Super easy, fun, and creative way to learn the Japanese language and all about the culture.
#16: Excuse Me, Where Is The Bus Stop? (Film Breakdown)
05/09/2017 Duration: 25minLearn how to ask for directions in Japanese with this word for word breakdown of the short film on the Jappon Youtube Channel. This short film was created to give you an entertaining film to see practical uses of the Japanese language in a real world scenario. Terms covered in this film and breakdown... Excuse me, where is the bus stop?: Sumimasen, Basu-Tei Wa Doko Desu Ka? The Bus stop is over there. Just a 2 minute walk: Basu-Tei Wa, Asoko Des. Aruitay Ni Pun des Oh Really?: Soh, Desuka? Yes, Walk 3 blocks straight down and turn right. You will see the bus stop on your left: Hai, Mittsumeno kado wo migi ni magattekudasai. Soushitara, hidarigawa ni basutei ga miemasuyo! Thank you!: Arigatou Gozaimas No Problem: Iee, Doh Itashi Mashitay If you have not yet seen this fun short film I highly recommend you check it out online on the Jappon Youtube channel. If you have not seen the film you can still greatly benefit from this episode of the podcast and listen to the lines from the actual film. Video Link: https:/
#15: Numbers & Counting In Japanese (Casual Chat)
29/08/2017 Duration: 38minIn this Episode Kyle and Chisa casually discuss numbers and counting in the Japanese language. A few concepts we get into listed below. Counting from 0-10 and Beyond! Different ways of saying 4,7,9 in Japanese. The dark side of the number 4. What are counters in Japanese and how do they work? Groupings. For more information on Numbers & Counting in Japanese please check out the Numbers & Counting course on the Jappon Podcast. Thanks for listening and please Subscribe, Review or Comment if you are enjoying and finding this podcast helpful. This Episodes Random Word Is, Benkyō: Study.
#14: Japanese Greetings - Audio Journey
21/08/2017 Duration: 06minCongratulations! You have successfully made it through the entire “How To Greet In Japanese Course.” This Audio Journey will put all the knowledge you have acquired to the ultimate test. Do you think you have what it takes to speak your way through the following scenarios with ease? Saying good morning to your family in Japanese? Properly saying Farewell when leaving your house for the day? Greeting your friends, colleagues, and professor? Introducing yourself and making a new friend in the streets of Japan? If this all sounds easy to you I hope you are prepared for the formalities you are required to speak in. You may even possibly get another scenario in there as a bonus. I wish you the best of luck! If you find this challenging I recommend you go back and listen to the review tracks provided throughout the course, come back and try again!
#13: Japanese Greetings - Goodbye In Japanese (Review)
19/08/2017 Duration: 04minPractice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Goodbye In Japanese." All of the information from class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.
#12: Japanese Greetings - Goodbye In Japanese
08/08/2017 Duration: 09minIn this class we will cover everything you need to know about saying goodbye in Japanese. By the end of this class you will have the knowledge to say a proper farewell in a variety of situations. We will also cover different ways of saying goodbye depending on the formality required.
#11: Japanese Greetings - Hello In Japanese (Review)
04/08/2017 Duration: 02minPractice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Hello In Japanese." All of the information from class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.
#10: Japanese Greetings - Hello In Japanese
27/07/2017 Duration: 07minIn this class we will cover everything you need to know about saying hello in Japanese. By the end of this class you will have the knowledge to greet anyone, at anytime by saying hello. Some example situations listed below. . . Saying hello in Japanese in the morning. Saying hello in Japanese in the afternoon. Saying hello in Japanese in the evening. Saying goodnight in Japanese. Saying goodmorning in Japanese. You may even get some more bonus ways to greet… Hit play to find out!
#9: Japanese Greetings - Exchanging Names In Japanese (Review)
19/07/2017 Duration: 07minPractice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Exchanging Names In Japanese." All of the information from class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.
#8: Japanese Greetings - Exchanging Names In Japanese
11/07/2017 Duration: 12minIn this class you will learn all about exchanging names in Japanese. Most importantly, why you should NEVER ask for someone’s name in Japanese… Hmmm, how can we figure out one’s name if we cannot ask them? This great secret will be revealed in this episode.
#7: Japanese Greetings - Name Calling, The Polite Way (Review)
05/07/2017 Duration: 03minPractice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Name Calling, The Polite Way" All of the information from class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.
#6: Japanese Greetings - Name Calling, The Polite Way
01/07/2017 Duration: 10minIn this class we will cover how to Call Others By Name using the correct name ending... Wait what? Not sure what a Name Ending is... ? No problem! You will learn that part first in this episode. By the end of this class you will have the knowledge to address anyone you encounter by their name using proper manner. I promise you the terms you see below you will be able to recognize and understand. Pretty cool hey!? Chan, Kun, San, Sama, Sensei. . .
#5: Japanese Greetings - Nice To Meet You (Review)
27/06/2017 Duration: 13minPractice and review all of the terms from the previous class "Introducing yourself in Japanese." All of the information from class has been condensed into this track to refresh your memory and provide you a method to get fast and efficient practice.
#4: Japanese Greetings - Nice To Meet You (Course)
22/06/2017 Duration: 09minIn this class we will cover how to Introduce yourself in Japanese for the very first time! By the end of this class you will have the knowledge to introduce yourself to strangers and even have the ability to respond to others greeting you.
#3: Japanese Greetings - Introduction (Course)
22/06/2017 Duration: 01minGet introduced to various methods of Greeting in Japanese in this course. Listed below is an overview of what you will learn in the following lessons. Common ways to introduce yourself in Japanese and how to respond. How to address others by name with the proper name endings & manner. How to say Hello in Japanese any time of the day. How to say Goodbye in Japanese in numerous situations. Once you work your way through each lesson make sure to practice in the review track following each lesson. Then when your ready prepare yourself for a fun and challenging "Audio Adventure" as a final test. Good Luck!
#2: A Formal Introduction
19/06/2017 Duration: 03minAfraid of coming across as rude while beginning to speak Japanese? This episode will give you the basics in manner and what to keep in mind before you start communicating to others. More ways to access Jappon below... iTunes: Jappon Google Play: Jappon Twitter:
#1: What Is The Jappon Podcast? (Introduction)
18/06/2017 Duration: 02minFind out all the fun ways you will be learning the Japanese language and culture in this introduction to the podcast.