
#28: Excuse Me, What Time Is It? (Film Breakdown)



Learn how to ask "What Time It is?" in Japanese with this detailed breakdown of the short film on the Jappon Youtube Channel. This short film was created to give you an entertaining way to see practical uses of the Japanese language in real world scenario's. Terms covered in this film and breakdown... Hello On The Telephone - Moshi Moshi. (moh-shee, moh-shee) Where are you? - Ima Doko Desuka? (ee-mah-doh-koh-desu-kah) Sorry or Excuse me - Sumimasen. (soo-mee-mah-sehn) I will be on my way - Ima Mukah imasu (ee-mah-moo-kah-ee-mah-soo) Excuse, me what time is it? - Sumimasen, Ima Nan Ji desuka? (soo-me-mah-sehn, ee-mah-nahn-jee-deh-soo-ka?) I don’t understand English. - Eigo Ga Wakarimasen! (eh-goh-gah-wah-kah-ree-mah-sehn) Ahhh, its already 1-o-clock! - Ahh Mou ichi ji desu! (ahh-moh-oo-ee-chee-jee-deh-soo) Thank you. - Arigatou gozaimas (ah-ree-gah-toe-oo-goh-zah-ee-mah-soo) It’s no problem. - Iie, Doh Itashi Mashite (eee-eh-doh-ee-tah-shee-mah-shee-teh) Let's go. - Ikimasho (i-kee-mah-show) Ahh, I'm so glad!