
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 30:13:16
  • More information



Super easy, fun, and creative way to learn the Japanese language and all about the culture.


  • #36: New Years In Japan

    02/02/2018 Duration: 31min

    Whats bigger in Japan New Years or Christmas? The answer you will find within this special episode of the Jappon Podcast! And yes the answer may shock you :) Learn all about the traditions and what makes New years in Japan so special! You may not be able to resist visiting Japan for new years after hearing all about it! *** Special Phrase Of The Episode *** Happy New Years! Akemashite omedetou gozaimasu!

  • #35: Dangerous Similar Sounding Japanese Words

    22/01/2018 Duration: 26min

    In the Japanese Language there are some words you will want to be mindful of pronouncing properly. This episode will save you from embarrassing yourself or others around you by teaching you the subtle differences between similar sounding dangerous terms in the Japanese language! ----- Similar Sounding Words ----- Scary / Cute Kowai: Scary. Kawaii: Cute. Bald / Beard Hage: Bald. Hige: Beard. Flower / Nose Hana. (Listen to Intonation Difference) Bridge / Chopsticks Hashi. (Listen to Intonation Difference) Prisoner / Husband Shujin: Husband. Shuujin: Prisoner. Rain / Candy Ame. (Listen to Intonation Difference) Paper / God Kami. (Listen to Intonation Difference) ----- Word Of The Episode ----- Furui: Old Outdated (NOT used for age!)  

  • #34: Locating Objects In Japanese

    08/01/2018 Duration: 23min

    Learn how to describe in detail the location of any object you wish in Japanese! You will learn all the terms required along with the grammar structure to form descriptive sentences to communicate to others.  ----- Positional Terms ----- Yoko: Beside. Soto: Out/Outside. Tonari: Next To. Ushiro: Back/Behind. Mae: Front. Chikaku: Near/Close. Shita: Under/Below. Naka: Inside. Ue: On/Above. ----- Objects ----- Hon: Book Kappu: Cup. Tsukue: Desk. ----- Example Sentence/Structure ----- Hon wa tsukue no ue des: The book is on the desk. OBJECT (wa) NEARBY OBJECT (no) POSITION (des) ----- Word Of The Episode ----- Hatachi: Word used to say the age of 20 years old. This is a special term for a special age in the Japanese Culture.  

  • #33: Common Questions Using What In Japanese

    01/01/2018 Duration: 14min

    Learn how to ask common simple questions using (WHAT) in Japanese.  Examples/Reference: Nan Desuka: What? Onamae Wa Nan Desuka?: What is your name? Shigoto Wa Nan Desuka?: What is your occupation? Nansai Desuka?: How old are you? Denwa Bangoo Wa Nan Desuka?: What is your phone number?    Word Of The Episode: Yabai: Slang for expressing unexpected emotion or rushed feeling.

  • #32: Christmas In Japan!

    11/12/2017 Duration: 25min

    Ever wonder what Christmas in Japan is like? Do they eat the same foods? Share the same traditions? Sing the same carols? Decorate? Find out how Christmas is celebrated and what to expect if you end up spending the holidays in Japan. Also find out the significance of Fried Chicken on this special holiday…..   Word of the episode Merī Kuri: Abbreviation For Merry Christmas.

  • #31: Japanese Pronouns, Beginner (Ko, So, A)

    06/12/2017 Duration: 26min

    Get introduced to Japanese Pronouns, and even touch upon some Japanese Grammar! This episode will teach you how to say this, that & that (far) in Japanese, along with here, there, and over there. We will demonstrate example sentences with each term. Also teach the particles (Wah) and (NO) so you can form your own sentences!   Terms Covered: Kore: This Sore: That Are: That (Far) Ko(no): This + NOUN So(no): That + NOUN A(no): That (Far) + NOUN Koko: Here Soko: There Asoko: Over There (Far) Wa (Particle): Marks topic of sentence No (Particle): Marks possessive item of sentence. Also acts like ’s added to end of word.   Ringo: Apple Kuruma: Car Kappu: Cup Ginkō: Bank Yama: Mountain Shosai: (Home) Office Oki: Big Oishi: Tasty Takai: Expensive   Sentence Examples: Kore (wa) kappu desu: This is a cup. Ko(no) kappu (wa) Oki desu: This cup is big.   Word Of The Episode: Gohan: Meal or Rice.

  • #30: Intro To Telling Time In Japanese

    27/11/2017 Duration: 20min

    Master the basics of telling time in Japanese. Including key phrases, grammar structure and even a few bonus terms. Don't miss this foundation building episode to master the clock! Terms Included in Episode The correct way to count from 1-12 in the form of time.  Time (O'Clock) - Ji (Jeee) 1:00 - ichiji 2:00 - niji 3:00 - sanji 4:00 - yoji 5:00 - goji 6:00 - rokuji 7:00 - shichiji 8:00 - hachiji 9:00 - kuji 10:00 - juuji 11:00 - juuichiji 12:00 - juuniji AM - Gozen (goh-zehn) PM - Gogo (goh-goh) Half Past - Han (hahn) Yesterday - Kinō (kee-noh) Today - Kyō (kee-yoh) Tomorrow - Ashita (ah-shee-tah) This Episodes Random Phrase is... Ano, Sumimasen: Expressing you need help with something specific.  

  • #29: Japan Travel Guide - Train Stations

    20/11/2017 Duration: 52min

    Join your personal tour guides Kyle and Chisa as they lead you through your very first experience in a Japanese Train Station “EKI” (eh-kee). This episode covers everything you need to know and more, to confidently reach your destination. How To Get Your Tickets And Find The Ticket Station. The Best Way To Find Out How To Reach Your Destination. Understanding Common Train Announcements. Reading The Schedule. Asking For Help! An In Depth Look At The Train Station And How It Works. Tips From Personal Experience, And SO MUCH MORE! You may even just be told the secret to where you can get a free toothbrush….. Maybe? This Episodes Random Phrase Is: Otsukare Sama Desu. A phrase used to greet someone while acknowledging their hard work. Common Terms Used In Japanese Train Stations. Densha (dehn-shah): Train. Eki (eh-kee): Train Station. Ōsaka Yuki (oh-sah-kah yoo-kee): Bound For Osaka. Hōmu (hohh-moo): Platform. Unchin (oon-cheen): Fare. Jōshaken (johh-shah-kehn): Passenger Ticket. Katamichi (kah-tah-mee-chee): O

  • #28: Excuse Me, What Time Is It? (Film Breakdown)

    13/11/2017 Duration: 44min

    Learn how to ask "What Time It is?" in Japanese with this detailed breakdown of the short film on the Jappon Youtube Channel. This short film was created to give you an entertaining way to see practical uses of the Japanese language in real world scenario's. Terms covered in this film and breakdown... Hello On The Telephone - Moshi Moshi. (moh-shee, moh-shee) Where are you? - Ima Doko Desuka? (ee-mah-doh-koh-desu-kah) Sorry or Excuse me - Sumimasen. (soo-mee-mah-sehn) I will be on my way - Ima Mukah imasu (ee-mah-moo-kah-ee-mah-soo) Excuse, me what time is it? - Sumimasen, Ima Nan Ji desuka? (soo-me-mah-sehn, ee-mah-nahn-jee-deh-soo-ka?) I don’t understand English. - Eigo Ga Wakarimasen! (eh-goh-gah-wah-kah-ree-mah-sehn) Ahhh, its already 1-o-clock! - Ahh Mou ichi ji desu! (ahh-moh-oo-ee-chee-jee-deh-soo) Thank you. - Arigatou gozaimas (ah-ree-gah-toe-oo-goh-zah-ee-mah-soo) It’s no problem. - Iie, Doh Itashi Mashite (eee-eh-doh-ee-tah-shee-mah-shee-teh) Let's go. - Ikimasho (i-kee-mah-show) Ahh, I'm so glad!

  • #27: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 100,000’s & Beyond (Review)

    10/11/2017 Duration: 07min

    Practice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Counting In Japanese - 100,000’s & Beyond." All of the information from this class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.

  • #26: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 100,000’s & Beyond

    06/11/2017 Duration: 12min

    Learn how to count your way from 100 thousand to 900 million in Japanese. This class will introduce you to the main “grouping” keywords required and all the correct combinations to successfully accomplish this.   Topics Covered… Counting in groups of 100,000’s Counting in groups of Millions Counting in groups of Ten Millions Counting in groups of 100 Millions The Keyword Oku (oh-koo)

  • #25: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 1000’s - 10,000’s (Review)

    03/11/2017 Duration: 06min

    Practice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Counting In Japanese - 1000’s - 10,000’s" All of the information from this class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.

  • #24: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 1000’s - 10,000’s

    31/10/2017 Duration: 08min

    Learn how to count your way through all the 1000’s and 10,000’s in Japanese. This class will introduce you to the main “grouping” keywords and how you can use them to count your way up to 100,000!

  • #23: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 10’s - 100’s (Review)

    24/10/2017 Duration: 08min

    Practice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Counting In Japanese - 10’s - 100’s" All of the information from this class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.

  • #22: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 10’s - 100’s

    17/10/2017 Duration: 13min

    Learn how to count all the way to a thousand in Japanese. This class will show you how if you can count from 0 - 10, you can also count to a thousand! Trust me you will be amazed at how simple this can be.   Topics Covered… Counting in groups of 10’s with the term: Jū (jooo) Counting in groups of 100’s with the term: Hyaku (hyah-koo) Why the numbers 3, 6 and 8 are unique in other values of counting and how to memorize this.

  • #21: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 0-10 (Review)

    10/10/2017 Duration: 07min

    Practice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Counting from 0 - 10 In Japanese." All of the information from that class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.   Terms Covered… 0 - Zero (zeh-roh) 1 - Ichi (ee-chee) 2 - Ni (nee) 3 - San (sahn) 4 - Yon (yohn) or Shi (shee) 5 - Go (goh) 6 - Roku (roh-koo) 7 - Nana (nah-nah) or Shichi (shee-chee) 8 - Hachi (hah-chee) 9 - Kyū (kyooo) or Ku (koo) 10 - Jū (jooo)

  • #20: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - 0 - 10

    03/10/2017 Duration: 08min

    Learn how to count from 0 - 10 in Japanese. This class exposes you to all the information you need to build the foundation to speak any number you wish in Japanese.   Terms Covered… 0 - Zero (zeh-roh) 1 - Ichi (ee-chee) 2 - Ni (nee) 3 - San (sahn) 4 - Yon (yohn) or Shi (shee) 5 - Go (goh) 6 - Roku (roh-koo) 7 - Nana (nah-nah) or Shichi (shee-chee) 8 - Hachi (hah-chee) 9 - Kyū (kyooo) or Ku (koo) 10 - Jū (jooo)

  • #19: Numbers & Counting In Japanese - (Course Introduction)

    26/09/2017 Duration: 01min

    Learning how to count and understand numbers in any language is extremely important. Anytime you need to tell the time, count, make reservations, and take measurements and so on, you will need to have this basic knowledge. Its almost impossible to go through a day without using any numbers at all. Within this course you will master how to count in Japanese. This course eases you into first counting from 0 - 10. Then expands beyond this step by step until you are counting all the way up into the hundred millions!   Overview Of What This Course Covers Counting from 0-10 in Japanese. Counting 10’s & 100’s in Japanese. Counting 1000’s & 10,000’s in Japanese. Counting from 100,000 to 900,000,000 in Japanese. Review and Practice.

  • #18: 10 Ways To NOT Speak Japanese (Casual Chat)

    21/09/2017 Duration: 38min

    Although we always wish to learn more on how to speak Japanese, its also important to understand how NOT to speak the language as well. In this episode you will hear examples of some improper uses of specific Japanese phrases. To top it all off you will hear examples of a few bad words . . . Don't worry they are not terrible words!   This episodes random word is: Mukatsuku - to be irritated.

  • #17: 10 Common Japanese Phrases (Casual Chat)

    13/09/2017 Duration: 46min

    In this Episode, sit down with Kyle & Chisa as they casually discuss 10 common phrases in the Japanese language. These terms and phrases you will hear very often while listening to the Japanese language... So its best to get familiar with them as soon as possible! Terms Covered Yatta! (yaht-tah!) - I did it! Hontō? (hohn-tohh?) - Really? Sasuga! (sah-soo-gah!) - I'm impressed by you, as usual! Mochiron! (moh-chee-rohn!) - Of course! Ā, Yokatta. (ahh, yoh-kaht-tah) - Oh, good. Zenzen. (zehn-zehn) - Not at all. Nani? (nah-nee) - What? Dōshiyō? (dohh-shee-yohh?) - What shall I do? Yappari (yahp-pah-ree) - I knew it would happen. Ā, Bikkurishita! (ahh, beek-koo-ree-shee-tah!) - What a surprise! Oishii (oh-ee-sheee) - Its tasty. Thanks for listening and please Subscribe, Review or Comment if you enjoy and finding this podcast helpful. This Episodes Random Word Is, Zenzen: Not at all.

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