What The If?

White Dwarf SUN!



Based on new research reported by Matt Williams in Universe Today, an Earth-like planet orbiting a white dwarf star 4,000 light years away might offer a preview of our own solar system's distant future. Journey through the dramatic transformation as our Sun expands into a massive red giant, consuming Mercury and Venus before shedding its outer layers and shrinking to a tiny white dwarf. Explore how Earth might survive this cosmic evolution, migrating to a more distant orbit in a permanently frozen state where ice badgers could theoretically evolve to thrive in the dim light of our shrunken star. Read the article in Universe Today: https://www.universetoday.com/168746/an-earth-like-planet-around-a-dead-sun-provides-some-reassurance-about-the-future-of-earth/#more-168746 --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The e