Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.
UFOs In Our Skies ~ Where are They & How Many Are There? with guest Cheryl Costa
15/03/2018 Duration: 01h20minUFOs in Our Skies ~ Where are they? How many are there? Ignored by the Main Stream Media, researcher and statistician Cheryl Costa recently interviewed by the NY Times gives us the REAL scoop on the enormous numbers and where these UFOs are being seen. Where is your state in the list? Tune in to hear from UFO statistician & "Researcher of the Year," Cheryl Costa. Cheryl is a two-service military veteran, a retired aerospace security engineer and a published playwright. She has had a lifelong interest in UFOs. From 1998-2001 she hosted “The X Factor” talk radio program in Washington, DC, covering UFOs and many other paranormal topics. In 2013 she began writing NEW YORK SKIES a weekly newspaper blog for In the column she shares lively accounts of New York State UFO sightings. Don't miss this one!
Physical Mediumship: Rare Communication from the other side w/ guest Kai Muegge
08/03/2018 Duration: 01h20minPhysical Mediumship is VERY rare and most of the physical mediums come from Europe. Physical mediumship is a form of phenomena where external spirit entities manipulate the energies and substances of a medium, to form physical manifestations such as spirit bodies that in human form or voice boxes where a spirit can speak directly from their world to ours. The spirit communicators provide an interface of communication between our world on earth and their worlds known as spirit world. Other physical phenomena that can be produced are physical smells, hot or cold drafts, levitation, apportation of objects from mid air, transfiguration, spirit lights, raps or knocks, direct voice communication, and physical apparitions. ?Kai Muegge is one of the founding members of the ASSMPI and is also a research medium dedicated to Physical Mediumship and applied Science. Kai is a certified physical medium who demonstrates physical phenomena and has been one of the most scientifically tested physical mediums to date.
Dark Woods - Hauntings & Creatures in Freetown Forest with guest Chris Balzano
04/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minJoin Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker & co-host PK to hear their Paranormal Investigator Christopher Balzano explain why Massachusetts has been a hotbed of supernatural creatures like the Pukwudgies. Throughout its history, Freetown, Massachusetts has been a hotbed of supernatural occurrences. Native American ghosts roam here and evil lurks making the forest a haven for nasty creatures like the Pukwudgies and something similar to Bigfoot. Hear why the hauntings and paranormal events continue to this day. Although some come to enjoy the beauty of this forest, others can’t ever leave.
Psychedelic Marine - Alex Seymour Journeys to the Amazon for Healing
04/03/2018 Duration: 01h32minTune in to Supernatural Girlz this Wednesday night to hear our guest, ALEX SEYMOUR. After returning from a tour of duty during the war in Afghanistan, Alex Seymour needed a way to cope with the extremes he experienced as a member of the Royal Marine Commandos, losing 7 men in his unit, and having his best friend critically injured by a Taliban bomb. Drawing upon his pre-deployment experiences with DMT and psilocybin mushrooms, Alex knew that entheogens could help him release his fears and traumas. But he also knew that simply taking psychedelics wasn’t enough--he needed ceremony, something sacred to draw meaning from his experiences, to help him reassess not only the war and his role in it, but his entire life. So he set out for the Amazon in search of the hallucinogenic brew known as ayahuasca and a shaman to guide him. The result is a crazy adventure where he journeys deep into the jungle and himself.
Shamanism for the Modern World with Leading Shamanic Teacher Itzhak Beery
02/03/2018 Duration: 01h20min"As foreseen by the ancient Andes prophecy, a new Pachacuti–A 500 year period of time/space correction–has begun. The Condor of the South and the Eagle of the North are fated to fly together in a dance of peace and harmony. We are in that time of profound shift of conscious, the return of the feminine energies to our distraught society. I am privileged to sharemy indigenous teachers Condor Medicine with the sons and daughters of the Eagle. – Shungo (Quechua - From my heart to your heart)" – Itzhak Itzhak Beery is a leading shamanic teacher, healer, speaker, community activist and author of three bestselling books. For over 22 years, he has bridged the spiritual and practical wisdom his indigenous teachers entrusted in him with a powerful contemporary approach relevant to our stressful and unbalanced modern times. Itzhak is on faculty at the Kripalu Center, NY Open Center, The Shift Network, Faiths Seminary International and is a staff teacher at the Omega Institute where he was an Hermitage Program hono
The Real X-Files with Former FBI Investigator John DeSouza
28/02/2018 Duration: 01h33minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio as we hear from JOHN DESOUZA, a former FBI Special Agent investigator for over 20 years and collector of the real life "X-Files." These are true life tales of supernaturally gifted investigators. Today, he is revealing these stories as a leading researcher and writer on the paranormal. The truth is no longer out there--it's already here. He will also be sharing information for his NEW book, The Extra-Dimensionals - True ET stories. The truth of Para-Investigation revealed itself to the author through his own paranormal experiences and those of innumerable others across many professional fields. The author lives in the great Southwestern United States and devotes himself to his companies and to The Age of Mass Awakening (TAMA) series.
StarDust Ranch – An Epic Alien Battle
27/02/2018 Duration: 01h30minHear the amazing story of John Edmonds’ fight to save himself, his wife and his rescued animals from invading extraterrestrials on the Stardust Ranch. When John and his bride, Joyce exhaust their savings to escape to the Arizona desert from the Midwest, they only know that StarDust Ranch is the perfect place to start a family and for John to recover from the rare genetic illness that has plagued him. It seems a serene way of life to the couple, and they soon offer refuge to a host of abandoned animals that include dogs, horses, and birds. Little did they know that the aliens had already laid claim to their dream property. The aliens come at them in the night, leaving behind iron hot brandings, with unpleasant memories of abductions and physical violations. They are not of this world and they don’t plan on leaving.
Alien Hunter & Former CIA Operative Derrel Sims - The Truth on Alien Abductions
26/02/2018 Duration: 01h28minJoin us as we hear from one of the world’s leading expert on alien abductions known as the Alien Hunter, Derrel Sims. His 38+ years of field research has focused on physical evidence, and led to his groundbreaking discoveries of alien implants and alien fluorescence. As a former military police officer and CIA operative, Sims has a unique insight to the alien organization which he believes functions similarly to an intelligence agency.
Karma, Dharma & Luck – How to Change Your Destiny with expert Simon Chokoisky
25/02/2018 Duration: 01h29minKarma, Dharma & Luck – How to Change Your Destiny Why are some people seemingly LUCKIER than others? Is there a proven way to increase your chances of winning and creating your dreams? Can you change your LUCK for the better? And what about Karma? Can you change that and wipe the slate clean? Simon tells all on SG Radio! Simon Chokoisky teaches Sanskrit and Medical Jyotisha at the renowned Ayurvedic Institute in New Mexico. He is known for making difficult concepts easy to understand, and simple concepts profound. His Decoding Your Life Map With Vedic Astrology and Sanskrit Without Stress DVDs have been hailed as user-friendly and insightful by students at every level. He is also the author of Transcending the Gunas- a DVD and book on Ayurvedic Psychology. Simon has written for Namarupa, and is a regular contributor to Ayurveda Today, as well as writing the Philosophy section in UK’s Yoga Magazine. Along with his full-time duties at the Ayurvedic Institute, Simon also travels giving seminars.
The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World believe in UFOs
25/02/2018 Duration: 01h18minJoin Supernatural Girlz for another NEW show with author Mark O’Connell as he brings us into the world of J. Allen Hynek. After years of debunking UFOs Hynek made a shocking statement: UFOs are real. Thirty years after his death, Hynek’s transformation from skeptic to true believer remains one of the great misunderstood stories of science. Author Mark O’Connell reveals how Hynek’s work as a celebrated astronomer and as the Air Force’s go-to UFO expert for 20 years stretched the boundaries of modern science, laid the groundwork for the possibility of UFOs and was the basis of the film, Close Encounters of the Third Kind. ?
Charlie Red Star: Canada’s Most Incredible UFO Flap
25/02/2018 Duration: 01h17minGrant Cameron recounts the incredible story of Canada’s two-year nightly viewings of an unidentified object known as Charlie Red Star.A wave of UFO sightings struck southern Manitoba in 1975, with possible connections to U.S. missile defense operations. In 1975, Manitobans reported UFOs over their province almost nightly. The string of unprecedented sightings launched the biggest UFO craze in Canadian history. With sightings for well over a year, one object seen again and again became known as Charlie Red Star. Grant Cameron was there. He witnessed Charlie Red Star many times, and led tours for others to see for themselves. He also caught wind of rumours of nuclear testing south of the Canada - U.S. border, which might have been the cause of the unexplained phenomena that was sighted in the upper atmosphere. This is the story revealed by eyewitnesses, photographers, and reporters chasing down the truth behind these still-unexplained encounters with UFOs.
Unlocking the Mystery of Lyme & Autoimmune Disease with expert Robert Abatiello
23/02/2018 Duration: 01h21minUnlocking the Mystery of Lyme & Autoimmune Disease Cases of Lyme and autoimmune diseases are rising exponentially in the U.S. and turning deadlier than ever. Traditional antibiotics appear to be ineffective for many, so what are the best treatments that will offer relief? Tonight we hear the latest from natural health expert Robert Abbatiello, a licensed acupuncturist trained in herbalism, naturopathy, homeopathy and nutrition. Robert brings a wealth of knowledge, experience and training to the natural healing arts. He began his training in 1973 with the study of meditation. Robert learned the power of this ancient healing art when he had a powerful transforming healing experience. After that, he began a decade of extensive travel and studies with numerous Spiritual Teachers & Healers from around the world.
UFOs, Bigfoot & Cryptids! Strange Creatures with guest Stan Gordon
22/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minStan Gordon was trained as an electronics technician who specialized in radio communications and has lived in Greensburg, Pennsylvania all of his life. His interest in the UFOs and other strange incidents began at the age of ten in 1959. In the late 1960’s, he acted as the telephone UFO sighting report investigations coordinator for the UFO Research Institute of Pittsburgh. Stan began in the field investigations of UFOs and other mysterious events in 1965, and is the primary investigator of the December 9,1965, UFO crash-recovery incident that occurred near Kecksburg, Pennsylvania. In 1969, Gordon established a UFO Hot-line for the public to report UFO sightings to him to investigate. In 1970, Gordon founded the Westmoreland County UFO Study Group (WCUFOSG), the first of three volunteer research groups which he would establish to investigate UFO sightings and other strange occurrences reported in Pennsylvania. Since November, 1993, he continues to investigate and document strange incidents from across the
The Ghost Studies with Guest Brandon Massullo
22/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minWhat causes ghostly experiences? Why do certain people report numerous ghostly encounters and others none? For centuries these questions have intrigued, puzzled and bedeviled science, skeptics and believers. Based on cutting edge research author Brandon Massullo provides the latest insight to one of life's greatest mysteries. Brandon is a clinical therapist and parapsychologist. He has been fascinated with the paranormal for over 20 years. His research is cited in numerous parapsychological journals, articles and mainstream books.
How to Get to Heaven Without Really Dying with guest Robert Kopecky
22/02/2018 Duration: 01h19minMost people want to go to Heaven, and it seems that a few of us, including Robert Kopecky, have briefly visited there already. There’s no qualification for claiming knowledge of the afterlife equivalent to surviving what’s commonly called a Near Death Experience, (NDE) - just the experience itself. Over the course of fifteen years Robert survived three NDEs and is with us tonight to share the wisdom he learned from crossing over. Born and raised on the outskirts of San Diego, California, Robert survived a traumatic childhood, traveled extensively, and lived a variety of lives as a ski bum, a factory welder, a monumental sculpture fabricator, an underground cartoonist; and finally as an award-winning illustrator, art director, and animation designer for The New York Times, Sports Illustrated, and PBS Kids.
The Andreasson Affair Continues with guests Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca
20/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio for a ground-breaking show with Betty Andreasson Luca and Bob Luca. This is their FIRST interview about their personal lives and experiences with the UFO phenomena all documented in their NEW book, A Lifting of the Veil. Their highly documented UFO abduction case, The Andreasson Affair, was a NY Times Bestseller in 1980. Now Betty and Bob have a new book available that tells their continuing story - Government harassment, paranormal experiences with ETs, black unmarked helicopters and even the infamous Men in Black. A Lifting of the Veil tells the rest of this very personal and harrowing story bringing us up to the present day. What was it in this couples' lives that made them the target of decades of government surveillance? Don't miss this show!!!
Doctors Touched by the Divine with guest Dr. Scott Kolbaba
19/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minTune in to Supernatural Girlz Radio for another NEW show with Scott J. Kolbaba, MD, the author of Physicians' Untold Stories. A doctor receives a final salute from a dead veteran. A physician wakes up with an unmistakable intuition about his patient's mysterious malady. A hiker has an unexplained experience at death's door. These and other stories will push you to believe in the awesome and miraculous circumstances in everyday life. ?Stories told by doctors, men and women of science touched by a divine moment. ?Scott Kolbaba, MD is a physician in Wheaton, Illinois and completed his residency at the Mayo Clinic.
Conversations with Spirits and ETs via a Real GHOST BOX with Guest Chris Moon
18/02/2018 Duration: 01h20minChris Moon shares the extraordinary spiritual contacts he’s made with the box during investigations of famous haunted locations; such as; the Sallie House and the Lizzie Borden House. Chris is the only one with this type of Ghost Box, which has been extremely successful in allowing not just messages from the other side, but CONVERSATIONS as well. Chris is a renowned physical and electronic psychic medium, paranormal researcher, educator, and speaker.
Where Two or More Are Gathered ~ A Supernatural Girlz Prayer Circle
17/02/2018 Duration: 01h18minWhere two or more are gathered anything is possible. Join us for an exceptional non-denominational prayer circle. Patricia Kirkman, Psychic/Medium George Lugo and Clairvoyant Patricia Baker will offer powerful prayers from the SOURCE for our listeners. PK will offer numerological insight for each person requesting a prayer, and George Lugo will offer his insights from the other side. Get ready for an exciting 90 minutes of Spirit connection that will be sent worldwide.
Shapeshifters: Morphing Monsters with guest Nick Redfern
17/02/2018 Duration: 01h19minWhile most think of Shapeshifters as little more than the werewolves and vampires of mythology, the truth is much more fascinating...and dangerous. According to our guest, Nick Redfern, Shapeshifters are real, they come in all shapes and sizes and they have existed for countless millennia. Tune in tonight and meet them...if you dare! Nick Redfern is the author of more than 30 books on UFOs, Bigfoot and cryptozoology. He has appeared on over 70 TV shows, including SyFy's Proof Positive, and the HISTORY Channel's Ancient Aliens While most think of Shapeshifters as little more than the werewolves and vampires of mythology, the truth is much more fascinating...and dangerous. According to our guest, Nick Redfern, Shapeshifters are real, they come in all shapes and sizes and they have existed for countless millennia. Tune in tonight and meet them...if you dare! Nick Redfern is the author of more than 30 books on UFOs, Bigfoot and cryptozoology. He has appeared on over 70 TV shows, including SyFy's Proof Po