
#46: Expressing How You Feel In Japanese



Feeling happy, sad, sick or well any other basic feeling? Want to express this to others in Japanese? If so this episode is for you! Learn the basics of expressing how you feel within this episode!  Examples Happy - Ureshiidesu Excited - Tanoshimidesu Sad - Kanashīdesu   Frustrated - Iraira Shite Imasu Tired - Tsukaremashita Hungry - Onaka ga Sukimashita Full - Onaka ga Ippaidesu Stomach ache - Onaka ga Itai Desu Headache - Atama ga Itai Desu Nauseous - Kimochi ga Waruidesu Word of the Episode. Umi (ooh-mee) Ocean Mizūmi (mee-zoo-mee) Lake