
#42: All The Colours in Japanese!



Learn how to say all the main colours in Japanese. Once we discuss all the colours and how to say them, we will use them in a phrase for practice.                                                                                  Colours Aka (ah-kah) - Red Ao (ah-oh) - Blue Chairo (chah-ee-roh) - Brown Kiiro (kee-roh) - Yellow Kuro (koo-roh) - Black Midori (mee-doh-ree) - Green Murasaki (moo-rah-sah-kee) - Purple Orenji (oh-rehn-jee) - Orange Pink (peen-koo) - Pink Shiro (shee-roh) - White Using colours in a phrase example... Aka No Wah Arimasu ka? - Do You Have a Red One?                        (Colour) No Wah Arimasu ka? - Do You Have a (Colour) One?    Random Phrase of the Episode... Fugu: Blowfish (Dangerous or Delicious?)