What The If?




What if humans could only move eight inches in 24 hours? After watching mushroom corals take a full day to scoot that far, we explore life at an even slower pace than sloths. Trade sprinting after prey for the exciting new sport of not moving at all! Develop a metabolism so slow you'll make a sloth look hyperactive, grow some stylish moss camouflage, and discover why traveling one foot becomes the adventure of a lifetime. Turns out the slow life comes with some surprising survival strategies - just don't expect to chase down your dinner anymore. Based on "These Corals Are Made for Walking" by Jason Bittel, published in The New York Times on Jan. 22, 2025 (https://www.nytimes.com/2025/01/22/science/walking-coral.html?smid=url-share). --- Find out more about Gaby's science fiction short story! Here are the links for the anthology. The physical copy can be ordered here : https://www.neonhemlock.com/books/luminescent-machinations-queer-tales-of-monumental-invention The ebook can be ordered here: https://www