
#45: Useful Daily Japanese Phrases



In this episode I will share some common useful Japanese phrases that will help you through various situation in Daily life. Examples Where is the (OBJECT) - (OBJECT) wa Doko Desu ka? How Much Does This Cost? Kore Wa Ikura Desu ka? What Is This? Kore Wa Nan Desu ka? Do You Need Help? Tetsudai Mashou ka? Are You OK? Dijobe Desu ka? What Are Your Plans Today? Kyo Wa Nani Wo Shimasu ka? Phrase To Always Say Before You Eat! itadakimasu Phrase To Always Say After You Eat! Gochisosama Deshita Word of the Episode. Aruite Imasu (ah-roo-ee-teh) Meaning To Walk.