What The If?

FACE Blindness with Sharrona Pearl!



Join us as we welcome special guest Sharrona Pearl, author of "Do I Know You: From Face Blindness to Super Recognition" from Johns Hopkins Press. What if everyone suddenly woke up face blind? Together with Sharrona, we explore the fascinating world of face recognition and its absence, delving into the challenges and unexpected benefits of living in a society where no one can recognize faces. From diverse friend groups to biometric surveillance, discover how our world might adapt. Explore the coping mechanisms developed by those with face blindness and ponder how these strategies might become universal in a face-blind world. Embark on a thought-provoking journey through the implications of losing facial recognition abilities and their impact on our daily lives and society at large. Buy Sharrona's book: Via Independent Bookstores: https://bookshop.org/p/books/do-i-know-you-from-face-blindness-to-super-recognition-sharrona-pearl/19780511?ean=9781421447537 Via Hopkins Press: https://www.press.jhu.edu/books/tit