
#43: Human Body In Japanese



Learn the vocabulary for all the common body parts in Japanese! Body Parts Kao (kah-oh) - Face Kami (kah-mee) Hair Atama (ah-tah-mah) Head Mimi (meemee) Ear Me (meh) Eye Hana (hah-nah) Nose Kuchi (koo-chee) Mouth Kuchibiru (koo-chee-bee-roo) Lips Karada (kah-rah-dah) Body Kubi (koo-bee) Neck Nodo (noh-doh) Throat Kata (kah-tah) Shoulder Ude (oo-deh) Arm Yubi (yoo-bee) Finger Mune (moo-neh) Breast / Chest Onaka (oh-nah-kah) Stomach Koshi (koh-shee) Waist / Hips Hiza (hee-zah) Knee Ashi (ah-shee) Foot / Leg Ashikubi (ah-shee-koo-bee) Ankle Tsumasaki (tsoo-mah-sah-kee) Toe / TipToe Oshiri (oh-shee-ri) Buttocks Hada (ha-da) Skin Random Phrase of the Episode... Abunai: Dangerous