
#30: Intro To Telling Time In Japanese



Master the basics of telling time in Japanese. Including key phrases, grammar structure and even a few bonus terms. Don't miss this foundation building episode to master the clock! Terms Included in Episode The correct way to count from 1-12 in the form of time.  Time (O'Clock) - Ji (Jeee) 1:00 - ichiji 2:00 - niji 3:00 - sanji 4:00 - yoji 5:00 - goji 6:00 - rokuji 7:00 - shichiji 8:00 - hachiji 9:00 - kuji 10:00 - juuji 11:00 - juuichiji 12:00 - juuniji AM - Gozen (goh-zehn) PM - Gogo (goh-goh) Half Past - Han (hahn) Yesterday - Kinō (kee-noh) Today - Kyō (kee-yoh) Tomorrow - Ashita (ah-shee-tah) This Episodes Random Phrase is... Ano, Sumimasen: Expressing you need help with something specific.