/2024 Duration: 52min

    Dive into the intriguing world of microbial terraforming on Planet Hendrix! This episode explores how scientists use unique microbes to transform barren extraterrestrial landscapes into potentially habitable environments. Discover the fascinating processes behind microbial mining, mineral creation, and atmosphere alteration, and how these tiny organisms could pave the way for future human colonization. Learn about the Great Oxidation Event and its Earthly impacts, and imagine the possibilities when humanity harnesses these microbial powers on other planets. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention


    28/06/2024 Duration: 49min

    Step into a wild world where ancient Greek philosophers are YouTube sensations! Picture Aristotle running multiple channels, Socrates hosting heated philosophical debates, and Odysseus vlogging his epic journey home. We dive into the hilarious and thought-provoking scenarios of Greek legends navigating the digital age. What if Alexander the Great livestreamed his conquests? Could Diogenes become the ultimate internet troll? Join us as we explore how YouTube's algorithm might shake up the spread of ideas in ancient Greece. Get ready for a wild ride through an alternate history where togas meet technology!

  • GLASS Bones & ACID Blood!

    22/06/2024 Duration: 53min

    Explore a world where life is based on silicon instead of carbon, swimming in sulfuric acid oceans and breathing in clouds of acid rain. Imagine transparent armadillo-like creatures with glass bones, communicating through resonant frequencies. Ponder the possibilities of silicon-based trees with blue interiors and the challenges of interspecies cohabitation. This episode delves into the chemistry, biology, and potential evolution of silicon-based life forms, from microscopic bacteria to intelligent civilizations. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention

  • Humans SPIRAL into PIZZA Madness!

    14/06/2024 Duration: 46min

    Inspired by a fascinating article about why moths are lured to lights at night, this mind-bending episode explores a wild scenario - what if humans navigated the world like moths, perpetually drawn to the scent of pizza? Delve into the intricacies of moth navigation, ant death spirals, and how our cities and societies might be organized around an insatiable pizza obsession. From pizza-oriented city grids designed to capture savory scents to pharaohs using pizza to construct pyramids, the hilarious thought experiment takes you on a journey that will change how you see pepperoni forever. --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www.neonhemlock.com/ebooks/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention

  • NITROGEN Doomsday!

    07/06/2024 Duration: 54min

    In this mind-blowing episode, we explore how one man's quest to create artificial fertilizer transformed the trajectory of human history. Inspired by listener Martin from Frankfurt, we dive into the story of Fritz Haber, whose discovery of the Haber-Bosch process for synthesizing ammonia not only revolutionized agriculture and saved billions from starvation but also fueled the rise of chemical weapons in World War I. From explosive bat guano to the delicate balance of ding-dongs and Twinkies, we unravel the complex web connecting fertilizer, food production, and the very bombs that shaped the 20th century. Brace yourself for a wild ride through the unintended consequences of scientific breakthroughs! —

Here’s Martin’s email to us which includes lots more information and links to learn more about his intriguing IF! From: Martin Subject: A world without NH3 (a What The If idea) I had another idea for a potential IF, or - to give credit where credit is due - my colleague Thomas has it. He read that BASF in

  • Weird Fish Dating!

    31/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    Dive into the bizarre world of anglerfish mating rituals in this wildly entertaining episode! Discover how these deep-sea creatures evolved an unconventional strategy for reproduction in the ocean's dark depths. From males biting and fusing to much larger females, to becoming nothing more than sperm-producing parasites, the strange tale of anglerfish love will leave you amazed and slightly unsettled. Join us as we imagine a human society built on anglerfish rules - where tiny men chase after gigantic women in hopes of clamping on for life. It's a thought-provoking journey filled with humor and scientific intrigue that you won't want to miss! Read the New York Times article: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/30/science/anglerfish-evolution-sex.html?pvid=kolzEZ0s23v76fE8YxZOhk03&u2g=c&smid=url-share --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-

  • YOU Are Schrödinger's CAT!

    24/05/2024 Duration: 50min

    Explore what it means to live as Schrödinger's Cat! Delve into the mind-bending concept of being in two states at once and how it would feel to experience quantum superposition. Discover modern AI’s take on this classic thought experiment, laugh over a dance floor encounter with Mick Jagger, and hear fascinating tales from history, including an atomic bomb project. This episode is packed with intriguing theories and humorous elements, making the quantum world more relatable. Perfect for both science enthusiasts and curious minds, this journey will challenge your perception of existence!

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