
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:13:16
  • More information



Super easy, fun, and creative way to learn the Japanese language and all about the culture.


  • #56: Sound Effects In The Japanese Language

    16/11/2018 Duration: 23min

    In the Japanese language sound effects are commonly used in regular conversation.... Get more familiar with this concept from examples and learn some commonly expressed sounds used in regular Japanese communication.

  • #55: Particles Overview, Textbook vs Non Textbook Explanations

    24/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    Remove the confusion of the Japanese particles with this fun introduction. Hear textbook examples of each particle along with some insight from a local Japanese native speaker. Wa (Main Object Marker) Kyle Wa Canada Jin = Kyle IS Canadian. Stating the topic of the sentence. Or X Is Y. Ni (Location To Go) Tokyo NI Ikimasu = I Will Go To Tokyo. States location goin to. Wo (Object Affected By Sentence Verb, Action) Ocha Wo Nomimasu = Drink Tea  States Object used with the main action of sentence. De (Location Of Action) Densha De Shinjuku Ni Ikimasu = Train Takes you to Shinjuku. States location of action. In this case the train was the location that takes you to Shinjuku.

  • #54: Japanese Counters - Tsu Counter

    17/09/2018 Duration: 06min

    Master using the Japanese Tsu Counter. Used for counting various inanimate objects. 1   - Hito-Tsu (hee-toh-tsoo) 2   - Futa-Tsu (foo-tah-tsoo) 3   - Mit-Tsu (meet-tsoo) 4   - Yot-Tsu (yoht-tsoo) 5   - Itsu-Tsu (ee-tsoo-tsoo) 6   - Mut-Tsu (moot-tsoo) 7   - Nana-Tsu (nah-nah-tsoo) 8   - Yat-Tsu (yaht-tsoo) 9   - Kokono-Tsu (koh-koh-no-tsoo) 10 - Tō (toh) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #53: Japanese Counters - Nin Counter

    10/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    Master using the Japanese Nin Counter. Used for counting people. 1   - Hitori (hee-toh-ree) 2   - Futari (foo-toh-ree) 3   - San-Nin (sahn-neen) 4   - Yon-Nin (yohn-neen) 5   - Go-Nin (goh-neen) 6   - Roku-Nin (roh-koo-neen) 7   - Nana-Nin (nah-nah-neen) 8   - Hachi-Nin (hah-chee-neen) 9   - Kyū-Nin (kyoo-neen) 10 - Jū-Nin (joo-neen) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #52: Japanese Counters - Mai Counter

    03/09/2018 Duration: 04min

    Master using the Japanese Mai Counter. Used for counting flat items. 1   - Ichi-Mai (ee-chee-mah-ee) 2   - Ni-Mai (nee-mah-ee) 3   - San-Mai (sahn-mah-ee) 4   - Yon-Mai (yohn-mah-ee) 5   - Go-Mai (goh-mah-ee) 6   - Roku-Mai (roh-koo-mah-ee) 7   - Nana-Mai (nah-nah-mah-ee) 8   - Hachi-Mai (hah-chee-mah-ee) 9   - Kyū-Mai (kyoo-mah-ee) 10 - Jū-Mai (joo-mah-ee) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #51: Japanese Counters - Hon Counter

    27/08/2018 Duration: 06min

    Master using the Japanese Hon Counter. Used for counting cylindrical items. 1   - Ip-Hon (eep-pohn) 2   - Ni-Hon (nee-hohn) 3   - San-Bon (sahn-bohn) 4   - Yon-Hon (yohn-hohn) 5   - Go-Hon (goh-hohn) 6   - Rop-Pon (rohp-pohn) 7   - Nana-Hon (nah-nah-hohn) 8   - Hap-Pon (hahp-pohn) 9   - Kyū-Hon (kyoo-hohn) 10 - Jup-Pon (joop-pohn) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #50: Japanese Counters - Hiki Counter

    20/08/2018 Duration: 06min

    Master using the Japanese Hiki Counter. Used for counting animals (small or medium sized). 1   - Ip-Piki (eep-pee-kee) 2   - Ni-Hiki (nee-hee-kee) 3   - San-Biki (sahn-bee-kee) 4   - Yon-Hiki (yohn-hee-kee) 5   - Go-Hiki (goh-hee-kee) 6   - Rop-Piki (rohp-pee-kee) 7   - Nana-Hiki (nah-nah-hee-kee) 8   - Hap-Piki (hahp-pee-kee) 9   - Kyū-Hiki (kyoo-hee-kee) 10 - Jup-Piki (joop-pee-kee) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #49: Japanese Counters - Dai Counter

    13/08/2018 Duration: 04min

    Master using the Japanese Dai Counter. Used for counting mechanical items. 1   - Ichi-Dai (ee-chee-dah-ee) 2   - Ni-Dai (nee-dah-ee) 3   - San-Dai (sahn-dah-ee) 4   - Yon-Dai (yohn-dah-ee) 5   - Go-Dai (goh-dah-ee) 6   - Roku-Dai (roh-koo-dah-ee) 7   - Nana-Dai (nah-nah-dah-ee) 8   - Hachi-Dai (hah-chee-dah-ee) 9   - Kyū-Dai (kyoo-dah-ee) 10 - Jū-Dai (joo-dah-ee) *Bonus Tip If your count exceeds the number 10. Use the KO (koh) Counter after saying the number that you wish to express. For example, 11 - ju-ichi-ko.

  • #48: Japanese Counters Course (Introduction)

    06/08/2018 Duration: 06min

    In Japanese the art of counting can get quite complex. Did you know there are more than 6 different ways to express numbers depending on what type of object you are counting!? Yup its quite overwhelming. This course is here to save the day! Learn to count like a Ninja and master each of the Japanese counters within this course. Are you ready?  THE SIX DIFFERENT COUNTERS IN JAPANESE Dai (dah-ee) - Used to count mechanical items. Hiki (hee-kee) - Used to count animals (small or medium sized). Hon (hohn) - Used to count cylindrical items. Mai (mah-ee) - Used to count flat items Nin (neen) - Used to count people Tsu (tsoo) - Used to count various inanimate Objects

  • #47: Useful Everyday Phrases In Japanese

    16/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    Upgrade your daily Japanese communication skills by learning these basic daily phrases. Trust me you will be happy you did! Basic Phrases. Do you have? - Motte Masuka? May I have the menu please? - Menu Wo Kudasai? May I have the bill? - Okaikei Wo Kudasai? What would you like to eat? - Nani Wo Tabemasu ka? May I have (an apple) - Ringo wa morattemo iidesu ka? Where is the (Toilet) - Toire Wa Dokodesu ka? Do You Take Credit Card? - Kurejittokādo wa Tsukai masuka? Ordering One Item Off Menu (Point and say) - Kore Wo Kudasai.  Ordering Multiple Items Off Menu (Point and say) - Kore To (Repeat Per Item) Last item say: Kore Wo Kudasai. I Like - Suki desu. I don’t like - Suki Janai. Do you like it? - Suki Desu ka? One More Time Please. - Mou Ichido Kudasai. Word of the Episode. Mugicha (moo-gee-chah) Japanese Barley Tea.

  • #46: Expressing How You Feel In Japanese

    30/06/2018 Duration: 32min

    Feeling happy, sad, sick or well any other basic feeling? Want to express this to others in Japanese? If so this episode is for you! Learn the basics of expressing how you feel within this episode!  Examples Happy - Ureshiidesu Excited - Tanoshimidesu Sad - Kanashīdesu   Frustrated - Iraira Shite Imasu Tired - Tsukaremashita Hungry - Onaka ga Sukimashita Full - Onaka ga Ippaidesu Stomach ache - Onaka ga Itai Desu Headache - Atama ga Itai Desu Nauseous - Kimochi ga Waruidesu Word of the Episode. Umi (ooh-mee) Ocean Mizūmi (mee-zoo-mee) Lake

  • #45: Useful Daily Japanese Phrases

    18/06/2018 Duration: 33min

    In this episode I will share some common useful Japanese phrases that will help you through various situation in Daily life. Examples Where is the (OBJECT) - (OBJECT) wa Doko Desu ka? How Much Does This Cost? Kore Wa Ikura Desu ka? What Is This? Kore Wa Nan Desu ka? Do You Need Help? Tetsudai Mashou ka? Are You OK? Dijobe Desu ka? What Are Your Plans Today? Kyo Wa Nani Wo Shimasu ka? Phrase To Always Say Before You Eat! itadakimasu Phrase To Always Say After You Eat! Gochisosama Deshita Word of the Episode. Aruite Imasu (ah-roo-ee-teh) Meaning To Walk.

  • #44: Travel Tips, Japanese Culture

    04/06/2018 Duration: 36min

    In this episode I will share some useful tips that I have learned from my first two weeks living in Tokyo.  Everything from communication techniques, driving, eating and one especially important tip you NEED to know before traveling to Japan to save some headache... Enjoy! Word of the Episode. Gomi (goh-mee) Meaning Garbage.

  • #43: Human Body In Japanese

    23/05/2018 Duration: 19min

    Learn the vocabulary for all the common body parts in Japanese! Body Parts Kao (kah-oh) - Face Kami (kah-mee) Hair Atama (ah-tah-mah) Head Mimi (meemee) Ear Me (meh) Eye Hana (hah-nah) Nose Kuchi (koo-chee) Mouth Kuchibiru (koo-chee-bee-roo) Lips Karada (kah-rah-dah) Body Kubi (koo-bee) Neck Nodo (noh-doh) Throat Kata (kah-tah) Shoulder Ude (oo-deh) Arm Yubi (yoo-bee) Finger Mune (moo-neh) Breast / Chest Onaka (oh-nah-kah) Stomach Koshi (koh-shee) Waist / Hips Hiza (hee-zah) Knee Ashi (ah-shee) Foot / Leg Ashikubi (ah-shee-koo-bee) Ankle Tsumasaki (tsoo-mah-sah-kee) Toe / TipToe Oshiri (oh-shee-ri) Buttocks Hada (ha-da) Skin Random Phrase of the Episode... Abunai: Dangerous

  • #42: All The Colours in Japanese!

    30/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Learn how to say all the main colours in Japanese. Once we discuss all the colours and how to say them, we will use them in a phrase for practice.                                                                                  Colours Aka (ah-kah) - Red Ao (ah-oh) - Blue Chairo (chah-ee-roh) - Brown Kiiro (kee-roh) - Yellow Kuro (koo-roh) - Black Midori (mee-doh-ree) - Green Murasaki (moo-rah-sah-kee) - Purple Orenji (oh-rehn-jee) - Orange Pink (peen-koo) - Pink Shiro (shee-roh) - White Using colours in a phrase example... Aka No Wah Arimasu ka? - Do You Have a Red One?                        (Colour) No Wah Arimasu ka? - Do You Have a (Colour) One?    Random Phrase of the Episode... Fugu: Blowfish (Dangerous or Delicious?)                

  • #41: Commenting On Experiences In Japanese

    09/04/2018 Duration: 12min

    Learn how to describe how your experience was in Japanese by commenting on how it made you feel or how it was. This episode of the Jappon podcast will give you a list of common and useful ways to describe how a particular experience was in Japanese.   Episode Phrases. Kirei datta (kee-reh-ee daht-tah) - It was Beautiful. Hidokatta (hee-doh-kaht-tah) - It was Terrible. Kandō shita (kahn-doh shee-tah) - I was Moved. Konde ita (kohn-deh ee-tah) - It was Crowded. Oishikatta (oh-ee-shee-kaht-tah) - It was Delicious. Omoshirokatta (oh-moh-shee-roh-kaht-tah) - It was Interesting. Subarashikatta (soo-bah-rah-shee-kaht-tah) - It was Wonderful. Takakatta (tah-kah-kaht-tah) - It was Expensive. Tanoshikatta (tah-noh-shee-kaht-tah) - It was Fun. Yasukatta (yah-soo-kaht-tah) - It was Cheap. Yokatta (yoh-kaht-tah) - It was Good.   Random Word Of The Episode Eiga: Movie  

  • #40: Vocabulary Power-up (Months, Days Of Week)

    19/03/2018 Duration: 11min

    You cannot practice the Japanese Language without having a solid base of Vocabulary to work with! This episode gives you the chance to acquire the vocabulary of all the months of the year in Japanese and how to say all the days of the week. I will also reveal a special trick how to master all the months of the year incredibly easily.   Months January : ichi-gatsu February : ni-gatsu March : san-gatsu April: shi-gatsu May : go-gatsu June : roku-gatsu  July : shichi-gatsu August : hachi-gatsu  September : ku-gatsu October: jū-gatsu November : jū-ichi-gatsu December : jū-ni-gatsu   Days Of The Week Monday : getsuyōbi Tuesday : kayōbi Wednesday : suiyōbi Thursday : mokuyōbi Friday : kin'yōbi Saturday : doyōbi Sunday : nichiyōbi   Random Word Of The Episode Tamago : Egg  

  • #39: Particle Practice - W(O), De, Ni

    12/03/2018 Duration: 21min

    Particles can be a daunting subject! This episode will expose you to the concept of particles while giving you basic examples using 3 different particles to ease you into this large and crucial piece of the Japanese language! Particles Covered In This Episode: Particle #1 - W(O) Pronounced as "Oh" This particle is used to describe which object is directly affected by the action or event within the sentence.  Example Sentence. I Drink Coffee: Kōhī (WO) Nomimasu.  Formula to follow : object (WO) Verb   Particle #2 - De Describes the location of the event described in the sentence. Example Sentence. I Will Read Books In The Library: Toshoukan (DE) Hon (WO) yomimasu.  Formula to follow : location (DE) object (WO) verb   Particle #3 - Ni To state the time of event. Example Sentence. I Will Go To Bed At 11 O'Clock : Ju-ichi ji (NI) nemasu. Formula to follow : time of event (NI) state event.   Vocabulary Kōhī : Coffee Terebi : TV Hon : Book Uchi : Home Toshoukan : Library Nomimasu: To Drink Mimasu : To Watch Yomimas

  • #38: Quest For Mastery (EP1: Moving To Japan)

    26/02/2018 Duration: 09min

    Ever wonder what its like to just drop everything and move to Japan without being fluent in the language, or understanding the culture? Join me as I do just this...! Learn from my mistakes, my insights and come along with me as I discover this amazing country and master the language, the culture and so much more that Japan has to offer!  Get ready for an adventure! It starts now. 

  • #37: Friends & Family Introductions

    12/02/2018 Duration: 29min

    Learn how to introduce relatives & friends to others in Japanese. This episode will share the Japanese terms for family members and friends while also giving you the proper grammar to make full introductions. *** Introduction Grammar Formula *** (X - NAME) No (Y - NAME) Des. X-NAME = person the relative of friend belongs to. Y-NAME = person you are introducing Example: Kyle No Okāsan des: Kyle's Mother *** Lesson Vocabulary *** Mother: Okāsan. Yours: Haha. Father: Otōsan. Yours: Chichi. Older Sister: Onēsan. Yours: Ane. Younger Sister: Imōto-san. Yours: Imōto. Older Brother: Onīsan. Yours: Onī. Younger Brother: Otōto-san. Yours: Otōto. Aunt: Obasan. Yours: Oba. Uncle: Ojisan. Yours: Oji. Grandmother: Obāsan. Yours: Obā. Grandfather: Ojīsan. Yours: Ojī. Friend: Tomodachi (Casual) Yūjin (Formal) Best Friend: Shinyū. Classmate: Kurasumeito. Boyfriend: Kareshi. Girlfriend: Kanojo. *** Word Of The Episode *** Stranger: Tanin  

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